
Meet Tim

"Ahem, well, now that that is established, let's get on with why you are here" Gaia said with a cute blush."Right" suddenly added Xiang with as serious an expression as a blush can allow, "Why don't you tell us about yourself"

"Well, what is there to tell" Tim shrugged "I started my life as an orphan, grew up as a guy with violence issues, turned successful writer" he finished.

Xiang shot him an amused smirk "the only thing you said as complete truth is the first part".

Gaia continued browsing what looked like a pad which she got out of nowhere "let's see. Parents are alcoholics and abusive and were reported on by their… drug dealer?" Gaia shot him a curios look while tilting her head.

"Oh, for god's sake, sorry Maria, look at her and tell me you don't think she's the cutest thing on the planet" exclaimed Tim while pointing at a pouting and blushing Gaia.

Maria looked at Tim in a calm but sad smile "its ok Tim. You don't have to talk about it if you don't feel like it, but it will help you move on".

Tim simply slumped. Shoulders sagging head down he answered softly "it's not that, I already moved on, I'm fine and talking about it makes me feel awkward" said Tim, then adding "She still is the cutest thing I've ever seen".

"L-L-Let's move on then" Gaia said face getting redder by the minute "Top student in school alongside many trips to the principal's office" then adding "most fights were against bullies and the rest are against… gangs".

"You wanna talk about that?" asked Xiang.

"They were asking for it" Answered a shrugging Tim.

"Right" said Xiang while narrowing her eyes at him.

"Well if it makes you feel any better, he wrote several successful stories about overcoming bullying" said Gaia happily, noticeably perking up.As fast as it came it went away though as she slumped again and furrowed her brows.

Looking at her Tim understood what came next. So in preparation for it he took a deep breath and released it slowly.

"They came back" said god. There was no question or doubt. It was a statement.

"It wasn't only them" added Gaia "Some of the bullies were from good families, and I use the term loosely" she didn't finish and just looked at him.

Tim seeing the looks he is receiving released a heavy sigh "my "parents"" he air quoted "wanted in on the money", he released another sigh then continued "I of course told them to… go away… with slightly more colourful language"

"He told them to fuck off" added Xiang, helpfully.

"Fufufu, Thank you, Xiang" said 'Onee-sama'.

Onee-sa…*cough* Maria turned to Tim and with a glint of mischievousness in her eyes she leaned closer to him and said in a soft but seductive voice "Ara Ara, what should this onee-sama do with this naughty ototo-kun"

*Gulp* "onee-s-s-s-sama?" he looked at her with a look that said to all I am scared and very aroused.

That was the trigger "pfffft, hahahaha" laughed Maria.

Looking at the other too he noticed Xiang face palming in resignation while Gaia looking at him with deadpan expression "pervert".

'WHY?' thought Tim.

Sometime after everyone calmed down…

"Thank you" Said Tim to Maria

"You're welcome" replied Maria with an angelic smile.

"Well to end our story. Parents sue me because mentioning you were abused as a child in the first chapter in a passing line is defamation" said Tim "worst part of it all the high school bullies came as witnesses about my character. Adult men going on the witness stand and talking about me, ME… bullying THEM" at this point Tim started clenching his fist eyes reddening in anger and frustration.

Maria noticing this reached for his hand and held it. He turned to her with watery eyes "you don't have to continue if you don't want to" as she leaned in and hugged him.Tim felt calm and serene in her embrace. It was warm, comforting and told him everything is going to be okay.

After a minute Tim reluctantly pulled away smiled towards the goddess and said "thank you, I'm fine, I can continue" he turned to Xiang and Gaia as both gave him a calm comforting smile. He replied with a wary smile while scratching the back of his head.

"Let's continue" they nodded and he carried on "during the trial I noticed that the lawyer was too good for the Mr & Mrs to afford. So I told my lawyer and hired a PI. The PI comes back three days later showing the money came from Chad, one of the bullies and more importantly, one of the witnesses. Apparently I cost him his chance at some sorority because his family money couldn't hide his high school records. Showing our regularly scheduled fist fights". Here he took a second to catch his breath and the anger bubbling bellow surface.

He noticed a glass of water being handed to him by Gaia. He took it with thanks and drank. Feeling refreshed he pressed on.

"We submitted the evidence of the money transfer, the high school records, everything to the judge. The case went to miss trial or whatever; I was in a daze at the time. Chad and the greedy fucks got in trouble, and I thought I was through with them". He took another deep breath before ruefully chuckling "oh how wrong I was"

Tim leaned back to lie-down on his bed and while continuing to look at the room's roof he ended the pause "Chad's parents bailed him out from lockup. The first thing the bastard does is find a truck from his father's business and goes to the city to look for yours truly".

Tim pauses to get up and then with a dead pan looks at the concerned faces of the three goddesses and says in an equally dead pan tone "I… I just realised. I…I… I got killed by truck-kun" the foursome look at each other for a second as the words pass over them.



"pfffft, hahahahaha" they fell laughing while holding their bellies. The mood is no longer heavy and is getting lighter.Tim recovered soon enough.

"Well that is my story. So why am I here?"


(read authors notes. please)

second chapter here.

this one will show more of the personality and mentality of the MC.

next chapter explains the system, gifts and reason for travel.

also if possible, can you suggest a name for the MC you can also ask for worlds to visit and girls to add to harem.

till next time. GG boys and that one girl that's reading this.

Silver_Callcreators' thoughts