
I Can Extract Game Items

August Clementine was once Reacher, a wealthy and thrill-seeking businessman who had everything but satisfaction in life. After a fatal adventure, Reacher awakens on a parallel Earth, in the body of the destitute and troubled 19-year-old August Clementine. With his new identity, August finds himself burdened with debt and responsible for his beloved younger sister, Sophia. Desperate to change their fate, August immerses himself in Enders Light, a cutting-edge VRMMORPG that blurs the line between virtual and reality. In this fantastical game world, players can bring specific items that meet certain requirements into the real world and even gain a fraction of their in-game abilities and strength. In this world, tournaments are held between players to win legendary prizes and guild competitions are one of the norms... But August’s journey is far from easy. Stuck at level 12 and unable to progress past his starting village due to a rare armor shortage, August must rely on his wits and determination. As he embarks on perilous quests, faces formidable magical creatures, and uncovers hidden secrets, he discovers his potential as a true adventurer. A breakthrough comes when he retrieves a mystical purification stone from a river teeming with magical aqua beasts and uses it to cleanse an ancient, corrupted altar. His reward includes the legendary Fruit of Corruption, a priceless item with the potential to grant supernatural abilities in the real world. Caught between the allure of selling the fruit for financial security and the temptation of gaining extraordinary powers, August must make a choice that will define his and Sophia’s future... "What? I gained the ability to extract any item from the game into the real world without restrictions?"

Decrepit_bastard · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
25 Chs

You Have Consumed The Fruit Of Life

August sat at the small kitchen table as his mind raced with thoughts. The threats from Damon and his goons had lit a fire under him, pushing him to think strategically.

Reacher's business acumen began to surface as he considered various ways to tackle the mounting debts. He needed to generate income quickly and efficiently, leveraging any resources he could find.

He pulled out a notepad and started jotting down ideas. His thoughts ranged from leveraging his skills in Enders Light to finding additional sources of income in the real world.

The key was to diversify his efforts, ensuring he had multiple streams of revenue to pay off the particular debt he owed Damon within the month.

First, he decided to explore the possibilities within Enders Light. The game offered numerous opportunities for profit, from completing high-reward quests to trading valuable items.

The major problem remained getting past the village. An issue he had yet to tackle.

Next, he turned his attention to the real world. August decided that he would search online for other jobs he could take on that would not affect his current one and the time he put into the game.

He considered freelance work, odd jobs, and even selling some of their belongings, but nothing seemed appealing or lucrative enough to make a significant dent in their debt.

Frustration mounted as he realized how limited his options were. The factory job was barely enough to cover their basic needs, and there were few opportunities for advancement or higher pay.

He knew he needed a breakthrough, something that could provide a steady and substantial income.

'If I could acquire something that was highly desired by society... Half of my problems will be solved.'

As he pondered his next steps, August's thoughts drifted to the broader context of this parallel Earth.

The world bore many similarities to the one Reacher had known, but there were notable differences that shaped the daily lives of its inhabitants.

August lived in a poor neighborhood which was quite different from the affluent areas he had once frequented.

The streets were narrow and crowded, lined with dilapidated buildings and small shops struggling to stay afloat.

Trash littered the sidewalks, and the air was filled with stench as well as activities.

Despite the hardships, there was a sense of community among the residents.

Graffiti-covered walls told stories of rebellion and hope, while children played in makeshift playgrounds. Their laughter was a rare but welcome sound.

The local market was also similar to his previous earth with vendors calling out their wares and haggling with customers over prices. It was a place where every penny counted, and people worked hard to make ends meet.

But a lot of locations were vastly different as well as notable people in this world.

In stark contrast, the wealthy districts were a world apart. High-rise buildings gleamed in the sunlight with their polished glass facades reflecting the city's skyline.

Luxury cars glided smoothly down wide, clean streets and well-dressed individuals moved with an air of confidence and purpose.

These areas were marked by manicured parks, high-end boutiques, and gourmet restaurants.

Public transportation was a common mode of travel for many in the poorer neighborhoods.

The skyway system which was more efficient, was often overcrowded and in need of maintenance.

Technology played a significant role in this parallel Earth, much like in Reacher's original world.

Smartphones, tablets, and computers were ubiquitous, connecting people across vast distances and providing access to information and entertainment. However, the quality and accessibility of these devices varied greatly between the rich and the poor, further exacerbating the divide.

