
I can see the star

"We had a plan to be astronauts you know? See the stars, we even dreamt of touching one, I feel it's wrong to dream of the stars without her. Without her I am nothing.I can't anymore, Ajax" Daphne simmers hadn't seen the stars in years, the constellation she was taught and the blinking lights that appeared at night had gone. She was scared, scared to deal with the loss of everything she ever loved, cared for and wished to see. Daphne simmers was alone. Her stars all came back with the help of Ajax king who showed her that life was meant to be lived and not just to exist. To be loved and not something less.

Hadassahonyeobi · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


A light year is distance covered by light in a year.


"Ancient astronomers used their eyes  to look at the stars" Mr David's voice sounded around the class, his hand making  motions as he explained the Ancient way of studying the world. "Due to religious purposes, maps of the constellations were made and calenders also to work out the time of year" 

He paused, and seemed to like the silence that followed. Everyone was captured,no-one dared to make a sound and I was at the top of the list.

" For a long time, the earth was thought to be at the centre of the universe, and that the." He picked up his chalk and moved to the board drawing a circle, under the 'HISTORY OF ASTRONOMY' " The planets, the sun and stars revolved around it. We call that geocentrism"

I knew this story like the back of my hand, the Ancient Greeks tried to explain the movement of the sun and stars by taking measurements to observe and calculate. A man named eratosthenes -the Greeks were also big on confusing names-  was the first person to measure the size of the earth and proved that our dear Earth was spherical. Not  flat or edgy, just a plain old sphere holding over 7billion human beings.

Mr David's continued, this time walking down several sits, his eyes tracking us with a shiny glint"This is still history yes?"

We nodded.

He clapped his hands together " the early astronomers worked hard without the use of equipments, using their very own eyes"

He was going somewhere and i was excited to know where. A smile poked at my lips threatening it to widen. I really missed Mr David's class. Full of wonderful expectations and the full ability to love something without boundaries or hate.

"In groups of two or if you prefer to be alone, you'll seek out your own constellation from the many we have. I'll need it's history, it's name, basically it's story. I'll need it's significance to the whole world. I'll need you to create and make history in your own ways. Originality has points, mind you. And this project is worth 70% of your grade. Example; The constellation you chose should be designed and equipped and try to create reasons the constellation was named, all that.. in your own way! " He sighed pressing the palms of his hands on his temple. " Take this seriously, use your eyes, your heart, your brain obviously "

I chewed my bottom lip, worried about the whole partner or no partner area. I had faith that none of the students here would ask me and I was better off alone, without the stress of trying to be another. Of worrying about the peek into my life, seeing what a loser I was. I also felt gutted when I thought of the reason why I was left alone. I tried to remind myself that it was for the best. Yes, that way I could get work done fast. Even thinking like that didn't help, I was unreasonably sad.

Why would anyone want to be your partner freak?

A slight nudge to my side got my attention and I turned to face Ajax, his  hand tapping a pencil on his lap repeatedly. Like a nervous tick. 

I was reminded of Sunday -three days ago- when I saw him leave the Central cemetery gate,head bowed and legs moving fast. I'd gone home with the weight of everything on my shoulders and the fact that I couldn't bring myself to eat bring me down and I couldn't control it. That day burned at the back of my mind, a constant reminder of the broken promise.

I couldn't quite forget what I saw, but I couldn't pursue it because he might ask what I was doing there. I couldn't lie but I wouldn't say. I was going to be quiet like usual. If he didn't know I saw him then we'll be all fine.

He whispered to me, but his eyes were concentrated on the black board, his green eyes darker than normal. " Would you like to be my partner?"

I stood corrected. Only someone who basically did not care about the rest of the school would ask me. I was happy that person was Ajax.

I may have suffered from some spiritual heart attack but  I was still looking at him wide eyed and slacked jaw, with the drone of Mr David's voice in the background, far away from my stuttering thoughts. The thought made me excited as much as it made me dejected.

He was going to get close. Find out and leave me with a cracked heart.

He was going to see me as a monster and drop me like the rest.

He was going to see the the true me, someone he'll be disgusted by.

He was going to know and hate me like the others. I couldn't bear it.

Right There i vowed to myself that he'll never find out. He'll never know what haunted me at night and what kept me dried out during the day. No he would not! No!

