
I Can Summon Golems

Kade gets teleported to an MMORPG like world with forty-three other beings not all from his world. They are given the task to beta test the world before it becomes accessible to their four worlds in a weeks time. Kade who has nothing to lose but himself decides to take this opportunity to make something of himself. Will he succeed or does fate have her webs too tightly spun around him? --------- This is my first time writing so I am learning as I go. Please keep your criticism constructive and if you have praise don't hold back. There is a saying that says, "Authors are fragile," and that holds true in this case.

VenomousSnake · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

The beginning

'I finally got the girl!' Kade thought with a beaming smile walking next to a beautiful girl with long black hair and hazel brown eyes.

After months of flirting, Alissa had finally agreed to go on a date with him to the movies. Kade wasn't sure whether she wanted to watch the movie for free or if she actually wanted to go on a date with him. Nonetheless, he took the opportunity with both hands and set a date. Today was that day.

The two of them walked down the bustling streets of George towards the movies. As they walked, Kade looked at her and his heart fluttered. He could smell the floral perfume on her skin and the fruity shampoo in her hair. At that moment, he considered himself the luckiest guy in the world. Many guys just like him had eyes and could tell she was beautiful as a result she was never short of pursuers but they weren't going on a date with her today, he was.

Sure she came from wealth and he was poor so they wouldn't end up together but he decided he would cross that bridge when it came. For now, he was on a date with Alissa.

Kade took a deep breath, lifted his head with pride and placed his hands on the cinema's entrance door, 'The battle starts here.'

Kade had been preparing for this day for about a week now. His search history was filled with posts about how to make a move in the movies. The do's and don'ts and all the works. Kade went all out, he even came and watched the movie yesterday in the same spot that they would be watching it in today just to see in what parts of the movie he could make a move without pulling her from the movie.

Kade had truly thought of every loophole he could think of and it was necessary. Despite being a handsome young adult, Kade had the worst luck when it came to women; something unexplainable would always happen and as a result, the girl would lose favour in him.

Kade snorted out of his nose when he thought about all the failed attempts he had made in his life. He was 20 years old and still hadn't kissed a girl. However, if all went well that wouldn't be the case anymore. Kade looked into the sky, 'Bring it on universe, today I will be victorious!'

With determination, Kade opened the double tinted glass doors and took a step forward towards the movies with Alissa.

On the other side, Kade was greeted with a bright white light that temporarily blinded him. When he could see again, he furrowed his brows, "Where the hell am I?"

Not only was he not in the movies anymore, he wasn't even sure he was on Auroron anymore.

In front of him stood 10 beings with horns of different lengths protruding from their foreheads. To the left of them were another 10 beings, half of them of a swarthy complexion and the others were pale but all of them had glowing red eyes and long incisors. Another group had jade-like skin and long black hair tied into a ponytail. They wore wuxia robes and commanded an air of arrogance.

The last group of people looked completely normal. They wore normal clothing and as far as he could tell they were human.

Kade observed these people and his surroundings. He saw that he was in some kind of hall with golden pillars on the side. There was a stage in front with a podium and behind it was a brunette woman of ethereal beauty.

Once he conceived that he was no longer in the cinemas, he realized that everyone was looking at him with a befuddled expression.

A discussion broke out.

"What another one from Auroron, I thought they already had their 10 participants."

"What!? This is unfair."

"What is going on?"

The official behind the podium heard the commotion but even she was baffled, 'How did he get here? This is a separate dimension.' She pondered for a while to no avail, 'It doesn't matter. I'll just get master's permission to erase his memory and send him back.'

The lady pushed a button under the podium and shortly after a tall man clad in a long black overcoat walked onto the stage.

When the people saw him, they bowed their heads. Kade observed the strange sight and continued to stand much to the annoyance of everyone.

The man looked at the crowd, "You may raise your head."

Then he looked at the official, "So is this the reason you called me?"

The lady nodded her head, "Yes, my lord. He just appeared out of nowhere and by the looks of it he has no idea how he got here too. With your permission, I'll erase his memory and send him back. This has to be a mistake."

The man looked at Kade with his golden eyes and peered into the very fabric of his being.

As the man looked his expression shifted from serious to surprised and even amused.

The lady beside him was baffled, she had been beside him for aeons and no one but her had ever made him make those expressions. Realizing this she unintentionally growled at Kade.

The man walked to the podium and talked into the microphone, "The appearance of this boy although peculiar is no mistake. There are no mistakes when it comes to me. This occurrence is merely the boy's fate weaving its thread before him. As so, I shall allow him access to the beta world of Zogyria."

As the beings there heard that they clenched their teeth and their fists but that was all they could do. How could they object to what the time and space god of the multiverse had said?