
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Diner time

Love is something complex and beautiful at the same time. We all deserve it and are entitled to its benefits and harms too. On the other hand, to love and be loved, you must know how to love yourself; It is the basis of love; well-ordered love starts with yourself. That's what they say, after all.

Value yourself and take care of yourself, whether physically or mentally. You must know how to give yourself interest, attention, and time. If you don't like yourself enough, who can have any interest in you?

It's good to know what you want and give yourself the benefit of the doubt on your choices. There is no need to wait for your prince charming or your Cinderella to push you to understand how important, handsome, and beautiful you are.

We must know all of these things because the only person who can highlight us without a shade of hypocrisy is ourselves, and this side attracts people to admire us and look at us differently. That's what makes us charming and exciting.

That's the case for Ewen. Despite the difficulties he faces with his father, who hates his feminine figure, or whatever makes him who he is, he remains and continues to give much more attention to himself.

He always has excellent self-esteem, and he always loves who he is. Despite his differences and the messages of hate his childhood friend's sisters sent him, he remained the one he is; he was too proud of himself to let people who weren't worth it steal his happiness.

But that did not prevent their behavior towards him from affecting him on specific points. This is so since human is not devoid of feelings.

So he continues to make them hate him even more by paying more attention to himself by showcasing his assets. After quitting dancing, it was his choice because he knew that despite what he could have done, his father would always find him weak and unworthy to be his son.

He just wanted to save his mother from being troubled and under pressure because of him. He wanted his mother to be more relaxed and fulfilled.

He plays the game with his father. If he talks to him, he talks back to him, and if the latter ignores him, he does the same.

"If I don't deserve his attention," he said, he doesn't deserve mine either." He had his mother and Zack protect him, and he wanted it to stop. He wanted to be able to defend himself and face everything on his own.

So he cultivated tolerance and mastered the art of ignoring things that didn't suit his way of life.

He no longer seeks his father's love at all. He gives back what he receives, and because of the difficulties Ewen may have faced in his childhood today, he knows how to tell the difference between someone who loves him and someone who wants to abuse his patience and kindness.

He has a big heart for sure, but don't try to abuse it, don't pull too much on the rope.

He and Aim have been living on cloud nine for a few days. After the misunderstanding with his hair, they have given themselves time to learn from each other. They have each suffered traumas that make them fragile, making them even closer to each other every day.

Some people are afraid to face their past, especially when it is littered with all kinds of problems and cruelties. The memories are sometimes so vivid and burning that they feel like they are reliving the same events repeatedly.

As a result, some try to forget by any means, and others reproduce the same patterns. At the same time, there is another group that learns from this past to make it their strength.

It's those two, in a way, you could say. Aim learns to share the things he holds inside with his boyfriend, which he has always avoided talking about or mentioning. And Ewen tells him about his insecurity about certain situations and all the difficulties he had to face with his father, his friends, and others.

Aim not only learns to understand Ewen but also to know the nature of his feelings more and more for his Kenan, the person he is, and his courage and stubbornness. "He's a real badass," he told himself, examining Ewen from head to toe.

This is how he discovers how beautiful, charming, and caressing Ewen is. He hardly uses a masculine adjective to refer to him, sometimes, it's just to annoy him, but in the end, he finds that it's better to describe him with tender words, words that people use to talk about a girl.

He says that's how others will truly understand how beautiful, sweet, gorgeous, and fabulous he is.

He says it makes him even more awesome. This makes him even more delectable and gives a superior and different connotation to femininity.

He even made it a point to research the women Ken's father compared him to. He thinks Wen's father underestimated his beauty, but on the other hand, he chose the best beauty icons he knew of his time. "But no one can match the beauty and grace of my Ken," he told himself.

After dinner with his friends, he revealed who he was lest they learn from the press and make up their minds about why he didn't tell them who he was. He learns these things can hurt others, and again because sooner or later, the news will eventually come out.

