
I can respawn in the zombie apocalypse

Zane was abandoned by his parents after they told him to wait outside and they would be back. Turns out they never came back to him and after that, he had to fend for in self. After that incident, he decided not to trust anyone again as they may break his trust. As soon as he was about to make a comeback in life the apocalypse started and he was bitten as soon as a few minutes after it started but he had a cheat. He could RESPAWN and he will use this ability to survive in this wasteland.

ItsJezziA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

The Apocalypse Starts!


"WHAT WAS THAT??" The workers started shouting in a worried tone

Zane surprised by all the noise quickly gets up and looks outside only to see a bunch of people running from what seemed like walking corpses with their guts hanging out.


"Are they filming a movie?" Abigale asked.

"No, if they were we would have been informed before it happened," Zane said.

"So you're saying this is real?" Abigale asked worriedly.

"Unfortunately yes this is real but I can't stay here any longer," Zane said.

Zane grabbed his backpack and rushed out of the building trying to get to the closest supermarket while running through the alleyway shortcut but right as he was passing by the alley next to the supermarket a zombie suddenly jumped out and bit him.

"SHIT, WHY WAS I SO STUPID," Zane said as he realized how stupid he was.

"I should've put whatever I could on my arm to protect myself," Zane said.

"Shit, my vision is getting blurry, isn't the transformation way too quick?" Zane weakly said as he quietly accepted that he was going to die.


"Yes or No"

"Huh, where did that voice come from?"

"Wait I can respawn?"

"Can everyone do this?"

"Well staying here and doing nothing won't get me any answers."



Zane saw his surroundings suddenly become bright again and thought to himself "It actually worked!"

"This means I'm basically immortal!"

"Well let's put aside that for now and head inside the supermarket before I get bitten again."

"Even though I'm immortal now I can still feel pain and it didn't feel great dying."

"I still need to figure out if everyone can respawn or if it's just me though." Zane thought to himself while entering the supermarket.

As he entered he saw everyone in chaos trying to grab whatever they could and even stealing whatever others had.

Zane quickly rushed to the isles and took whatever he could find that would be able to last long and not expire as days after he got it.

He quickly took up many tins of canned food, instant noodles, water bottles, rice, spices, and even some honey as he knew honey had benefits related to health.

He quickly tried to leave the supermarket but when he was about to reach the door a zombie ran straight into the door successfully blocking off the exit. He didn't have a weapon so he quickly ran through the back door that was open after the employees ran out.

As soon as he ran out he found a metal pipe and decided this would be his weapon for now. As he quickly analyzed what he needed right now.

"I need to quickly find a place to sleep for the night and I can call a temporary base."

"Hey, wait on me"

Zane looked back to find a random girl that would probably be rated a 9 out of 10 as she was pretty cute.

She saw Zane picking up a lot of food stuff and as she wasn't to strong and didn't want to fight anyone quickly chased after him looking for protection.

"Can you take me with you, I promise I will help you and not be a burden." She said while walking toward Zane.


"I will not be taking you with me if you want to leech off of someone please find another person." Zane quickly said then turned around and started running not trying to lose much time.

The girl stood there shocked not expecting him to decline her as she was confident in her looks and thought any man would be dying to protect her.

"How dare he I even gave him a chance to protect one such as myself. I will find someone else to protect me but if I ever see him again I will give him what he deserves for rejecting me!" She thought to herself.

Zane ran slowly through the alleys while carefully looking at his surroundings not wanting to die like how he did last time because of his stupidity.


Zane suddenly heard a shout and started running while paying attention to his surroundings trying to find a place to hide.

He didn't know if zombies were attracted to sounds like they were in the movies but he wasn't willing to take the risk.

As for the person shouting, why should help if he can barely help himself?

"That man must have a death wish shouting so loud, zombies being attracted to sound is something even rookies should know even though it isn't confirmed. He is probably trapped and his shouts would attract even more zombies if it turns out they are attracted to sound making it harder for himself."

Zane quickly hid in an apartment building close by to see if zombies really were attracted to sound. He quickly ran upstairs and checked all the apartments until he finally found one that was unlocked and it looked like the owner quickly packed his stuff and left after he found out about the apocalypse.

"The zombies are swarming to where the shout sounded from earlier so it really seems they are attracted to sound. This looks like a good spot to stay the night but it's not like I can really go anywhere with the swarm of zombies outside."

Zane quietly blocked the door to make sure nothing could get in and then he drank a bit of water as he was quite thirsty.

As he looked out the window thinking about what this world would be like after a few days or maybe even a few years after the apocalypse...

Thank you guys for reading my novel and I really appreciate it. I will try to upload chapters as often as I can as I have school so I am usually pretty busy with work.

If you have any ideas or anything you want to see in this story and I will try to read as many comments as I can and I may just add some of the stuff you guys say in the comments.

Also please consider dropping this book in your library if you liked it but that's all, for now, see you when chapter 2 comes out :)

ItsJezziAcreators' thoughts