I never thought that the end of the world would happen over night. but alas it did. We all remembered where we were at the beginning. For me I was in my college dorm. I remeber a bright light and everything shaking and falling over. I remember the screems and ples for help as the undead hord washed everything away in it way. I hid in my dorn while my closest Friends knocked on my door screaming to be let in, and I just set there listing to the screams and doing nothing. Since that day after I crawed out of my dorm window I realized that I should have died not them. So now I save everyone in my sight because of that memory of the screams of pain and horror. I wish I could go back and help them, but that can't happen. Time travel is not real it never was. I am 89 years old now and I have been bit and I'm looking forward to not having to go through this world any longer. I hope the good deeds I have done since then will replace the bad ones. I hope I can see my friends agian.