These four dumb friends of his couldn't believe it. Ethan knew he was rich, but he didn't expect him to be the wealthiest man on the planet. They made a racket with the news, asking him questions a tad stupid for boys their age; they were excited like puppies.

Quincy would have never liked to attend this meeting, he does not know what exactly he did to deserve such idiots in his surrounding, but he was happy to be able to talk to them and see their reactions.

They have not changed their attitude. On the contrary, they have become more unreasonable than ever. Jade is the one who started the nonsense. You already knew how stupid he could be. He has never faced such a level of absurdity.

For a moment of silence, as Aim dropped the bomb in front of his friends, he wondered if he had made the right decision. Will they still be his friends after this?

After all, he is the youngest among them, and he is the one carrying around the capital of a colossal sum. But after what seemed like an eternity, a chuckle arose in the large dining room where they were gathered.

He didn't wait for them to finish eating to tell them. He preferred to end it all once and for all, impatiently awaiting their reactions.

"Oh! I told you, I have good sense and an eye for finding rare objects and people of great value, and here is the answer in front of your eyes, you bunch of morons from today, you have to call me Master."

"I knew you were good and that you carried a high intelligence quotient, but I didn't expect that at all; you rock, man."

He regains his seriousness a bit for a short moment before asking a question that he finds tricky for once.

"So if you're the heir to the Kenbes Empire, you're the newspaper boy?" he said with a small voice that they did not recognize him. He got up from his chair, but Ethan grabbed his hand to prevent him from going to do what he was thinking. Hug Aim.

"You must forget that," said Ethan. "Sit down. Mon Vieux."

They all burst out laughing, seeing how Ethan tries to put a brake on their friend's fiery outbursts, the tension that once filled the room has dissipated, and they resume their usual pace.

They keep asking questions, and Jade keeps bragging about his common sense. At the same time, Hansley and Hart say almost nothing.

A little preoccupied, these two throw glances filled with innuendo. Ethan knows what they must be thinking, but he says nothing to remove the doubt that inhabits them. He glanced knowingly at Aim, who immediately understood the situation.

He is really making progress; maybe he was too frustrated and compressed to let himself be approached, which prevented him from living like the others.

"I have one last thing to show you," he said, breaking the joyful atmosphere that reigned despite the somewhat scowl that Hart and Hansley displayed. He looked up at one of the many built-in cameras, invisible to others, that litter the walls of his home and smiled.

Because he knew that someone who refused to steal his show had still stayed up there waiting for him despite their slight annoyance of the day and was following him. He knew he was looking at him because his heart was telling him.

Ewen declined his invitation to accompany him to dinner. For a moment, he asked him if it was because he had been fooling around this morning, but Ewen explained that it was something he had to do alone since they were his friends.

They called his mother together. Aim promised Ewen's mother that he would take him home after dinner. He did, but only on the condition that Ewen stay with him.

What he doesn't want to do, but given the nature of Kenan's relationship with his father, he has no choice. He doesn't want it to get worse, although he would have liked to have a few words with the latter.

"In fact, began Aim, I always hid my true identity from you, not only the history behind me but also the physical point. Hold on tight, and I don't want to embarrass anyone, okay? He said, trying to place a joke.

"Yes! I was one hundred percent sure of that," Said Ethan. Aim let out a nervous chuckle as he remembered the conversation with Ethan on the rooftop of the campus building.

"Oh well, there's something else after that," Hansley finally asked, suddenly feeling slightly in the mood of acting crazy.

'Uh! Unfortunately, yes," Aim replied, scratching the back of his neck a little embarrassed, a habit he picked up from Ewen.

He has spent so much time in his disguise in their company that he suddenly feels embarrassed to reveal his true self to them.

He glanced quickly at the camera again, he wasn't really planning on telling them, but Ewen advised him against it; "if you opted to tell them the truth, you might as well go all the way."

