
I can travel to Worlds with a Affection System?

Our MC was reincarnated in the Harry Potter world when he died when the parachute had a malfunction mid-air and he fell to his death. But with this turn of events, he reincarnated as a orphan in the world of Harry Potter and was adopted by a elderly pair of Wizards with a system and a OP starting package. Need Points to Buy items from the system shop? Gain Affection Points! Gained ????? Affection points for getting the complete Affection of Herimone! Gained ????? Affection points for getting the complete Affection of Ginny! (Points increase with Affection or positive emotions. And for the people who worry that I will objectify the Harem members, don't worry. I will try my utmost to make sure they are not just things to gain, so to speak.) Follow our MC to different Universes, Such as DC, Marvel, Greek Mythology, and more! (Not necessarily in that order.)

AthanatosMortal · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

My thoughts

I am very new to writing books, and I hope everybody can cut me some slack for any future mistakes. Also, for the chapter schedule, I will try to spend my week writing the chapters and post them on the weekend. (2+ chapter's per weekend)

For the contents of the book, I have decided that the starting point will be in the Harry Potter series. I will do in-depth research about a multitude of things, including psychology so I can try to make the characters more 3D and rounded ( This may take some time as I have much more to research on, including the Harry Potter series to refresh my memory).

Although this sounds grand, my goal is not to make them as complicated as actual people as much as it is to make them more solid, so to speak, and help us enjoy the story and relate to them much better than if they were 2D characters.

If you have any questions or find any plot holes or similar things, please comment HERE.

I will try my best to answer what I can without giving away too much about the future direction for this book.

And embarrassingly enough, I have no experience of being in a relationship, so if how the relationships progress may seem unlikely, please remember that I am basing the way the relationships form on my imagination, and other people's experiences ( My friends' experiences and people on the web.)

Also, How many words should there be per chapter?

If you have any tips on this area, please feel free to comment HERE.

Sincerely, Author.