
I come from crossing over

Centered around Eliza's adjustment, development, and her romantic relationship with Alexander, subsidiary plotlines include Peter's commercial conflict, Sarah's tale of time travel, and various standalone stories of other inhabitants within Newport City.

zhenjun_lv · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Chapter 12: The Game of Decision Makers

Eliza stood by the window of an old-fashioned café in New Port City, her thoughts swirling. Outside lay bustling streets filled with a ceaseless stream of vehicles and throngs of people, yet her heart wandered to distant parallel worlds. The sudden coup had not only disrupted her plans but also imbued her with a sense of impending future crises that were difficult to predict.

Alexander's voice broke into her reverie, "Eliza, we need to remain calm and rational as we devise our next move."

Eliza turned around, her eyes reflecting determination, "You're right. We cannot afford to be thrown off balance. I think it's time we reach out to the Reform Faction to explore potential collaboration opportunities."

Just then, Sarah entered with a smile, followed by several local residents of New Port City. Over recent days, Sarah had forged deep friendships with these locals, thereby securing more resources and support for their team.

"Guess who I brought?" Sarah announced cheerfully, bringing a glimmer of hope to the team.

Alexander promptly welcomed them and organized a discreet meeting. Within the conference room, representatives from the parallel world engaged in tense yet excited discussions with business and academic leaders of New Port City. Everyone understood that this was a pivotal turning point.

As excitement grew over the impending collaboration, Peter's shadow loomed large once again. This real estate tycoon from New Port City exerted political pressure on Eliza's team and had begun covertly searching for clues about the portal device, intending to sabotage their plans.

In response to Peter's machinations, the team's hacker and newfound allies developed a new surveillance system to ensure communication security and prevent information leaks. Amidst the intense work, Eliza received an unexpected secret meeting request from the Coup Faction's representative. They proposed joining forces against Peter and co-managing the portal.

Eliza's mind swirled with questions and concerns, aware that such a meeting with the Reform Faction would be fraught with complexity. She needed to proceed cautiously.

However, on the eve of Eliza's planned negotiations with the Reform Faction, an assassination attempt was made on her life. Although Sarah and Alexander detected the signs and successfully protected Eliza, the incident complicated the relationship between their team and the Reform Faction.

Late at night, Eliza pondered by the window, her heart filled with unease, realizing that the road ahead would be even more arduous. Suddenly, the stars shone brightly, piercing through the darkness of her room, offering her boundless hope and strength.

"No matter what lies ahead, we will face it together," Eliza whispered to herself, her eyes sparkling with resolve.

That night, for Eliza, felt both long and fleeting. She knew new challenges awaited her and her team, but she was prepared regardless.

At her window where she pondered under the starlight, which illuminated not just her face but also the haze in her heart, Eliza knew they must bravely confront whatever path lay before them, no matter how challenging.

The following morning, Eliza and Alexander convened all team members, including Sarah, the hacker known as 'Shadow,' and other crucial allies. They gathered beneath the awning of the café, sipping coffee in the morning light while discussing their upcoming action plan.

Alexander began, "Peter's moves are becoming increasingly overt; we must take action to counter his destructive intentions."

'Shadow' chimed in, "The surveillance system my new tech ally and I have developed is nearing completion. We can use it to strengthen our monitoring of the portal and its surroundings."

Eliza nodded, "Excellent. We need to ensure secure communications and maintain unobstructed contact with the parallel world. Also, I've arranged a secret meeting with the Coup Faction's representative to explore common ground regarding portal management."

During the meeting, Sarah shared the friendships she had cultivated with New Port City residents, some of whom possessed valuable knowledge about the city's history and familiarity with the terrain around the portal. This information proved invaluable to the team.

Simultaneously, signs of instability emerged near the portal device, accompanied by an eerie electromagnetic fluctuation. Eliza declared with conviction, "We must act immediately to identify the source of this fluctuation and find a solution to stabilize the portal. This will be our top priority."

Mid-meeting, a representative from the Coup Faction discreetly approached Eliza, presenting an unexpected proposal – to join forces against Peter and jointly manage the portal. This proposition left Eliza both stunned and intrigued, as it might hold the key to resolving the current deadlock.

Before anyone could react, an unsettling atmosphere suddenly enveloped the café when everyone's phones simultaneously blared emergency alerts – Peter's henchmen were launching covert operations around the portal. The Eliza team had no time to hesitate; they had to swiftly respond.

Over the ensuing hours, Eliza, Alexander, Sarah, and their allies embarked on urgent actions, investigating the cause of the portal's fluctuations while bolstering defenses against Peter's sabotage attempts.

At a critical juncture, the plot to assassinate Eliza was thwarted, uncovering evidence linking the assassin to the parallel world's Coup Faction. This revelation made the Eliza team realize they must contend not only with Peter's threats but also navigate internal conflicts within the parallel world.

Eliza stood outside the café, gazing at the stormy sky in the distance, her heart brimming with complex emotions. She understood that the path ahead would be riddled with challenges, but she also knew that unity was their only way forward to overcome adversity and protect this world from descending into chaos.

As night fell over New Port City, lights flickered on amidst the glittering stars, concealing secrets unknown waiting for her to unravel. Clasping Alexander's hand, Eliza's heart overflowed with determination. Regardless of the obstacles, she would not give up. She was committed to preserving the fateful connection across time and space, safeguarding every precious life.