He wanted to keep this disguise for others and use his authentic self when he is with his boyfriend and date him without anyone being able to identify him. But that would outrage those idiots who all hang on his lips like thirsty camels.

When he woke up earlier, Ewen expressly chose a set of pants and a classic and chic black shirt, with a pair of garnet red leather loafers from influential brands and fashion designers for men.

He wore his shirt as usual half-open on his chest. He rolled up his shirt sleeves until his wrists were free and half his forearm. He wore one of his watches and a gold bracelet. He was somewhat satisfied with his image, and Ewen barely managed to keep eye contact with him without blushing.

As usual, he is breathtaking, the boys were seduced by his appearance when they arrived, and the elegance of their host completely captivated them without giving them time to admire his house.

One should prevail over the other between these masterpieces, and the host wins. They have never seen him dressed other than wearing jogger pants and t-shirts. But they hadn't seen it all yet because he was wearing that famous wig that Nodge and Ewen hate with all their being.

Although Ewen wishes he was the only one who could see him without the wig, he remembers very well how he catches the eye with or without the wig, and it's almost impossible for others not to look at him.

Aim took a small box from the pocket of his pants, which he put on the table, and began by removing his contact lenses, which he placed in the box without looking at them.

With one hand, he removed the wig, which freed his hair that fell over his shoulders and back in a silky cascade as he lifted his head to face four pairs of eyes in awe of what was unfolded before them.

After a good minute without one of them letting a word escape, keeping their breath, Hart's voice broke the silence.

"You guys know what? I gave up, but why?" he was finally able to break his silence. "Why do you have to have that face? It's too much, man," he said, pausing to look at him. 'You're... you're amazing. It's not possible. You have everything for you."

"No, I'm for the idea of ​​saying that you're not human," intervened Hansley. "Now we don't look like anything next to you, even Ethan loses all his exoticism, and we all agree that Ethan is seriously handsome. You don't leave us anything now. I was okay with the fact that you were armored with aces, but I can't handle that."

"Uh, hm... I can't find the words... now it's Ethan who has good taste, Dude. He's the one who fell in love with you even when you were all ugly with that damn wig." Jade turned to Ethan, who, for his part, had his mouth wide open and his eyes moist.

"You must be illegal he finally says!"

"I am," Aim replied, "I am underage, after all." He wasn't quite get what Ethan meant by that, but no one commented on that since he is underage.

"Nope! They shout in chorus, please don't say anything more. Give us time to admire this painting. We are not yet used to seeing you speak while being so much yourself."

But it was not what Ethan was talking about. He knew a long time ago that Aim was underage, but what he didn't think it's that the boy was a damn forbidden fruit, a walking sin at that.

Aim didn't move, didn't say a word. He felt panic rising inside him under the intense gaze of his friends. They looked at it from all angles as if looking for any flaw or something hidden, like a treasure hunt.

He has to get up from the table; otherwise, he risks freaking out. This is the first time that his friends have observed him. This is the first time he has been subjected to a deep inspection by his friends, making him uncomfortable.

They know he's super intelligent, but they've never looked at him like a freak or a forbidden object. That's why he feels comfortable in their company, but right now, he feels that 'they analyze every part of his body, and he can't stand it. He has to get out of there.

"Damn it! Stop looking at him," Ethan intervened, sensing the panic Aim was going through. He touched his hand gently and gazed into Aim's stare with a beautiful smile drawn to his lips that showed his white teeth like a trophy.

"Don't worry about them. They've never seen beauty in person; that's normal."

"Ah, no, it's much more than that," said Hansley, sitting beside Ethan face to face with Hart.

"Illegal, pff, that's nothing!" Said Jade, "you're not human, that's all." I know I'm handsome, and Ethan is gorgeously gorgeous, and those two aren't bad at looking, waving at Hart and Hansley, but you. I can't find how to describe you."

"I think we were all crushed with great care and precaution. With the juice that comes out of the mix, they worked it to perfection and took the same care in distilling it, purifying it of all impurities to create you. They added other flavoring and ingredients to refine and make it more drinkable."

