
I Can Copy Talents Unlimitedly

Jiang Lei, a young man from Earth, dies under mysterious circumstances and wakes up in a new world. A world where martial arts is the supreme path, cultivators defy the heavens and ancient secrets lurk in the shadows. He finds himself in the body of another Jiang Lei, an outer sect disciple of the Azure Sect who also died mysteriously. He finds that he has a system—the Supreme Copy System—that allows him to copy the abilities of anyone he touches. With this system, he hopes to become stronger and survive in this ruthless world. But he soon realizes that this is not as easy as he thought. A dark conspiracy is brewing behind the scenes, and he faces enemies from all the sides. Will he be able to overcome the challenges and reach the peak of cultivation? Or will he fall victim to the schemes of his enemies and lose his life? Follow Jiang Lei's journey as he copies various talents and skills from beasts, humans and even divine beings, and leads his way to the eternal invincibility. [Congratulations to the Host for successfully touching Li Xun and obtaining Intermediate Level- Fire Talent.] [Congratulations to the Host for successfully touching the Inferno Lion and obtaining High Level -Fire Talent.] [Congratulations to the Host for successfully touching Sword God and obtaining Ultimate Dao of Sword Talent.]

Supreme_V · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
162 Chs

Chapter 4: Inner Sect Competition

Chapter 4: Inner Sect Competition

**A New Dawn!**

Jiang Lei opened his eyes, feeling a surge of warmth in his chest. He looked at the window, where the faint glow of the rising sun was visible.

He had a good night's sleep after a long and exhausting day of training and cultivation. He could feel the fire essence in his body, pulsing and flowing with vitality.

He got out of his bed, feeling refreshed and energetic, then proceeded to do his daily exercises, practicing his breathing and movement techniques. He felt his muscles and bones strengthening, his blood and qi circulating smoothly.

He put on his sect's badge and headed out of his room, eager to start his new day.

He stepped into the outer sect grounds, where he saw many disciples bustling about. Some were heading to the training halls, some were going to the library, and some were chatting with their friends. He noticed that there was a buzz in the air, a sense of excitement and anticipation.

He wondered what was going on and decided to find out. He walked towards a group of disciples who were gathered around a notice board. He saw a large poster with bold letters.

**The Annual Inner Sect Competition**

He felt curious, and his blood boiling. He had heard about the inner sect competition before, but he had never participated in it. It was a prestigious event where the best of the outer sect disciples competed for a chance to enter the inner sect, the elite of the sect.

He wanted to know more, so he approached a group of disciples who seemed to be discussing something important. He recognized one of them as a fellow fire cultivator, a young man named Han Yuan. He greeted him and asked, "Hey, Han Yuan, what's all the fuss about?"

Han Yuan turned to Jiang Lei and smiled warmly. "Oh, Jiang Lei, you're here. We're talking about the annual inner sect competition. Have you heard of it?"

Jiang Lei nodded. He had heard some rumors about the competition, but he didn't know much about it. He was curious to learn more. "I've heard of it, but I don't know the details. What is it exactly?"

Han Yuan smiled and then replied, "It's a grand event where outer sect disciples like us get a chance to challenge ourselves and impress the elders. It's a way to showcase our skills and talents and possibly gain recognition and rewards."

Jiang Lei's eyes lit up. He loved challenges, and he was confident in his abilities. He wanted to prove himself to the sect and the world. He asked, "What kind of challenges are there?"

Han Yuan explained, "The competition is divided into different stages, each testing a different aspect of cultivation. There are stages for combat, strategy, adaptability, and more. Those who perform well can earn prizes, fame, and even the opportunity to receive guidance from inner sect elders."

Jiang Lei felt his blood boil with excitement. He wanted to participate in the competition and see how far he could go. He asked, "When is the competition?"

"In approximately one month," Han Yuan replied. "But be prepared – each outer sect disciple is required to contribute 1000 Azure Points to participate. That's a lot of points, but it's worth it. The rewards are amazing."

Azure Points were the currency of the sect, representing a disciple's contribution and status. They were highly valued, as they could be used to exchange for various resources, such as cultivation materials, talismans, and rare treasures at the sect's market. They could also lead to opportunities for mentorship by esteemed elders or access to restricted areas within the sect.

However, they were not easy to obtain. One could only earn them by completing tasks, missions, and successful performances in competitions.

Jiang Lei doesn't have many Azure Points; he had always been hesitant to spend them. He wanted to know more about the rewards of the competition and see if they were worth the investment. He curiously asked Han Yuan, "Can you tell me more about the rewards of the competition?"

