Meet Hikari, a young man with a legendary legacy and a heart full of determination. Born on September 14th, X298 in Ishgar, Hikari was raised in a family unlike any other. His parents, known as the "exterminators," were revered for their unparalleled strength and prowess in battle. Growing up, Hikari was surrounded by love and tales of his parents' daring adventures, battles with dragons, and their travels to seek out the strongest opponents.
As a child, Hikari was in awe of his parents and eagerly listened to their stories. However, as he grew older, he became more skeptical of their claims. That all changed on his 8th birthday, when a dragon suddenly appeared in their village. Just as the dragon was about to attack, his father stepped forward and punched the dragon in the face, knocking it out. This event solidified his parents' legendary status and left an indelible impression on young Hikari.
Determined to be just as strong as his parents, Hikari pestered them until they finally agreed to train him. His father started him off with a grueling physical regimen that included running long distances, carrying heavy weights, and performing acrobatics. Over the course of a year, Hikari built up his endurance and strength, earning him the nickname "the small monkey."
On his 10th birthday, Hikari's father brought him to a mysterious room for training. This room was a massive, grassy field with an unpredictable environment that could be hot or cold. To make the most of this environment, his father revised his training regimen to include a 10 km run, 100 squats, 100 push-ups, and 100 sit-ups every day. The training was intense, but Hikari adapted and pushed himself to become stronger.
A year later, Hikari's mother joined in on his training and introduced him to magic. She taught him how to use origin energy instead of the commonly used Ethernano and subjected him to even more grueling training that involved draining his magic reserves while doing physical training. Through this training, Hikari discovered that he was not a normal human but a member of a race known as the true-humans, with the strongest among them being the Ota-Something.
Today marks the end of Hikari's training, or so he thought. After five years of intense physical and magical training, his parents deemed him ready to go on his own "adventure." However, before he sets out, they lecture him about the current state of the world and the challenges that await him. With a heart full of determination and a legendary legacy to live up to, Hikari sets out on his journey, ready to take on whatever challenges come his way.