

Hello everyone, good morning, good afternoon or good evening, I am lisandrin32 and I am going to announce that I created an account on Ko-fi for whoever wants to be able to support me monetarily, since here, without exception, all novels, stories, fanfic have been rejected for monetization, as you already know I am a gastronomy student, with the little free time that I have I bring you new chapters for you, and well, I started to generate a little money to be able to buy some things that you ask me for, but as I said, until now the stories that I have published have been rejected, that is why I made a page on ko-fi, I wanted to make a patreon but I don't know how to configure it hahaha, and ko-fi was easier for me, obviously the support is whoever wants to help me, I will take it with great pleasure and I feel like I am being supported by doing this, again thank you very much so far for reading what I have brought you, and have followed the stories, thank you very much.
