
I can upgrade using my Experience Points!

Chris Drake , a young orphan who was forced into hiding and left fending for himself at such a young age. One day , he found something that will change his life for the better and even the world itself. Join Chris on his great adventure and rise to the top! ******* ps: my first time writing so no bashing please. i'll try to improve my writing as i advance.

eLReQuiem · Jogos
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72 Chs

--- Talk with the Mayor

Chris places the mayor on the sofa nearby after assisting him in standing. Bert had already left to make tea and snacks.

"Thank you, your highness..."

"You're welcome, Grandmaster."

"You've really matured and look exactly like your father, with eyes as brilliant as your mother..."


"I'm sorry, your highness..."

He suddenly felt a longing and remembered his family. When the mayor noticed it, he apologized. Chris simply shrugged and changed the topic.

"Grandmaster, on the other hand, has aged considerably... The last time we met, I believe it was when I was four."

"Yes, your highness, it has been a very long time..."

The mayor examined him closely, as if determining whether he was genuine or not. He couldn't believe the long-lost child he'd been looking for was in his city.

"I couldn't believe his highness was in my city..."

"Well, because the slums occupied more than a quarter of the city, this was the best hiding place; my enemies will never believe I will live among the slum people."

"Please forgive me for not being there for you when you needed it; the moment the coup occurred, my army was blocked by some of the other traitor nobles."

Chris sighed again as the mayor bowed to him in apology. He had no idea something like that had occurred.

"It's not Grandmaster's fault; I even assumed you'd remained neutral; I apologize for my skepticism."

"No matter what, I would never betray the crown; I owe almost everything I have to your family, so his highness needs to know I'll be loyal until the end."

"Y-yes... please forgive me for my naivety; I had lost so much that it had become difficult for me to trust anyone."

"It's understandable; I suppose that's why his highness never approached me?"

"Yes, we didn't know whether you were an enemy or not, and you've also become more reclusive since 8 years ago, making it more difficult for us to approach you. We just can't risk it; if I die, the Drakes will be officially extinct."

"It's fine, your highness; the important thing is that you're alive and well..."

'I can't blame him; he was only 8 at the time and was in the middle of the carnage. It must have been too traumatic for him. I'm so ashamed of myself for not being able to assist him...'

The mayor's tone was slightly disappointed, but he couldn't blame Chris for doubting him. Chris was, after all, quite young at the time. And after being betrayed by some of the people he trusted, he was at a loss for what to do. Actually, the mayor was more disappointed in himself for his incompetence.

The mayor suddenly remembered something Chris had said...

"Wait, your highness, does that mean you've been in the city for 8 years, living in the slums?"

"Well, as I previously stated, this was the best place to hide."

"I...see... it must've been hard..."

The mayor was saddened because the little prince he was supposed to protect had been living in such a filthy part of his city for 8 years and he had no idea. His tears flowed once more, and he was about to bow in apology, but Chris stopped him.

"Well, it was a good experience, so don't try to apologize again; we've also become players now, so we'll never have a hard time again."


While they were chatting, the other four people inside sat silently, listening to them until Shiela spoke up, clearly confused.

"Wait, what's going on here?"

Shiela clearly has no idea what's going on anymore.

"Well, you se-"

"Wait, Chris~! Let me explain to big sis~!"

"Uhhh... Okay...?"

'I see... So she remembered, huh? No wonder she wanted to cling to me all the time. T-this will be quite troublesome in the future...'


Sherryl cut Chris off just as he was about to explain. He was perplexed at first, but quickly realized that Sherryl had never forgotten him in the past. He was dazed while looking at her, but he got chills when he remembered a certain silver-haired girl.

He then shrugged and let her explain to Shiela. 'Let his future self deal with his future problems'. He thought. Sherryl then dragged her sister to a corner and began explaining.

"By the way, Grandmaster, these two are my good brothers..."

Chris then introduced Daryll and Peter to the mayor. He was shocked to see two sons of the Duke families beside him. Then, while caressing his beard, he started examining them closely.

"So these two young men are your vassals and the future lords of their own individual homes, huh. Look at you both, I can definitely see Darcy and Pen in you. Hohoho!"

