
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

World of Eternal War

I opened my eyes thinking I'm going to curse Kitty out if she put me in some weird place. Thankfully I saw the sun overhead, tall grass could be seen on either side of my vision. I sat up; I seemed to be in a field, but there were boulders scattered around.

I heard some noise and quickly hid behind a boulder. I needed world information to know what I would have to work with.

'Kitty, tell me about the world.'

[Eternal Conflict 4.I38UONBW is a world with 3 species: vampires, werewolves, and humans. The humans have no power and are used by the other 2 species for their own gain. The vampires and werewolves have been in a blood feud since the world began about 20,000 years ago. This world is in an eternal war.

The vampires are immortal and get stronger as they get older; the first vampires born when the world began are at the peak of the world.

The werewolves have a lifespan of 200-300 years and only get slightly stronger as they age. There are far more werewolves than vampires, which is how the species that is usually weaker per individual can match the vampires.

I suggest you catch a vampire or werewolf to examine the power structure of this world, then I can explain more.

I have also inserted the language of this world into your mind.]

I peeked around the boulder towards the noise I heard before and saw a woman carrying a girl slung over her shoulder who seemed to be unconscious; she was walking down a road towards the north. I could feel a small aura from the woman, so I assumed she must be one of the 2 species while the girl was human.

'Kitty, that lady is weak enough for me to catch even in my weakened state from crossing, right?'


I stepped out from behind the boulder and walked in their direction quickly. The woman turned around when she heard me and gave a wicked grin when we met eyes; her face looked like she thought she was going to be rich.

She walked quickly in my direction; when we were a few feet apart, she held out her hand to stop me.

Her voice sounded clear as bells and hypnotic, "Handsome man, I'd rather not have to beat up that face so please come with me nicely, and I'll make sure a beautiful lady buys you."

Part of me wanted to agree, and I frowned. Something seems wrong with my mind; this woman can't speak again. I struck out with my fist.


Her head snapped back, and a look of shock could be seen in her eyes. I was a little surprised she wasn't knocked out; I clearly underestimated the robustness of a vampire's body. I struck out again before she could recover, harder this time.


I grabbed the arm of the unconscious girl that was slung over her shoulder as the woman fell to the ground. If the girl fell with her, she would definitely be injured when she hit her head. The woman still wasn't knocked out, so I punched her again.



Her head bounced between my fist and the ground; her eyes finally rolled back in her head, her face was frozen in shock.

I carried both of them off the road, set them down in the grass, and sat on the woman's back.

'Kitty, what am I looking at?'

[Spread your energy through her and feel how the lesser energy in her has formed a sort of crystal structure that repeats itself throughout her body.]

I placed my hand on her back and closed my eyes, spreading my energy throughout and looking at the lesser energy in her.

'I see it, but why is it kind of spotty? Shouldn't it be all throughout her evenly?'

[Yes, it would be if she wasn't of such a weak bloodline. The first supernaturals have it solid throughout, but in their future generations, it gets spotty. The purity of their bloodline and their age determine their power.]

'So I should do this to myself to get the power of this world, but not have it all spotty?'

[Yes, but I will help you as this is very complicated.]

I heard some rustling and knew the girl was awake. I stood up and walked over to her, "Go away when you are strong enough to get up, or be still and silent if you're going to keep lying there."

She nodded with a frightened look. She would be good enough to be a maid, but I'm busy with something now, I'll find someone else.

My divine sense picked up the woman silently rising to her feet behind me, clutching a dagger.

I spun around and struck out with a kick to her stomach.



She flew into a boulder about 10 meters away, and it turned into a pile of rocks with her once again unconscious body laying on top. I walked over to it and tossed it back to where it originally was. The other girl looked terrified, frozen in fear.

I sat down on my comfy seat that was her chest and began examining the crystal structure of the lesser energy. After some time, I was finished.

'Kitty, I'll start now. By the way, is this a vampire or a werewolf?'


I froze my seat in place with magic so it couldn't move and distract me while I was working, then began converting a bit of energy to lesser energy placing it in the proper structure. It felt like a house of cards that would fall at any moment.

An hour later, I felt like I had about one-third finished, and I couldn't keep it all held together anymore; this was as much as my brain could keep track of at once. Kitty began telling me everywhere I needed to edit it.

After she was finished, I released my control over all the points, and the structure seemed to solidify; I could feel my body changing slightly.

[Now the rest]

A few hours later, I finally finished; now I should have a bloodline equal to the first vampires, although not quite their power yet as not all of my age was being counted. I was mentally exhausted and just wanted to sleep, but I figured I should check my stats first.

'Adjust stats for the current world and show them to me'

Stats (Average Human stat is 1):

- Combat power: 84

- Energy: 50

- Strength: 86

- Agility: 82

- Intelligence: 14

- Wisdom: 12

- Luck: 2

- Charisma: 27

- Cultivation: Quasi-Immortal

- Magic: 9 circles, 2nd condensation into mana core

'Kitty, if I devour this vampire, will she come back alive?'

[Yes, she will respawn at the nearest town.]

I think she's joking, but sometimes I'm not sure, 'Really? I don't think that can happen.'

