
Quarter Finalist (II)

Alexander rose his sword above him, reaching the top of Vin's pillar at that very moment. A black lightning flickered on his blade… and then he swung it down.

Vin summoned eight floating swords from the bones of anarchy skill, that were all meant to stop the strike for a split second. Just enough time for him to jump back off the pillar.

His plan surprisingly worked, as for just a moment, Alexander's sword stopped, then slashed through his opponent's defense. With all his weight, the sword went further down, missing the enemy, going through the tall pillar. Even reaching the ground, splitting the pillar in half, but stopping at the arena forcibly.

Once Alexander reached the ground he was forced to face an onslaught of fireballs at tier five. Vin didn't even try his sealing skills, as he severely underestimated other people's arcaned abilities. Vin's current advantage was his ability to regenerate energy quickly and mobilize it quickly. Leading him to spam fireballs like he was playing ranked fighting games.

Alexander on the other hand was deflecting and blocking the fireballs slowly closing the distance. Vin got scared seeing this, as the speed at which he was walking through the balls of flame was outstanding, at least he had three new skills left. "Illusionary Shadow Spear, Illusionary Shadow Strikes!" He hastily spat out those words, dismissing the notifications from the system. A black spear manifested itself into his hands.

Quickly entering a stance as there would be no more fireballs guarding him shortly. He had his right foot forward and away towards his opponent and his left foot back for stability. To mirror that, his left hand was at the bottom of the spear so he could quickly make minute turns and thrust. His right hand was somewhere along the middle of this almost three meter spear, holding it tilted upwards to make it comfortable to attack and defend with.

Alexander was simply rushing through the attacks at this point, so he waited for the moment Alexander was almost to him. Once it seemed Alexander close enough, he made a lunge forward. Thrusting the spear, forcing the air to make way for him, as Alexander was now at most two meters away. Alexander was forced to block by holding his sword diagonally with the blade facing the ground, sliding the hit to the side.

A barely perceptible shadow followed the thrust that had now connected, but slightly angled, enough to where it struck Alexander who was already defending and couldn't move, causing the first blood spill of the match. Vin took advantage of the staggering, making a circle with the tip of his spear. Moving Alexander's sword aside. He then took a step back, and straightened the spear hastily, only to repeat his previous attack just with his body lower and the spear angled lower.

The muscular spirit behind Alexander manifested a shield and moved to be in front of Alexander. Successfully blocking the strike and the shadow strike that followed behind. Alexander on the other hand was busy moving backwards, casting a green ray over the rather shallow wound around his chest. It stopped the blood from dripping mostly but it still was bleeding.

Sadly for our seventh favorite white haired character, a little bleeding wasn't enough for an automatic disqualification of Alexander. Vin simply disabled his two shadow skills and smirked, launching himself to the sky with wind and away. All the way to the other side of the arena. This smirk wasn't one of foolishness or arrogance, but of excitement. He looked at Alexander for about two seconds, Alexander looked back at him with scrutiny, trying to discover his opponents plans.

Vin, of course, would rather demonstrate them. He opened his palm towards Alexander and spoke, "Gambler's Gambit, Remastered Edition." The smirk bloomed into a laugh showing his not-so-shiny teeth, at least they weren't yellow in his defense.

All of his energy was quickly depleted, since he left the zone he made, he was entirely empty. As this, was the sacrifice to his gambit.

Sixteen strings popped into existence in the air, quite visible and thick. Weaving and dancing in the air, almost piercing Alexander and his spirit. Alexander, however, let out a roar and sliced the strings on him away. Vin used a string to get him to the still running Harmonizing Field, while the other fifteen put pressure on Alexander. Forcing Alexander to use his ranged crescents to stop the strings from piercing him. He almost slipped up but saved himself from the defeat he almost faced by pulling out his last secret weapon.

"Guardian of The Soul." He uttered, causing each bit of gold formed by him to vanish, not even half a second later, a set of viridian green armor appeared on him. As if he was the sole protector of the world and had to vanquish a great evil. The sword given to him was tossed away as a saber of energy, dyed the same as his armor, was made by his very hands. He slashed at the strings causing each one he hit to seem like it was getting close to snapping. Until one did. And another, onto all sixteen being destroyed… and of course replaced by Vin shortly. Wearing down Alexander who was once again on the defense.

Some may call it cowardly to sit 30 meters away, letting strings fight for you, others may call it strategic. Vin personally? He would call it genius to not go fight hand to hand with that transformed maniac. In fact, Vin was so adamant on keeping the fight this way until that form wore out, he summoned the Hand's of Triton and the Bones of Anarchy to go fight for him.

No way he was going out there, hell would have to turn into ice first. Last Vin checked, Hell couldn't freeze… if it did he'd have more to worry about than just a tier three child.

About two minutes later Alexander felt his energy reach dire levels, but his opponent show no signs of stopping this cheese. It was quite embarrassing frankly to be toyed with like he was a puppet, but what else could he do? This was his most powerful state, he was lucky enough to get an extremely powerful arcaned ability, but it's only so-and-so compared to this cheese? He kept thinking there had to be some strings attached to Vin's Gambler's Gambit. However, those thoughts were met with only disappointment and literal strings.

Now he was getting slower and getting attacked, the armor prevented him from taking much damage, but it wouldn't last long. He could only lament about this silently in his head, frantically deciding to rush towards Vin. Ignoring the massive damage he would take in only a short time. He slashed out but his sword disappeared, followed by his armor.

Vin stopped his attacks and asked his opponent a question, "Do you yield? Or do you need convincing?"

This question had a very obvious answer.

i just wanted to add a spear-

thanks for reading!

DeadpanDemecreators' thoughts