
Chapter 2 Meaning of the dream

I woke up confused I don't even know what I was thinking.Daze it can be I ignore it.I was doing my daily stuff when I heard a ring,I picked up the phone and it was the most devastating news in my life…..

My grandfather pass away my mom was already there at my home town while my father,my sister and me was 3 hours way in the city. Of course we rush back home a million of thought and whirlpool came through my head.Why I did not know the sign ? Is the man shouting for help is my grandfather ? I should have known as tears came through my eyes.

When I reached back my home I was livid to find out that my Mom and grandmother decided to pull out my grandfather life support. Why didn't they consult me.Shouldn't I at least know of have a saying? I was the eldest grandchild in the family shouldn't I at least have a saying.Was it because I was a girl as our family are more to boys ? I did not even given a chance of saying in my grandfather memorial.

I felt so guilty.Was the dream telling me something ? Does my grandfather still want to live? Was he calling for help as he was desperate of living and my grandmother and mom rob away his only chance of live.I couldn't sleep for days my mind was literally blank. I should have know he want me to help him I was his only hope and I failed him.

What use of this stupid power or dream if I cannot help anyone what use of it that I have to undergo the pains of others knowing their deepest darkest desired when I could not even help them or frack to them i have enough.

(Ps: For the short chapter I felt like the next part is better in a new chapter hope you enjoy the story )