
Chapter 3 Finding the locked

I decided that was the last straw for me.I decided I never wanted to dream anymore I did not tell my parents or anyone closed to me as who will believe me.A ordinary girl have the power to dream about the future or to be precise people emotion.Who will believe me?

Of course to eliminated the ability to dream is near to impossible everyone have to dream is a important mechanism in life.I decided to eliminate this important mechanism in my life I felt it was useless and at the same time painful, so painful….

I devised a plan I search for the internet,books and various kind of analogy of how to at least minimise the chances of getting in dreamland.I felt like I was finding a solution not to find the key and avoid all possible chances of getting it to the world for others it may be a dreamland but for me is a forbidden land.

And in just two months of time I felt the best solution it was to sleep less.Tired up myself. It was a simple solution yet so hard to control.I can only sleep for at least four hours more then that and I am getting the risk of getting in my that forbidden land that I want to avid so much.I decided to sleep at about 1.30am and wake up at 5pm for school and if its on the weekdays I sleep at 4am and wake up at 8 am to avoid any suspicions.

When I tried this for the first time I felt so ecstatic my body was tired yet my mind was fresh like a heavy burden just lifted up from me.I felt like everything was better and finally I do not have to dream again.Of course this come with some side effect like lack of concentration during class,lack of motivation and physical depletion .I do not care, the addition of the feeling of not to dream anymore was so important and reliefs that I it win over the side effect of not having enough sleep.

That how I go about my life.I tried to be an ordinary girl act ordinary. Although, my grades were slipping I don't care my mom and dad thought that I was lazy and irresponsible but who cares.I was irresponsible I guess looking back but at that time I was naive and thought that the only solution to lock myself away from the land was not to sleep.

Of course I would not lock it completely.I still take nap once in a while during classes since I was so tired but because my mind was exhausted I felt like there was a forcefield blocking my ways of entering the dreamland completely,which I liked.

I was 17 at that time that I completely locked away my dream but it only took me 6 months at that time to open up the forbidden land again…..