
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Landing on the Island

Lynn checked the harvest during this period.

The biggest gain is the general experience value, which has increased from the balance of 1970 to 3970.

If all of it is used to increase the level, plus the experience that can be obtained in the next two days, it will not be a problem to increase the level by 4.

However, since the experience value required to upgrade the level has become ten times that of the original, Lynn has not yet improved, and he does not know how much the all-round physical fitness that can be improved at each level after level 20 is different from before.

Before, I was short of general experience points, but now I can give it a try.

One thousand general experience points will be deducted for levels 20–21, physical fitness 7.05–10.05, and mental strength 21.7–24.7.

all-around improvement of the overall quality of life by three times that of ordinary people. Although the experience value consumed has increased tenfold, the improved physical quality has also increased tenfold, so the total ratio has not changed.

Lin En thought to himself.

This made Lynn quite comfortable. Although he didn't make a profit, at least he didn't lose money.

And as the level increased again, Lin En tried some meditation, and he found that the efficiency of his meditation had once again improved significantly. This obvious increase made him feel similar to when he just got the panel to increase the level for him. brought about by the increase.


Level: Level 21 (0/1000)

Physical fitness: 10.05

Mental power: 24.7


—Earth Ring Meditation (Mastered)

—Hellfire Meditation (8%)

  Life Occupation:

Level 2 Variation (8.4%) (0/100)

Level 1 Hematology (25%) (0/10)

Level 1 Alchemy (43%) (0/10)

Level 1 Necromancy (75%; 0/10)

General experience value: 2970'

In terms of mental strength, I have reached the standard of a third-level wizard apprentice, and the spells I have mastered also meet the requirements.

According to Harlem, his attainments in variation studies are no lower than those of many veteran third-level wizard apprentices in the academy.

Lin En was quite emotional after hearing this. Only when he reaches the level of 2-level variation can he know what level 2 variation represents.

At this level, it is no lower than many veteran third-level wizard apprentices in the academy. Now the requirements for an apprenticeship are so high? The wizards are indeed a group of scroll kings.

In addition, Lynn also mastered all the spells during this period. He only learned most of the necessary spells in Bangor Harbor before, and there were a few zero-ring spells that were functionally repetitive, so he didn't learn them at the time.

During this period of time, there was a lot of free time, and Lin En took the time to master all the zero-level spells and, at the same time, learned the first-level spell panic.

The boat gradually stopped against the shore.

Many wizard apprentices stood on the edge of the upper deck of the ship, looking at the endless land line in front of them.

From the deck, you can vaguely see the mountains on the land ahead. The majestic mountains go straight into the sky, and the thick clouds cover the upper half of the mountains. Unknown birds and beasts hover over the island, and the lush virgin forest exudes a wild flavor.

"You will survive on this island for a month, and you need to reach the top of the mountain within this month." The Harlem wizard came out of the cabin, and the wizard robe on his body was blown away by the sea breeze.

These words caused a commotion among the wizard apprentices.

Many apprentice wizards have already known the "examination questions" in advance, but there are still many apprentice wizards who don't know them. Not all apprentice wizards on board are nobles, and the number is about half.

There are many places that are different from Bangor Port. Basically, noble wizards board the ship from Bangor Port, but there are also many civilian wizards who board the ship from other places.

Lynn put his right hand in front of his eyebrows to block the harsh sunlight.

Is this an island or the mainland?

Lin En looked at the endless land and muttered in his heart.

It's just such a large area; how will I find those noble wizard apprentices who have logged in from Bangor Port?

If a few are missed, the transaction will fail.

The sound of the ropes of Haloxylon flying was heard, and the ropes hanging on the mast flew out automatically without anyone controlling them, like a flexible swimming snake that landed on a standing rock on the shore, rotated twice, and then tightened.

The big ship slowly turned sideways and then slowly docked against the shore.

There is an open space on the bank, and there is a stretch of houses on the open space at the moment.

Each house has a different style, and some buildings are full of strong special styles.

Some buildings have many bone decorations hanging outside; others have animal heads hanging outside; some buildings are like crypt castles; some buildings are surrounded by flowers and plants.

Among these buildings is a market-like street.

Occasionally, a few sporadic figures can be seen walking on the street.

The ladder on the ship slipped and landed on the shore, and Harlem walked off the deck first.

The wizard apprentices followed behind and disembarked.

"You guys rest here for a night first, and gather in the open space tomorrow morning, and I will announce the rules tomorrow. Each of these buildings represents a wizarding force, and basically all the wizarding forces in the East Pole Islands area are present. Each wizarding faction has different styles and specialties; you can get to know them first, but this choice is two-way; even if you have a favorite target, you may not be selected by the favorite wizarding faction." Harlem said in a low voice, with nasty laughter.

The wizard apprentices are gone. For these little wizards, anything related to wizards can attract their attention.

After getting closer, Lynn found that there was a plaque similar to her self-introduction in front of many buildings in this open space.

Lin En walked all the way with curiosity.

He found that most of the forces here would have an academy suffix behind them.

such as the Green Forest Wizard Academy, the Bone Tower Wizard Academy, and the Heart of Nature Wizard Academy.

However, there are also a small number of forces that do not use the suffix of the academy but the suffix of the wizard tower.

These wizard forces are introduced later.

Lin En looked at it for a while and saw something.

The wizarding forces with the suffix of the wizarding academy mainly focus on cultivating apprentices, and there are many mentors in it. Most wizarding academies have a long history. Talent is more valued in the Wizarding Academy, and at the same time, there will be experience in cultivating students in various majors in the Wizarding Academy, but students who graduate from the Wizarding Academy either need to pay an education fee or need to work in the Wizarding Academy for a certain period of time.

Because a lot of knowledge in the wizard academy is discounted, a little bit of magic stone outside can't get as many opportunities to learn knowledge.

The wizard forces with the suffix "tower are more like meritorious or point-based trade union forces. They are better at "practice". After a short training, they will have rich practical experience to provide them with growth.

Of course, this is just the biggest difference.

There are many detailed divisions according to the different forces of each wizard.

Some are good at undead research; some are good at dark magic; and some are good at natural magic...

But the strange thing is that Lynn didn't find the Abyss Wizard Academy inside.

Is this area not part of the territory of Abyss Wizard Academy, or does it disdain to come here to recruit apprentices?

Lin En thought, "The world of wizards is huge, and the way to recruit wizard apprentices must not be limited to the ship he is on.

"Hey, kid, hand over all the benefits you got from the Harlem wizards, and now no one here can protect you." Lynn was surrounded by a large number of wizard apprentices at some point.

These people had bad eyesight, and some pointed at Lynn with a staff in their hands, and Lynn saw several familiar faces inside.