
Piercing Manifestation

The golden menu had now appeared before his eyes as the lights subsided. His excitement and hopes were not let down, as the upgraded menu had all he expected.


[Quest Menu]

[Upgrade : 0/50000 Editing Points]


[Current Quests :

(0/25) -Slay 25 Arc Beast of any tier | 500 Editing Points

(0/1) -Prevent a death | 3000 Editing Points

(0/1) -Defeat 1 Boss Level Beast | 3000 Editing Points | HR

-Create suitable weapons or armor | 8000 Editing Points | HR

(0/???) -Learn ??? Suitable Skills in 5 days. | 15 Gacha Points | HR]


[Unique Quests :

{Create A Realm} - This quest has been obtained from the upgrade of the menu. By creating a Realm the wielder of The System can link it to a menu and create dungeons which drop that menu's points. Realms can created in a multitude of ways.]



With a proud expression as if he had won an international competition, he noted the increase in the amount of quest and rewards. Though, he thought that the question marks in the learning suitable skills quest was quite troublesome.

Even the Create a Realm quest was less of a headache, as it told him there were a multitude of ways. That meant the ways he'd learn from the Golden Rose probably aren't the most suitable ways and could learn better methods. Though how he'd learn those better methods would be shrouded in mystery until he happens to stumble upon them or finds a way for the system to teach him.

Forgetting that for a moment he finally picked up on the 15 Gacha Points reward. The difficulty of the quest suddenly made some sense- though the quest was never difficult to such a talented guy in the first place. Finally taking a glance up from the system, or in the eyes of others, his notebook.

A quick look around the room showed him everyone but one group had did it correct so far, the two people happened to be Draco and one of Don's friends who dared him to ask Vin to be his partner.

It just happened to be that that friend of Don couldn't manipulate energy well because of their ability, though no one knows what it is, they still choose not to mess with him. In other words a shadow prodigy, Kasper.

Yawning Vin looked to the clock which had already passed thirty minutes since he arrived and let out a few words, "What took you guys so long?"

A random voice from one of his classmates rang out, "Well maybe we're not all using cheating items." Composed and with only one emotion. Within that composed voice was envy and a lot at that.

"I would show you I'm using no items, buuut a single hit from me may just kill a weakling like you." A smile stayed plastered to Vin's face as he provoked the envious classmate.

The teacher, still merged with voide, not wanting to hear this at all, spoke with annoyance, "Settle down or I will exercise my right to send students to the infirmary soon."

The classroom became dead silent besides the grunting of Kasper trying to properly control the energy, which to his credit he finally succeeded which let Draco and Kasper go back to their seats.

A ringing noise then began to come from behind the teachers desk. The teacher reached into one of the drawers and took out a nearly transparent stone with a green orb within it.

The classroom was still silent, but for a differently reason this time. Everyone was keenly listening in to what the teacher had to say. "So because of that, we're doing the announcements early?" He paused for moment listening in before he responded, "Okay sir." The stone then lost its green light and was placed the drawer again.


A chivalrous voice erupted from a golden spirit, that was basically a floating ball and had appeared in not only the classroom Vin was in, but every classroom with new batches of students.

"Hello! This is the Golden Paragon, sending all new students a message, in exactly three days a tournament between the current youth will begin. Sign ups are at the Demon Summoning Building, remember theres a map next to the dormitories. The rules will be there by when you sign up. The winner of this competition will be provided with several prizes. May the strongest student win."

The golden spirit faded away as he finished speaking and class was still bewildered by the entire situation that seemed to have came out of no where. Vin provocatively pointed his finger at the classmate who accused him and with utter arrogance he spoke, "Well I guess I kick your ass there," With a slight pause he turned the teacher and raised his hand, "Mr. Capri… may I be excused to the restroom?"

Not even bothering to speak the teacher just waved his hand in a gesture that meant go ahead. The second Vin left the classroom, the entire room happened to erupt into noise. Vin didn't hear this as he was actually going to use the restroom, rather than skipping class like he could have done for a few minutes.

Around 4 minutes later he had returned to the classroom which for some reason the door was unlocked, it was quiet again but this time because the teacher, Mr. Capri, had given the task of circulating one's energy to use less energy for the same skill. The goal was to increase energy purity and the speed at which it can circulate through your body to be mobilized. Which includes removing impurities, clots, and other things that get in the way. As well increasing energy concentration.

Vin quickly received the method from the teacher, sitting on the floor next to his seat in a meditating position. He took a several deep breaths and made his hands form a circle in front of heart. He had now began taking the first step in perfecting his energy circulation. With one breath his internal energy became more fluid causing its flow across the body to be unhindered, at three breaths many clots of energy had been reduced, at eight breaths impurities in the energy was reduced. From an outside perspective the art of improving energy circulation was beautiful.

The energy emanating from Vin who was still breathing slowly showed itself as an aura anyone could see. A light blue color danced off him freely and formed a shiny pair of horns and glowing halo above his head. Those manifestations only showed up for a little while before a flower began to rise up from his aura… the flower just happened to be a rose, the rose began to bloom to release a pressure that was slightly suffocating to his classmates.

As soon as the flower finished blooming it separated off his aura and sat above him. Seven stars then were formed and began to circle him, the pure light coming off of his body distracting the entire class. The stars abruptly started to change to the colors of the rainbow and rapidly accelerate.

You would think he was done then but no he continued on, far surpassing what he should have been capable of doing even at Tier 7.


He took a final long inhale that took 16 seconds that subsequently caused his aura to form a sword that glowed a threatening red, leaving the final exhale that's all that was left.


After an exhale of 16 seconds a shiny blue shield appeared next to the sword and formed a connection. The room began to shake without a single second of waiting, as if to show Vin caused it. The teacher looked concerned as if he was about to say something but was immediately paralyzed by something above Vin for a single second. The teacher then realized he couldn't stop it or he would damage Vin's ability.

Vin took a look up and saw two eyes made of visible energy above him, that looked back him and locked eyes with him. Immediately a burning sensation was felt in his eyes and he went nearly blind, incapable of distinguishing anything anymore. Almost as if hell itself decided today was the day to visit his eyes. To add to the fire, he couldn't even move for some reason, just almost crying from the pain and standing there with the manifestations of his aura still there.

As the burning sensation that engulfed him for 15 seconds finally fled, his vision returned but with a change. He could see further and better than previously possible, his manipulation over energy felt at least two fold better, and those manifestations of his aura he felt like he bring them to reality… except the eyes that gave even the teacher who's beyond the 7th Tier pressure.

The aura he was emanating began to fade, the eyes fading faster than the rest. Almost as if by instinct he grabbed the rose and it became real. Throwing it down a small cracking sound resounded across the room, the rose had broken through the ground and even fractured it.

"Yes, yes very good. It not often you get to manifest your aura at tier 2."

Taking a look around the class he room he noticed most of his classmates were on the floor, "Oh… How can I boast if all of you are barely awake!"

The teacher who was speechless at the display, took out a transparent stone with a blue orb and called someone else, sending in several healers. The entire class was still shocked by the display of the guy who's supposed to be a newbie like the rest of them. The shock was even greater when everyone indiscriminately could feel their energy capacity had increased by 50%, well the teacher only had an increase of 1%.

The teacher then told Vin to come meet the principal with him after class ended. Vin nodded as he began to write down his thoughts, what the manifestations meant. And of course how the hell he suppressed everyone.

man i woke up late and didn’t realize i didn’t write a chapter for today yet about an hour ago. at least i finished it hehe

DeadpanDemecreators' thoughts