
I, Cut down Douluo, without Spirit Skills

Synopsis: Reborn in Holy Spirit Village, nicknamed Ah Man, whose 18 generations of ancestors were born only with zero-Level innate spirit power, awakened green hatchet with Level 3 spirit power. No spirit ring or no spirit bone skills, fights rely on cutting everything flat, if you feel uncomfortable, come and cut me. Also known as "Born as a commoner, the daughter of a rich family fell in love with me" "This man obviously has no spirit skills, why is he so fierce?" PS1: Entering the Spirit Hall, won’t follow Tang San, won't worship the master, and bring his wifu to build his own academy. So If you love Tang San you won't like it. PS2: His advantage or cheat is soul power and Dark Arts of Dark Ones from another world (Feng Shen Ji Manhua), power of Dark Ones complements well as a not-too-powerful cheat (no instant Op, need some growth). PS3: There's no need to read that Manhua, I will add an Auxiliary chapter to introduce the skills and other bits for both your and my convenience; Author will also introduce the cheat skill in chapter 5 and 6. === Author: Stir-Fried Qitian Pepper === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.com/txt/44424.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
365 Chs

Chapter 14 This Rabbit Is Definitely 'Old Driver'

Didn't you see that Yu Xiaogang didn't give a damn about me from the start? Besides, once I can put an 'eye' in, if you learn it, it's the same as I learnt it, so why do I have to beg and worship him when he looks down on me? The most important thing is, I don't like to kneel to him at all.

Lin Manshan turned his head to look at his side, the experience bag Tang San who he still hasn't finished gathering for all his worth; although many of Yu Xiaogang's theories are completely shit, the various spirit beast identification knowledge he learnt from the Spirit Hall is indeed very useful, and he can be called the encyclopaedia of spirit beasts.

Why do I say that Yu Xiaogang learnt it from the Spirit Hall?

Other than that, would the Dark Devilgod Tiger's information be something that could be accessed by someone with Yu Xiaogang's strength? As for the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, not to mention that Yu Xiaogang had been expelled from the clan long ago, with the strength of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan's disciples, seeing that they would have died on the spot.

Whether it was the high-end battle power or the number of spirit masters basis, the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan was too much inferior to other top powers.

These two factors, in turn, happened to be the deciding factors in determining how much knowledge a force could accumulate.

Scratching his head, Lin Manshan said with an innocent smile on his face, ''Grandma told me not to trust strangers casually at the academy. Didn't the grandmaster just now say he wasn't a teacher at the academy? He also said that he's just a guest living in his friend's academy. My grandpa said that people should be ambitious, and when they grow up in the future, they have to rely on their own labour to support themselves, living off their friends, it doesn't sound that good to me."

"However, I feel that Master seems to know a lot of things, quite capable. It's just that it's only the first time we've met, and it doesn't feel that right to worship a master before you know him well, right? Besides, doesn't the academy have many teachers to teach things? Why do you have to worship one person as a master?"

I'm afraid this brat can't even tell the difference between a teacher and a master. Tang San instantly choked, feeling somewhat justified, but also feeling that these words were scolding him.

Opening his mouth, in the end, he could only curse in his heart, 'This big fool, he really doesn't know what he's talking about.'

But on second thought, 'Why am I even arguing with a little kid?'

Lin Manshan's brain has only been sharp for two years since that fall, so what can he understand?

He nodded indifferently and stopped talking.

Lin Manshan secretly felt pleased, he smiled shyly and no longer said anything.

The dormitory of the academy has only one building, it is very easy to find, the students and teachers of the academy all live in it. When the two arrived, under the instructions of the instructor assigned to guide the new students sitting on the ground floor, they quickly found the seventh dormitory, which was specifically intended for work-study students to live in.

As soon as they had just walked up to the door, they could hear the noisy clamour from inside.

The door was open, Tang San who walked in front took the lead to walk in, and Lin Manshan followed, looking around. This was an extremely spacious room, the estimated area was nearly three hundred square metres, inside, there were fifty beds neatly placed, most of them were empty, only the eleven beds in the front position were iterated with bedding, while seven or eight children who weren't very young were sitting around one of the beds and talking at this time.

Duk-duk-duk, Tang San subconsciously knocked on one side of the door panel, and suddenly all eyes looked over in unison.

"New work-study student?" A boy with a lanky figure stepped forward, condescendingly sizing them up.

Fortunately, I chose to walk at the back earlier, which saved me a lot of trouble. Lin Manshan, who was standing at the back, silently stepped to the side, as if a little transparent figure, and quietly watched as Wang Sheng was subdued by Tang San with a grappling method.

It was only after everyone turned their heads to look over, Wang Sheng cautiously looked at Tang San, ''Xiao San, you're so powerful. I definitely can't beat you, so you should be the dormitory boss."

"Alright then, I won't watch the students in this dorm get bullied." Tang San nodded.

At least now, it felt like Tang San still had a sense of justice. Lin Manshan sighed.

And right at this moment, a clear shout suddenly came from outside the door, "Is this the seventh dormitory?"

'Xiao Wu?' Lin Manshan and the crowd instantly turned around to look.

A little girl dressed in pink was standing playfully in the doorway, her long black hair combed into a scorpion braid hanging past her waist and hips, her slightly baby-fat little white and red face resembling a ripe peach, and her big eyes fluttering, full of curiosity.