Both of them sat up straight. The fact that someone remembers their fathers clearly makes them pleased. They ate snacks, drank tea, and spoke for quite a few more minutes. The trio questioned the mayor about the events in the capital while he inquired about their daily lives in his city.


Chris's group is currently in the hallway. They are currently dining with the mayor and Orson, better known as Bert, the mayor's aide.

"Should I address you as "Your Highness" at this point? I mean, really, to think you're that missing prince."

'D-damn... So cute!'

While looking at Chris, Shiela was pouting. She was obviously dissatisfied with her lack of knowledge. So she simply teased him. What will she do? She used to be a soldier and never bothered to go to birthday parties. Chris was so astounded to see her in this state that he completely became dazed. He then shrugged and began speaking.

"Hehehe... Since Sherryl has known who I am for a very long time, I assumed you would be aware by now."

"Hmph! This silly girl never told me anything."

"B-but you never asked me, sis~!"


The Grantz sisters argued until the meal was finished. No one seemed to mind because it made the table more lively. Even the mayor was overjoyed. After all, he and Bert were the only ones who ate at the large table.

"So, grandmaster, why did you summon me here? If it's about your son, he deserved it and had it coming, and I was just the one who delivered."

"No way. That good for nothing had it coming, just as his highness said, and I even disowned him and threw him out of my city afterwards. If his highness hadn't done that, I would have done it myself." Said the mayor with irritation when he remembered his adopted son. Then he continued with disappointed tone, "I didn't know he was doing something like that. Hmph! As if the city wasn't poor enough."

"Phew! Good riddance!"

Chris sighs in relief upon hearing it. The mayor then glanced at the sisters, who were the trigger for that farce, and looked back at Chris with a glint in his eyes.

'Hoho! It seems that I won't have to worry about the Drakes going extinct.' He thought while grinning in his mind.

The mayor then spoke on the main subject.

"Right! The very reason I called his highness here is to actually ask you to succeed me. I didn't know that it was his highness to begin with, so please forgive my insolence."


"N-no, grandmaster, it's fine. Please tell me more about this secession thing.


The mayor then told Chris about the city's predicament if he were to die. Chris and his brothers were taken aback by what he said. He was very tempted to become the city's next mayor. With it, he can gradually build his own loyal army because he knows everyone here, especially in the slums. 

Even though he was confident that he can solo his enemies once he reaches level 50, it will be much better to have many pairs of hands.

Since the mayor saw his interest in becoming the next mayor, he even advised him to make Glaze City the new capital once he cleaned up the trash and unified the empire once more. After all, the real "key" and the empire guardian were sleeping here.

After a few more discussions, he agreed to become the new mayor, posing as the mayor's grandson.

"So old Martin, when are you going to die?"

*Pffft!* *Cough!* *Cough!*

"This damn bastard..."


*Pak!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

"Ahhh!!! No, no, I was wrong, please forgive me. Ah! Not the face, not the handsome face!!!"

"Hohoho! You young'uns are so lively."

Darryl asks something stupid just as they finish talking, earning him kicks all over his body. Sherryl also joined the fray. The mayor, on the other hand, didn't seem to mind and simply laughed it off. He was used to the Cross clan's personalities.

"Grandmaster, don't you really want to play Gaia? You'll get back your youth, you know?"

"Ai! I've already decided, your highness. I'll only stay for a little bit more until his highness achieves victory..."


No matter how much Chris persuades the mayor to play Gaia, the old man won't budge. In the end, he just let him be. The old man was probably tired already. Chris will officially be the next mayor of the city a little over a month later, pretty much once Alice wakes up.

Before they left the mayor's residence, he asked the mayor to employ some builders to upgrade his house and make it bigger, as well as make the houses of his brothers nearby.

He also asked him to stop accepting trash from other cities, as he planned on employing the slum people as guild members so they wouldn't need to scavenge anymore. They always desire to become players someday, so he will give them the opportunity.

The trio was pretty much renowned in the slums, and they were even treated as some kind of boss, but they didn't like to take advantage of that, making them even more likable to the slum people.

As for how they will avoid the eyes that watch the Heavenly Dour, he'll use the inventory system. Bert and his army will also join his guild once it's done. As for Bert, he will be staying with the mayor until his time comes.

After bidding their goodbyes, his group finally left the mayor's mansion. They will have a lot of work in the coming days.