
I Can Make Everything

System synopsis: You want to make swords, just provide the iron. You want to make firearms, just provide the materials to make firearms. You want to make pizza, just provide the ingredients to make pizza. The system will make them with the best results. Even if you want to make a nuclear weapon, the system can make one for you. ... Mc Synopsis: Should I stay human or turn into a vampire? ...

Dark_Crow1111 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Because I Am A Vampire

Right after that, the electricity in their house came back on so that the dark knight's figure was clearly visible in their eyes. But they couldn't calm down.

As they stared at the dark knight, the latter suddenly removed the helmet covering his face. Soon after that they saw their father's face.

"Dad," Arthur and Bella said at the same time.

Their father walked towards them, but that only made them even more nervous. They calmed down a bit as they watched their father start to show his trademark smile.

"Now you know that I am the legendary dark knight!" He started talking.

"Dad," Bella said.

"You two have grown up, now is the time for you to know our family's secret."

"Cough." He suddenly coughed while he was still half way from them. He fell down after that and several blood clots came out of his mouth.

Seeing that, the shock in Arthur and Bella's hearts instantly disappeared, it was replaced by panic. Even if their father's identity was different from what they knew, he was still their father. They immediately ran towards him. Bella looked even more worried.

"Dad, what happened to you? Are you all right?" She held their father's hand with a fearful expression.

Their father always looked unwell, but they had never seen him cough up blood like that that he couldn't even stand up.

"Don't worry," he replied. "This armor is a bit of a burden on me."

He tried to stand back up, but Bella pulled his hand away, she didn't let him stand.

But after that, the black armor on his body suddenly turned into light which then entered the ring in his hand.

The scene shocked Arthur and Bella once again.

"Storage ring!" Arthur said in a low voice.

The existence of storage rings was not a legend in this world, but they were only owned by people with high status. They were made by magicians and sold for a very high price.

Even if the assets of everyone in that village and the surrounding villages were combined, they might still not be enough to buy a storage ring.

Seeing their reactions, he started to speak once again. "I'm much stronger than you think. Unfortunately my injury keeps me from using too much power."

After saying that, he stood back up. Bella's tug couldn't stop him.

"The secret you are about to find out will definitely take you by surprise! Follow me if you want to find out."

He then walked towards his room.

Arthur and Bella looked at each other before walking behind him.

Their father's room was very simple, apart from a wardrobe and a few swords on the wall, Arthur saw nothing.

He wondered if his father wanted to show them something.

Soon he saw his father move the mattress that was in the middle of his room.

After the mattress was moved, Arthur saw a door on the floor.

Now he was sure that his father wanted to show them something.

He then opened the door. Behind the door, there is a tunnel that goes underground. The tunnel was very dark with no light at all.

"Let's go in!!" She says.

He lit a candle before entering the tunnel.

Arthur and Bella looked at each other once more before following him.

There was nothing in the tunnel, but it really was very long.

They walked slowly, unexpectedly Arthur, it had been an hour since they had entered the tunnel. Their father even had to light a candle three times. And now the third candle is almost gone.

Right after the candle had run out, they arrived in a very dark underground space.

As a knight, Arthur recognized all kinds of smells, and he smelled a very strong smell of blood there.

Bella also smelled the blood. He looked scared so he held Arthur's hand.


A light that wasn't too bright suddenly flashed inside the underground space. Immediately Arthur and Bella saw what was in front of them. But what they saw made their eyes widen.

The underground space looks like a room, there are several cupboards in there. In the middle of it, there was a small pool, and inside the pool there was no water, instead, it was full of blood.

Inside the pool of blood, Arthur saw the shadow of a human body. It might be a woman's body.

Charlie didn't say anything. He walked to the pool of blood and then knelt beside the pool of blood. After that, he stretched out both hands into the pool of blood.

What he did was draw the body in that pool of blood.

Immediately the figure of an extremely beautiful woman appeared.

Charlie stopped pulling the woman's body after her head and part of her chest burst from the pool of blood. He then leaned the woman's body against the wall of the pool.

Even though she came out of the blood pool, but when she came out, there was no blood stuck to her body, it looked very clean.

She looked like she was in her twenties, but she gave off a feeling as if she had gone through countless years.

Her skin was as pale as Arthur's and her face looked very similar to Bella's. However, her hair was white as snow.

"She was your mother, and she is still alive today!" Charlie said.

Even though he said in a low voice, Arthur and Bella felt as if they were hearing the loudest sound of Thunder. Their bodies were stiff and their faces were unable to show any expression.

She is their mother, Anastasia Bella.

As Arthur was staring at the woman who was his mother, Charlie suddenly pulled out a knife, he then cut his wrist.

"Dad!" Bella who saw their father's actions immediately panicked. She was about to run towards him, but Arthur pulled her hand to stop her.

Immediately after that red blood flowed from his hand into the woman's mouth.

The woman's lips were tightly shut, but as blood fell into her mouth, her lips suddenly parted slightly. Inside her mouth, Arthur saw a pair of silver fangs.


Ever since seeing that woman, a single thought came to his mind. Vampire!

But right now he didn't dare to speculate, after all, that woman was his own biological mother.

Blood continued to flow from Charlie's hands. The man's expression didn't change, but his complexion turned pale very quickly. There were probably three liters of blood flowing out of his hands. Bella's body went limp when she saw the blood.

But as more blood entered the woman's mouth, the woman's eyelashes began to move slightly. After that, the woman's eyes began to open little by little.

Behind those beautiful eyelids, there was a pair of blood red eyes like the full moon during an eclipse. They are beautiful, sharp, and give a feeling as if they can see through everything.

"I smell my son and daughter!" She suddenly spoke. Her voice was as beautiful as a flute in autumn.

After she spoke, Charlie pulled back his hand. Silver light shone from his other hand, he then covered his injured hand. Immediately after that the blood stopped flowing from his hands. The wound on his hand had closed and it disappeared very quickly.

"Is he the great knight?" Arthur wondered. "No, he might be stronger than that."

As he was thinking, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

Those crimson eyes stared at him with piercing gazes as if they wanted to print his shadow.

They also looked at Bella.

"Arthur, Bella," the white-haired woman spoke. "You two have grown up, I can finally see you!" There was sadness and helplessness in her tone. It was as if she was fighting a destiny she would never be able to face.

"This is our first meeting, but this may be our last too! This is the last time I can open my eyes!"

"Come here please! It's been a long time since I touched your bodies." She then called out to them in a soft voice.

Even though it was their first time meeting her, it was only her gaze that instantly made their hearts tremble. Hearing her calling out to them, they didn't think much of it, they immediately walked towards her.

Seeing his mother, Arthur's emotions in this world immediately soared that he almost forgot his emotions on earth.

Bella had even started to cry.

Their father went to the side, and they then knelt beside their mother.

She then raised her hands. Her hands were shaking but she kept forcing them to move towards them.

Finally, her right hand touched Arthur's head and her left touched Bella's head.

"Since you already know that your father is the Dark Knight, you should be aware that I am the Dark Angel."

"Dark Knights and Dark Angels capture people and draw their blood. It's not a good deed, but it's the only way for me to survive. It's because I'm a Vampire."