"And you, Ethan, you have a delicious taste, man. We will leave it to you to choose our girlfriends or boyfriends for us because you have been able to see beyond masks and disguises. You know how to recognize a work of art when you see one. I congratulate you."

Ethan blushes shyly. It's far from what he imagined. Of course, he always felt that Aim was much more than what he showed or let them see, but he didn't expect what he had under his gaze.

Quincy is anything but human, he thinks, but he's not the lucky one to have him.

He noticed that he still had his hand resting on Aim. He withdrew it abruptly as if it was burning him. So he thinks it was inappropriate to touch his hand that way.

He stared at his plate for a moment before asking. Suppose he can have something more substantial to drink. He was thirsty, but he wanted to drink something vital: neither water, mimosa, nor wine. Something solid.

For the occasion, the staff of Aim who took care of him was dispensable for the service, and it's not as if he was going to leave Wen alone in his room since he didn't want to come down.

On the other hand, Cody couldn't do the service. He does it for Aim and Wen only because they are his charge. When Ethan asked for a drink, a lady appeared in a plain black and white outfit.

"What would you like to drink, sir?" the lady asked Ethan, who felt scarlet.

"A dry whisky, please," replied the latter, his eyes still riveted on his plate.

His response drew the gazes of the others to him.

"Did you say whiskey?" Jade asked him in a scandalized tone, "are you okay?"

"Yes, Whiskey and dry," retorted Ethan annoyed.

"Dude, I don't know if you remember this fact, but you and booze do two things, and you never walk in unison."

"I know. I just want a drink; it's cold here, and I want to warm up my system."

"Well, if you say so."

The whisky was served to him, which he swallowed in one gulp under the petrified gaze of his friends. Dinner is coming to an end. The points have been discussed, and Aim only dreams of going to his room.

After getting knocked out by what Aim had to say to them, the boys started discussing more exciting things as they passed by the living room, where they sipped a few glasses of wine while chatting.

And they made sure Ethan didn't touch a single drink.

At this time, they paid little attention to the architecture, the host, and the curiosity killing them little by little to know what he had to say to them prevented them from realizing it.

They occasionally slip an admiring, questioning, or curious look at Aim without him noticing.

He got into a heated argument with Ethan and Hart while the other two looked at them proudly as if they were their parents.

Aim figured he'd better introduce Cody to them some other time, or maybe never. There were enough questions and surprises for tonight.

The dinner was held early in the day, it could have been called brunch rather than dinner, but that was the main idea. Before taking him home, he wanted to spend more time with Wen, so he called his friends to ask if they could see each other earlier than planned.

He also doesn't intend to go to bed with their image in his head instead of Wen's.

They immediately agreed, too eager to know what he had to say to them. After all, they would not miss the opportunity to get to know their mysterious friend better.

What they learned was worth the trip, and the four of them are very happy that Aim has chosen to put them in the confidence they feel is essential.

A pleasant smile found its way to their lips, and they all thought the same thing. Our friend is amazing!

It was six o'clock and a good few minutes when they returned home after spending these few good hours with each other. They were all somewhat satisfied with their end of the day. For them, it was a pleasant meeting.

Aim without even checking the elevator's path to the ground floor as he often does when Nodge drops by. He rushed to the stairs to his room to join Wen, but to his surprise, he found Wen halfway up the stairs with half-closed eyes, who was running to meet him too like a puppy.

Without even giving him time to understand or prepare for what will follow, the latter jumped to his neck and put his feet around his waist.

"I see someone missed me," Aim said between their lips, locked in a kiss that only the two knew how to do.

Wen didn't answer; he kissed him with ardor and passion. Aim supported his back, making him comfortable against his body while placing his warm hands on his ass cheeks, making Wen flinch.

He rubbed his warm body against this giant, letting out a sultry little groan that pleased Aim.

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