
I Can See Parameters In A Rom-Com World?

One day I unexpectedly died, and I woke up as Tachibana Junichi what should I do?

Charlottes · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

A Light Novel?

Junichi PoV-

I was currently at the library. I'm currently waiting for Tsukasa to arrive since my purpose here is to help her, although I have some ulterior motives by helping her, a part of me genuinely wanted to help, that is because I know how hard-working she is and that itself is admirable, she has gained my respect.

Not everyone is as hardworking as her after all.

"Still I didn't think that honestly praising her would affect Hibiki that much, her reaction was really cute, should I do it again? If possible I want to take a picture of her embarrassed expression."

I was thinking of Hibiki's lovely face, she was really beautiful, a minute after I decided to read some books so that Tsukasa wouldn't get suspicious of me and to pass time, so I started to look for books to read.

While searching, suddenly I found a light novel on one of the bookshelves, without hesitation I took it out and decided to read it.

Good thing it was Vol. 1 or else I wouldn't understand the story, before reading the story I looked at the title and said.

"I have a lot of girlfriends around the world? Is this a title or a sentence? The hell novels these days have long titles."

After that, I opened the novel and started reading.

I was immersed reading the novel that I couldn't care less about my surrounding, the story is of the novel that I am reading is basically a dropout student became a shut-in, which is a plot that is pretty cliche back in his previous life, then the protagonist dreamed of having a harem himself, however knowing that he can't make one in real life. He decided to make one on the internet.

On the internet, everything is possible as long as you are willing to waste your time on it!

So it was a rather difficult feat but the protagonist of the novel succeeded in making his own harem! After making his own harem he felt a sense of achievement, but that was only for a moment and he realized that he wasted time for this shit.

And time passed quickly, he decided to go back to school so that he could change his pathetic self.

As he started his second time being a 1st year high school student, he met his first harem member in real life and so his destiny was changed after that.

I stopped reading at that point and I had a sour expression on my face. "This story….is rather cringe for my taste..the plot seems interesting but, to be honest the plot is predictable, anyway let's stop reading this stuff."

Suddenly I felt something poking on my shoulder, then I looked at my back and saw Tsukasa.

"So, you finally noticed me." She said while smiling slightly.

"Ah! Sorry I didn't mean to ignore you Ayatsuji-san!"

She approached me first, this was better than I planned.

"No, it's fine I should be the one who has to apologize instead since I interrupted you while reading."

"Oh, about that I just finished reading anyway so you didn't bother at all! So Ayatsuji-san do you need something from?"

I could already tell what she wanted since I'm reading her mind in advance, then she replied.

"Well...It's rather embarrassing for me to ask you this but...can you help me arrange the books?"

"Sure? Didn't I say this morning that I'd gladly help you with anything? I was serious about that."

Ayatsuji smiled at me, and said, "Then, I appreciate your help!"

"No problem, if you need extra hands in the future don't hesitate to call me, I'll gladly help you! So where are the books that I'm going to arrange?"

"Oh, it's here, follow me.'

After following Tsukasa. I started to arrange the books at the library, it's basically putting new books on the bookshelves, while I was putting new books on the bookshelves...Tsukasa was looking at me and she thought. 'Tachibana-kun is really a strange person….'

Then I noticed her gaze, and said, "Is there something wrong with my face?"

"No, there isn't, Tachibana-kun. I'll start sorting new books at that bookshelf."

"Oh, sure."

Then both of us continued working.


An entire hour has passed, all of the new books are now on the bookshelves, and of course, we did a good job sorting different kinds of books.

"Pweh, good work Tachibana-kun, thanks to you it didn't take more than an hour to finish the job."

I smiled at her and replied. "Glad that I could help, it's already getting late shall we go home?"

Ayatsuji was a bit surprised by my suggestion, this was the first time for her to be invited to go home together with a guy, so she wasn't sure what she should answer, after a moment of thinking she replied.

"Alright, but can you wait? I'm going to take my things."

I nodded, it wasn't a problem since I left my things in our classroom too anyway.

PoV End-


Junichi and Tsukasa were walking together outside the school. Both of them aren't awkward at all. Both of them kept the conversation alive for several minutes. They talked about random things.

Both of them separated at the bus station since their houses are in a different district after all. Junichi arrived at his house, after going inside he said.

"I'm home!"

He was greeted by Miya and his parents. After saying that he was home, he went straight to his room and started working out. He took off his uniform first before he started doing push-ups, he had to train every day without fail.

Time passed, he reached his limit and stopped doing push-ups, he was sweating all over his body, his body was twitching due to overwork, a moment after his muscles started to sore, this was an uncomfortable sensation.

Since he pushed his limits again, he couldn't lift a finger at the moment, he was greedily sucking for air, while he was resting suddenly Miya went inside his room without a warning, and she saw him sweating like crazy while half-naked.

Miya exclaimed. "Nii-nii?! Are you okay?!"

She was suddenly worried about his condition, then Junichi replied weakly. "Yeah, can you please keep your voice down? I'm resting here...hahh...don't worry this is just a result of working out."

Miya's eyes widened and stared at his stomach, then she saw his almost formed abs, even though it's her brother, she couldn't help but blush slightly, since this was the first time she saw abs up close, she couldn't help but say.

"Nii-nii, who are you trying to impress this time?"

"Ha? What do you mean this time? Look, I'm not trying to impress anyone, either way just think of this as me trying to be healthy."


"Yeah, really, also please don't stare too much at my abs, things might go in the wrong direction. I don't do incest."

"Wh-what are you saying?! Baka Nii-nii!"

Miya blushed, and instantly left his room, seeing that Miya wasn't around anymore, he spoke.

"Welp, I'm going to take a hot bath."


Name: Ayatsuji Tsukasa

Affection: 35% (Classmates.)

Mood: Sleepy

Current thoughts: I'm done doing my assignments, now it's time for me to sleep….


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