
I Do Daily Quests In Wizard World

This is a vast and powerful wizarding world community. Powerful wizards willfully capture gods, conquer planes, and transform civilizations. Lin En came to this world and after being exposed to the power of wizards, he gradually realized that knowledge is power and power is truth. On the road of pursuing the truth, I will always be a humble apprentice.

potz4ever · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs


(So I've been getting some comments about the grammar; I looked over the chapter again and improved some stuff; thanks for the criticism; as an apology, I'm uploading an extra chapter and hoping the grammar is better.)

To construct the spell frame, the first step is to fix the nodes.

Like building a house, you build a foundation.

The second step is to connect these nodes. With the experience of the first step, the second step is relatively simple.

According to the method in the magic book, use mental power to pull the different nodes into a wire-mounted connection in the prescribed order.

There are a total of forty-seven nodes, plus the connection sequence between different nodes; there are countless connection possibilities between the nodes alone. This is just a zero-ring spell. Lynn doesn't even know what's behind the wizard who invented this magic. how much time and energy was spent.

Connecting nodes is easier than fixing nodes. Lynn found that it only takes about ten minutes to connect two nodes together. Perhaps practice makes perfect, and Lynn is very efficient.

He estimated that it would take at most one day tomorrow to connect all the nodes.

Stretched across the room, the metal magic at the foot of the bed rotated, and a light and shadow were projected from the Rubik's Cube's gap.

Lynn appears in the bedroom.

Lin En's bedroom is a small room on the third floor, near the attic, and the ventilation is quite good.

There are two books and a mechanical alarm clock on the desk by the window.

These two books are the Chronicle of the Kingdom and Hedinger's Botany. Lynn asked his younger brother Borg to go to the bookstore to buy something for himself when he was out.

Bangor Port is worthy of being a city at the forefront of the kingdom. There are already bookstores here, although there are very few books sold in them.

The Kingdom Chronicle records the history of the Erdolu Kingdom. The best way to understand a country is to start with its history.

However, Lynn flipped through the book and threw it aside, leaving only beautified rhetoric throughout the book. Even the history of the invasion of the Southern Kingdom was changed to regain lost ground.

The whole book is full of praise and praise for the royal family and nobles, and there is almost no useful content.

It made Lynn understand the nobles of the kingdom better.

In addition to the royal family, the Kingdom of Eldoru has two princes, three dukes, six marquises, ten earls, and hundreds of viscounts and barons.

However, after the establishment of the kingdom, there was a prince who intended to set off a rebellion to seize the throne. After the king of that generation defeated the rebels, he killed them and cleaned up their blood. Now there is only one prince's blood left in the kingdom.

The three dukes are Luanwei Duke, Dujuan Duke, and Golden Lion Duke.

The most valiant and combative person recorded in the book is not the Duke of the Golden Lion, who sounds the most powerful, but the Duke of the Cuckoo. It is said that his territory is located in the northernmost part of the kingdom, defending it against its northern enemies.

That's why the Duke of Dujuan is also called Blood Dujuan. It is said that the red color of the rhododendron on their family crest is stained with the blood of the enemy.

The Luanwei Duke's family has been friendly with the royal family for generations, and a fertile forest in the kingdom is their family's territory.

The territory of the Duke of Golden Lion is in the west of the kingdom, and there are not many records in the book.

Compared to this book, another book has more surprises for Lynn.

Hedinger's botany records the shapes and uses of many plants, some of which are exactly the materials Lynn needs to make physically active potions.

Although the names and titles are different, this is a regional difference that is mainly determined by the characteristics of the plant itself.

The main material required for this potion is a material called shimmer mushroom.

This gleaming mushroom prefers a cool, humid environment and contains potent actives.

This mushroom is also recorded in the illustrated plant book. The name of this mushroom is "Cave Blood Mushroom" in the Kingdom of Erdoru.

The locals generally use it as a medicinal material for treating trauma, but because of the long-term external application of cave blood mushrooms, it is easy to grow granulation on the surface of the wound, which is considered to be its biggest side effect.

As a result, locals rarely use it.