August at this moment was navigating through his neighborhood, taking note of the blend of old and new.

Although the memories of the original August served him well and he could vividly recall all of these, he wanted to see it with his own business lenses.

He needed proper insights.

Traditional markets operated alongside modern convenience stores, and street vendors sold everything from handmade crafts to the latest gadgets. It was a place where tradition met innovation, and people adapted to the changing times in creative ways.

Returning to his small apartment, August sat back down at the kitchen table and reviewed his notes.

He would need to push harder in Enders Light, exploring every possible avenue for profit. In the real world, he would continue searching for any opportunities that could help them.


{ Hours Later Within Enders Light }

August walked through the dense forest with quiet and deliberate steps.

The familiar path to the Tree of Life was etched into his memory as well as the failures of the past but there was a flicker of hope that urged him to try again.

The moonlight filtered through the canopy of trees casting a soft glow on the path ahead.

As he approached the clearing where the Tree of Life stood, he felt a strange sense of calm.

The Tree of Life's colossal trunk was covered in intricate, glowing runes that pulsed with a gentle light. Its bark was a shimmering silver that radiated brightly with a divine aura.

Its branches stretched high into the sky, laden with leaves that glowed in varying shades of emerald and gold.

At its base, roots twisted and intertwined, forming natural arches and pathways. The air around the tree was filled with a subtle, melodic buzz, and the faint scent of blooming flowers and fresh earth permeated the atmosphere.

It gave off a sense of profound peace and ancient magic.

August couldn't help but remember all the times he had tried to approach the tree in the past. Each attempt had ended in frustration.

His armor was never resistant enough despite everything he tried.

However, for the first time, he didn't care. He wanted to try going close regardless of what might happen.

'Maybe I can analyze better by feeling it's repulsion myself.'

As he took another step closer, August braced himself for the expected resistance.

But instead of being pushed back, he felt...nothing.

The barrier didn't hinder him.

He continued to move forward as each step brought him closer to the tree. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why am I not being repelled?" August muttered to himself. "What has changed?"

He reached out cautiously with his hand slightly trembling as he touched the bark of the tree.

The moment his fingers made contact, a wave of warmth spread through him. The tree seemed to pulse with energy, responding to his touch.

He took another step, placing both hands on the trunk and feeling the vibrant life force within.

The bark of the tree was smooth and warm, almost as if it were alive. August felt a connection to it... a sense of harmony that he had never experienced before.

'Is this still a game?'

Suddenly, a small, golden fruit appeared on one of the lower branches. It glowed softly in the moonlight as if beckoning to August.

August stared at it in awe, realizing that this was it... His access to other regions beyond the village was staring at him.

With a smooth leap, he plucked the fruit.

The fruit was about the size of an apple but more rounder. Based on what August knew, the moment he consumed the fruit, the barrier around the village would dissipate for him and he would finally have access to go wherever he wanted.

"Thank you," he whispered with a tone of gratitude to no one in particular.

Without hesitation, he took a bite of the fruit. The taste was unlike anything he had ever experienced—sweet, tangy, and imbued with a sense of vitality.

It really felt like he was truly eating. Like this wasn't a game.

As he swallowed, he felt a rush of warmth spread through his body.

A series of system notifications appeared before him:

[Congratulations! You have consumed the Fruit of Life!]

[Congratulations! You have gained a level!]

[Level: 13]

[EXP: 0/30000]

[Congratulations! Player now has access to other regions!]

[ Agor Kingdom Unlocked! ]

[ Disco City Unlocked! ]

[ Tagharuim Kingdom Unlocked! ]

[ Ether Breath Town Unlocked! ]

[ Midday Star City Unlocked! ]

More and more notifications of multiple cities unlocking continuously appeared.

August felt a surge of accomplishment and relief. The fruit had not only given him a level but also a renewed sense of purpose.

The problem that was a major hindrance was now gone.

He sat down at the base of the tree, taking a moment to reflect on what had just happened.

The realization that he had never truly tried to approach the tree since becoming August dawned on him. Perhaps the change had something to do with it.

The evaluation always told him he didn't have enough resistance and this time was no difference and yet when he drew close, he wasn't repelled.

He couldn't understand why this happened.

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. This is good," August muttered while getting to his feet.

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