It is reported that the female rabbit has 2 wombs, and can reproduce when it is over 3-4 months old; it can give birth to 6-10 babies per litter, and it can be pregnant 4-6 times a year, and it is unknown whether the rabbit spirit beasts in this world are also this fierce; it takes 10,000 years for the spirit beasts to be spiritually intelligent as comparable to human, that is to say... In his previous life, when looking at the comments of the netizens, Lin Manshan especially went to check the information, now, as he suddenly thought of that information, his eyes which glanced at the Xiao Wu in the doorway involuntarily quivered.

He couldn't help but turn his head to look at the top of Tang San's head, only to feel that there were countless green hats stacked on top of it.

"Our academy dormitory accommodates both male and female?" Tang San froze for a moment, turning his head to look at Wang Sheng.

After a flurry of introductions, Tang San and Xiao Wu unsurprisingly fought, and in the end, Xiao Wu became the head of the dormitory.

"Is the new work-study student here?" While the crowd was talking, a shout once again came from outside the door.

Eyes looked over in unison, only to see that it was a young male instructor in his thirties with light green hair, holding bedding in his hands. He gazed around the crowd and faintly asked, "Which one is Tang San?

"I am." Tang San hurriedly stepped forward.

"My name is Mo Qian. You can call me Teacher Mo, Tang San, this is the bedding the grandmaster gave you."

I knew there would be nothing for me. Lin Manshan skimmed his lips but didn't think much of it, after all, he wasn't Yu Xiaogang's disciple, and it was normal not to prepare bedding for him, 'It's still considered noon, I'll go out and buy a bed later.' Although the bedding was not heavy, it was not small in size either, Old Jack had brought them to Nuoding City on foot, it was inconvenient for him to bring bedding with him, so he didn't have one.

"Bedding? That seems to be a problem." Looking at the bedding in Tang San's hand, Xiao Wu froze for a moment.

"Let's share a bed." Xiao Wu suddenly said.

After a long pause, "What's wrong? I don't care. What are you afraid of? Are you worried that I will push you down?" Faced with Xiao Wu's bold and unrestrained questions, under the shocked eyes of Lin Manshan and others, Tang San still chose to compromise just like in the original book, flushed and obediently moving the two beds together, dividing them with a line and sharing a quilt with Xiao Wu.

'Great! If you tell me that this rabbit is a pure rabbit, I won't believe it even if you kill me.' Lin Manshan, who witnessed the whole process of the two of them pulling each other and watching Xiao Wu's expressions and movements, thought in his heart, 'There is indeed a difference between reading a book and meeting a real person.'

Xiao Wu's unrestrained and free-spirited expression is by no means simple innocent, wild willfulness.

'Tang San, the ultimate old otaku, thinks it's okay.'

"Ah Man, you don't seem to have any bedding? Why don't you squeeze in with me?" Wang Sheng turned his head and said sincerely.

"Brother Wang Sheng, there's no need. Grandpa left me money to buy bedding before he left, and I'll just go out and buy a bed later." Lin Manshan said politely.

"It's okay. The school has just started, and there are people selling bedding right around the gate of the academy." Wang Sheng nodded, then looked at Tang San and Xiao Wu, "It's time for lunch. Tang San, Boss Xiao Wu, let's go together. "

After seeing Tang San's refusal at the beginning to agreeing, after Wang Sheng said it would be his treat, Lin Manshan smiled and said: "You guys go, I'm not going. I still have some dry food in my bag, I will eat all the food I have, and then would go and buy a bedding."

Wang Sheng looked at the simple clothes on Lin Manshan, nodded slightly and led Tang San and the others out of the dormitory.

Seeing everyone leave, Lin Manshan quickly took the bamboo tube out of his pocket and released the two spiders.

A new spider was caught before he left the house.

The dormitory is spacious enough, and only a few people are living there, so it is easy to keep it hidden.

'In the original novel, Yu Xiaogang's residence is in a corner room on the top floor.' After hiding the spider, Lin Manshan quickly went to the window, released another spider, and commanded it to go around the wall to the corridor on the top floor. It then disappeared into a corner.

'I'll wait for Yu Xiaogang to come back and confirm which room he is in.'

Having done all this, Lin Manshan casually ate some dry food, changed into his school uniform and left the dormitory with the money.

When he left the academy, Lin Manshan was in no hurry to buy bedding. Instead, he first walked around Nuoding City and then asked the street vendors about the distribution of blacksmith workshops in the lower town. Thanks to the school uniform he was wearing, the vendors were very enthusiastic.

There are three large blacksmith workshops in the city. The largest is near the city's defence army station. Its clients are mainly military and nobles in the city, and its business is the most stable. Then there is a shop near the Academy, which is used by the Academy for its own needs. Most of the residents in that area are wealthy people, and many of them are parents of the students at the Spirit Master Academy, so it is a bit like a school district residence. Then there is one at the residential area where civilians gather, which is also the busiest place in the city. It is a place mixed with dragons and snakes, and the distance is a bit far, but because of the large number of people, the business can be considered good.

'Tang San will go to the one near the academy.'

Lin Manshan thought as he walked towards the residential area.


Old Driver: Chinses slang for an experienced person, especially in man and woman relationships.


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