Only those with poor conditions are used to treat trauma. After all, few rich people are willing to accept granulation or sarcoma on their bodies, and the poor either don't mind or can't do anything about it, and I can't see it with clothes anyway.

But with the opening of Bangor Port in recent years, some knowledge from other kingdoms has been passed on.

There are better alternatives for treating trauma, and this kind of cave blood mushroom is being gradually eliminated.

Lin En asked Borg to go to the market to help him buy some cave blood mushrooms and to the pharmacy to help him buy other medicinal materials for the potion.

In the evening, Lynn went down to the restaurant for dinner. At the table, Hamilton hesitated several times.

After dinner, Lynn wiped the corners of his mouth: "Father, what do you want?"

"I discussed it with your mother in the past few days. Although I have a sum of money, it is always like this. Sooner or later, the money will be spent. I plan to open a tailor shop with your mother. "What do you think?" Hamilton spoke with a twist.

"Okay," Lynn said happily.

It is also good if Mom and Dad can find something to do.

Although Lynn doesn't know how long he can stay here, he has a vague premonition that Bangor Harbor is not the end of his life.

Teaching them to fish is worse than teaching them to fish, and it may be good for them to find a stable job.

"This money is all earned by you. When the time comes, besides the daily food and drink, half of the income earned by the tailor shop will be reserved for you, and your mother and I will save the remaining half for Borg and Ava. Do you think it's okay? said Hamilton.

Lynn shook his head.

Seeing this, Hamilton hurriedly said, "Then I'll keep it all for you."

"Don't leave it to me; you can use the money from the tailor shop yourself." Lynn said.

Hamilton froze suddenly, and looking at Lynn's face, Hamilton seemed to have guessed something.

The lips squirmed slightly, and the forehead drooped.

In the few days since he came back, he never asked how Lynn came back, how Lynn possessed this ability, or how he brought Ava back.

Until now, he has had the feeling that it is not real; he is afraid that this is just a dream.

Anika cooks Lynn his favorite fish stew with fennel every day. Lynn likes spicy food, so she will put a little chopped red pepper in the fish stew with fennel.

"Brother, these are the medicinal materials I bought at the pharmacy—all you asked for—and the glass vessel you asked me to find out for you. "I heard that there seems to be a foreign businessman there, but I haven't seen him today." Borg handed the bag in his hand to Lynn and said, "And Borg looked at his brother with full admiration."

Ever since he was a child, he felt that his brother was smarter than him. After returning this time, he felt that his brother was covered in a fog.

This is a fatal feeling for a child his age.

In the evening, Lynn sits at her desk and watches books.

One hand rests on the balcony, and Lauren rolls over and jumps onto the balcony.

Lin En heard a familiar voice behind him, lowered his head, and continued to draw the blueprint.

On some yellow paper, he used a pencil to draw the shape of the vessel needed to make the potion.

"Have you found it yet?" Lynn asked habitually.

   Lauren shook her head. "They were not found."

When buying a house, Lynn also bought the small building next door, and Lauren lived in it.

Under Lynn's request, every day Borg followed his brother's request to go to the market to buy some food and put it at the door of the next room.

Lin En hummed; in fact, he has another purpose for buying experimental utensils.

That's me trying to experiment.

Through the pattern of this period of time, Lynn discovered that a specific environment is required to trigger daily tasks.

He deliberately messed up the equipment in the alchemy laboratory and then rearranged it, but this method could not trigger the gain of experience points.

Then he cooked in the place where he lives now, and the daily task was not triggered.

This made Lynn have to think about the reason.

Lin En believes that the daily tasks that could have been triggered in the wooden house before may not be as simple as cooking food.

It should be related to the object being kept and the state at that time.

Is it because it was a task assigned to him by the teacher, who was a wizard? Or does it have something to do with being fed objects containing magical creatures?

Lin En couldn't help but make a bold guess. Perhaps only after a complete experiment is conducted and the laboratory is cleaned up can experience points be obtained.

And since tidying up the laboratory can earn experience points, there is no reason to complete the experiment, and there is no reward.

If you can conduct a complete experiment by yourself, you may benefit even more than organizing the laboratory.