"W-what?" I asked. In, out. In, out. In, out

"Be me partner" he shrugged " I don't want to do it alone, but I don't speak to anyone here except you and you're good at this, we can make it work. I know it"

Okay my heart definitely cut off.

"You really want to be my partner?" Pointing a finger at myself.

"Sure why not?" He looked closely at me. "We're friends and you're cool, it'll do us good to hang out you know?"

I'm cool?. I could feel my heart beating at an abnormal rate and i wanted to shout at it to stop beating, before anyone heard to pound of it.

"Are you sure though? You can always change your mind" I asked just to be sure, needing the confirmation of his request. I needed to know as much as I needed air. Which was bad, because I needed air right now.

In, out. Pulse...

"Are you okay? Yes! I'm sure or are you scared?" He mocked and I inhaled sharply. He never let it go. He was mocking me and I was going to rise to the bait either way because I wanted to hang out with him as friends.

Friends. I relayed in my head. Friends. We were friends and he wanted to partner up with me. With me of all people. But no, what if-

I cut off that line of though. No what ifs, he won't find anything, he sure as hell couldn't break the metal placed armor around my life, unbreakable by everyone except her.

I scowled at him." I'll be your partner, king. And you better get ready, I'm not getting anything less than a 100."

Mr David's voice reached my ears again and I quickly turned towards the class my eyes searching and my heart hoping that no one had noticed the schools maniac talking to someone in their midst. I took a deep breath when everything was clear.

As his friend, I wouldn't want him climbing down the social ladder. As his friend I won't let them label him like they do to me.

"No searching it up, no use of objects, simply see and mold it into your own. You'll have to decide your partner after this class and work on it. This will be your last major project before the Christmas holidays, which gives you 3 months to re-create history." The bell rang signalling the end of the 40 minutes class. " Have a nice day and remember, this might sound simple, but it's so much more, take your time but also be aware"

Oh I know


I watched him.

His hands holding the paint brush, moved fast against the canvas throwing in different colors to which  I didn't even know the names of. His expression was serene, carved by sunshine and darkness embracing.

He'd invited me to the art class during lunch and for the second  time, I watched him completely loose himself in his own art. It was heartbreakingly beautiful.

He was my partner. I had a real partner. Not one that had asked me because of some $50 bet between friends. Ajax king wasn't like that. He was too good for that. No he was too perfect for that.

I scolded myself. No one was perfect though. Still looking at Ajax, I couldn't help but think if anyone was perfect, it'll be Ajax king.

"It's kind of hard to concentrate if you're going to continue staring at me" the very person consuming my thoughts interrupted it. My face burned up.

"I was staring at your art, is that a problem?" I said, crossing my arms and trying to play it off. I noticed he had drawn a ferris wheel. Only different due to the fairy wings attacked to the ends. Beautiful.

"I'm sorry" he sighed. "I don't usually paint with people watching me consciously in school, only I don't know, Just miss Kelly? "

I raised my eyebrows and he expanded " art teacher"

"Oh" I felt giddy that he'd allowed me to see his drawing twice.

"Yes oh" he said." You're actually my first"

I was ready to explode in ropes of emotions but I cancelled it.

"You want to be an artist" he nodded. " Then how?" I let the question hang.

You don't like people watching you paint, then how will you be when you go professional?

He just turned his head towards his painting, his expression becoming sour And I knew I'd struck a nerve. I hastingly tried to backtrack "I mea-"

"Not everyone believes in colors and their only way to understand is too wipe it of anything bright."

His jaw clenched, his eyebrows drawing together and his grip tightned on the paintbrush, his knuckle turning into a ghostly white color. His eyes were darker than I had ever seen it and it made me want to hide. The green had disappeared leaving behind a steely darkness.

I had a feeling it wasn't just a piece of paper or a sketch he was talking about.

I saw Ajax king, that day in a new light.

I realized He had problems too, like everyone else. Some had it harder, some had it easier, but a problem was a problem.

What did he mean? They wipe out anything bright? Who was he talking about? A loved one? An old friend? A stranger? There was something up. Was that why he was at the cemetery on Sunday? Did the person curse away his art? Who wouldn't like his work?

I scolded myself again for assuming things in others when I didn't know with the utmost certainty. This was Our world. Earth. We made tales early without the chapter of the other. No one was perfect. And right now I was determined to know  Ajax king, away from all the layers of paint he surrounded himself with.