[No, you're so dumb! You devour them, and they are dead dead, very dead.]

'Yes, I know I'm dumb, sorry.'

That girl still hadn't left. Whatever, at least she can follow instructions not to move. I devoured the vampire lady much to the horror of both, and made myself a blanket to sleep on.


I yawned and sat up; the sun had just come over the horizon. That girl still hadn't left, sleeping a few meters away in the grass.

I stood up, got rid of the blanket, and examined my body. I also heard the girl sit up but ignored her.

'Kitty, I feel like the most major thing that happened was I got a small organ in the roof of my mouth under the bone?'

[Yes, because you have the body of a high-level cultivator, it did not really affect your strength, and your skin is actually harder than a vampires.

The new organ is for producing venom that has various effects and is released through your canines that can extend down.

Your sense of smell should be the major sense that was increased, and you can smell living beings by the blood in their bodies especially well.

You also have the new mental ability of compulsion, which you felt before but your soul was too strong for it to really work.

To you, blood is the same as food, so you don't actually need it, although you may like specific types just the same as how you like some types of food.

You can also grow wings.]

Good, I'll have to try some things out. Also, I can finally step out of the mortal realms and into the immortal realms. The 9 immortal realms are: Human Immortal, Earth, Golden, and Venerable, then Immortal Saint, Lord, King, Emperor, and finally Demigod. At this world level, I can only reach the Golden Immortal realm.

Now to deal with this girl who is still around. Ah, whatever, I'll just leave. I looked west towards some mountains in the distance and decided it would be a decent place to refill my power that had been suppressed by the world and started in that direction. I'll stay in a cave or something for a bit, it won't take but a day or 2.

When I'd made it about 100 yards, the girl got up and started following. What is she, a puppy or something? Is she not afraid I'll eat her?

Though I'm now a little curious to see if she'll follow the whole way, I paced myself to be fast enough she'd have to work hard to keep up, but it wasn't impossible.

Over the course of a few hours, she was barely making it along. But to her credit, she was still moving, even if she was crawling at times. Her dress was hanging off her in tatters, and she looked about to drop dead. I can hardly believe she's still going after having no water for who knows how long.

We were almost to the mountains. I want to have a little fun and see how long she plans to follow me and what she wants.

I started going up the slope and found a place that turned right, then left. It was a perfect place to disappear out of her sight. I disappeared from her sight in a natural way and activated my invisibility, turning back around and standing where she had to pass by.

The rocks slid under her feet as she stumbled and clattered their way down the slope. She fell on her bloody hands, her face was scratched from being cut by the plants, and she may as well just rid herself of the remains of the dress.

I have to admit, she smelled good; her bloody foot and handprints on the sharp rock gave off a pleasant odor, not to mention what was fresh on her skin.

I don't think she will last too much longer though. Humans just aren't meant to half run miles, and without shoes no less.

She moved past me as fast as she could. I stepped out and pushed her to the ground on her back while releasing my invisibility, laying on top and holding a dagger to her pale neck.

I didn't even get to ask anything before she let out a hoarse whisper, "Please teach me."

Huh? She wants me to teach her? I know I'm handsome, but am I really so handsome that she tortured herself for miles just because she wants a lesson? She ruined her pretty face with all those cuts, and no one would teach her then; she's crazy. Her feet were all sliced up; she would never be able to walk normally with those severed tendons.

"I'll do you one favor and heal you." I cast a healing spell on her.

She was completely amazed at her healed wounds and how she could now wiggle her toes.

Her voice was still barely a whisper though, "Thank you. Will you please teach me how to kill vampires as a human?"

My mind went blank for a moment, and I felt slightly embarrassed. I thought she wanted something else. It's Lila's fault for making me think that though when she asked to be taught.

Back to the topic, I removed the dagger from her neck but didn't move from my position on top. I cocked my head to the side like I was completely innocent even though she was red in the face, "And why should I teach you?"

"I'll give you anything everything I have."

I leaned my face closer, "What could a poor girl like you give me? You don't even have shoes."

"I have shoes at home."

I leaned my mouth close to her tomato-colored ears and whispered, "You didn't answer. Say what exactly you will give me."

"I... I only have a broom that I made, pair of shoes, kettle, ladle, needle and thread, and another dress."

I stood up and started walking away, "Not interested."

A shout came from behind me, "Wait! I have one more thing!"

I paused and smirked but suppressed it before turning my head back to the girl who was seated and looking in the other direction.

What came out was almost a whisper, "I have... myself."

I drew up a magical contract and handed it to her, "Magic contract, it can't be broken. Read, sign."

It basically said that I could do whatever I wanted with her for 3 months, but she could leave at any time during this time, after which if she still hadn't left, I would teach her cultivation and magic, and owned her forever.

The next body forging will take a month, but for the other 2, I can play with her as much as I like seeing if she will leave.

She only looked as far as seeing I would teach her before signing it, not even bothering to read the rest. Apparently her name is Zenobia Porcelli.

I look forward to testing if she will really stay the 3 months and how long she will be able to stay awake.


Zenobia Porcelli