
I don’t want to be a hero

Growing up in a world of Hero’s and Villians, Kroft should have been the greatest hero. His parents were the most powerful hero’s on the planet and he was to follow in his footsteps. The day comes and goes and he doesn’t though. He’s powerless in a powerful world. He decides to fight his fate and leave, abandoning his world to flee from the disappointment he had no way of controlling.

Shrock_The_Author · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


Kroft could hardly breath as he arrived at the control panel. He knew he had minutes at most and then his fate was sealed forever. Alarms blared around him, screeching as if their life depended upon it. Theirs didn't since they were inanimate objects, but Krofts did as he knew that as soon as they figured out what he was doing he could never go back. He was inside one of the most protected compounds on planet Earth and he was going to escape. He just had to. 

[Omega Lockdown Engaged] 

Impenetrable metallic shields lowered around every entrance way.   

His fingers moved across the panel typing in the information that only he was privy to. And then it started. The rumbling. Every second that passed it was getting closer and closer. 



 bum bum.


He was almost there with just one last measure. A password. A seemingly obsolete technological measure of the past stood in front of him. No one used passwords anymore, at least not since the technos of the Innovation. 


Bum Bum

He slowly typed in the only thing that was coming to mind. His name. And just like that he had access and in front of him layed a word centered around the screen, Engage. 



He pressed it quickly with no hesitation as he thought about his past. How he was a disappointment. What good was a genius in a world of superpowered freaks? A world where all it took to succeed was to be lucky. That's one thing Kroft never had. By all means he should. He was the son of the two most powerful beings on the planet and yet he was a disappointment. He succeeded in school, trained day in night as a child in academics, fighting, and everything else he needed to become heroes just like his parents. All he had to do was keep going and he would become just like them just like how they wanted him to be. The day he was supposed to change came and went just like that. He didn't innovate like how millions of others did on Earth. He had no powers, nothing to show for all his work. What was the point of knowing how to perfectly disarm any weapon when that person wielding it can crush you with their bare hands. And so he knew what he had to do. He had to leave. He was a disappointment and staying on Earth wasn't going to change that. 


A beam sparked in front of Kroft as it lit up the technological wonder in front of him. A portal which only the worst beings known to man would be thrown into. It was called the Vortex and it would send the worst villains on Earth to random positions. No one knew where it went to, a different universe, a different dimension, a far flung galaxy, it had marveled the world since its discovery. 


And just like that, it was ready. A glowing red portal sat in front of Kroft as he stepped up to it. He gazed into the dazzling door to mystery that sat in front of him and knew that everything was about to change. 


The ceiling ripped apart as a towering figure floated inside. Through the darkness and blaring siren came a man. Six feet tall and bulky, his eyes locked onto Kroft and surprise filtered across his face. 

"Kroft! What are you doing?!" the man said as you could finally see the black metallic suit that was wearing.

Kroft turned his head as he knew he couldn't hesitate any longer. Whether it be through words or force he knew he was outmatched against this man. 

"Kroft! What are you doing near that! It's dangerous! How did you get down here? What's going on!?" The man said as his voice started to raise since his confusion was melting and concern and anger were rising within him. 

Kroft steadied his mind and stepped forward as he looked away. 

"Goodbye Dad" were the last words as he touched the portal and was instantaneously transported away. The man he was with did not hesitate and flew towards Kroft as soon as he saw his move towards the portal and yet… It was too late. 


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