Han Yuan's eyes sparkled as he told Jiang Lei about the rewards. "The rewards this time are quite enticing, my friend! The first-place winner will be bestowed with a Superior Grade sword, a weapon of true power that can greatly enhance your combat prowess."

Jiang Lei gasped in awe at the mention of a Superior Grade sword. It was a treasure that any cultivator would dream of possessing. A Superior Grade sword was a weapon that could unleash powerful attacks and even resonate with the user's elemental affinity. It was a rare and precious item that could only be forged by skilled craftsmen using high-quality materials.

He listened intently as Han Yuan continued, "The second-place reward is also equally valuable. It's a rank three breakthrough pill that can let any Qi Condensation cultivatior to break through the Foundation Building Realm. It's said to be effective for cultivators at the 12th level of Qi Condensation."

Jiang Lei's heart raced. Breaking through to Foundation Building was a significant milestone that would elevate his cultivation to a whole new level. The Foundation Building stage was the third stage of cultivation, where one would solidify their elemental core and increase their lifespan. It was a difficult and dangerous process that required a lot of preparation and resources. A Novice Level pill was a rare and potent medicine that could help a cultivator achieve this breakthrough with minimal risks.

Although he wouldn't be able to use that pill in a short period of time, he was confident that with his system and intermediate fire talent, it wouldn't be too long before he reached the 12th level of Qi Condensation.

"And for the third-place winner," Han Yuan added, "You'll receive a whopping 300000 Azure Points! Just think of what you could do with that much Azure Points within the sect."

Jiang Lei's eyes widened in disbelief at the mention of 300000 Azure Points. He had only earned about 300 Azure Points in the half year he had been in the sect, and 200 of them were given by the sect itself when he entered. It was enough to tell how precious and rare Azure Points were and how hard it was to earn them.

The rewards were indeed amazing, each with the potential to greatly enhance his strength and resources. The inner sect competition suddenly became an opportunity he couldn't afford to miss.

As Han Yuan continued discussing the competition and its challenges, Jiang Lei's mind raced with anticipation. The Superior Grade sword, the breakthrough pill, and the substantial Azure Points—all of these rewards were powerful incentives that motivated him to increase his power as soon as possible.

Seeing the excitement in Jiang Lei's expression, Han Yuan couldn't help but chuckle. "Hey, don't get too carried away with those dreams in your eyes. Those rewards might sound amazing, but let me tell you, they're not something people like us can easily touch."

Jiang Lei's enthusiasm wavered slightly as he looked at Han Yuan, seeking an explanation.

"Do you even know about the five geniuses in our outer sect?" Han Yuan asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Jiang Lei shook his head, indicating he didn't know.

Han Yuan sighed and shook his head. "You're really out of the loop, aren't you? Let me tell you about the five outstanding individuals in the outer sect," he began, his eyes glinting with admiration and envy.

"Second, we have Lin Feng. He's at the ninth layer of Qi Condensation and practices the Windwalk technique. He can move at incredible speeds, leaving afterimages that confuse opponents. His agility and swiftness make him a tricky opponent to catch. He possesses High Level Wind Elemental Talent."

"The third disciple is Li Xiaoyun," the disciple said, lowering his voice as if he was afraid of being overheard. "He's at the eighth layer of Qi Condensation and wields a mysterious black sword known as the Shadow Blade. His attacks are swift and unpredictable, and his ability to manipulate shadows gives him an edge over his opponents. He can hide in the darkness, strike from any direction, and vanish without a trace. Many have fallen victim to his deadly blade, and few have ever seen his face."

Jiang Lei felt a chill in his heart as he listened to the description of Li Xiaoyun and his enigmatic Shadow Blade. He wondered how anyone could defend against such a stealthy and ruthless enemy.

"Then, there's Chen Qiang," the disciple continued. "He's at the seventh layer of Qi Condensation. He specializes in body refinement techniques, making his physical abilities incredibly formidable. He can withstand powerful attacks and deliver devastating blows with his bare hands. He can crush rocks, break bones, and shatter weapons with ease. He possesses an intermediate Metal Elemental Talent, which enhances his strength and durability even further. He's like a human tank, unstoppable and invincible."

Jiang Lei felt a surge of pressure as he imagined facing Chen Qiang in a fight. He doubted that he could even scratch him, let alone defeat him.

"And let's not forget about Li Xun, the fifth strongest in our outer sect. He's been making quite a name for himself lately. Just a few weeks ago, he defeated a ninth-level Qi Condensation practitioner in battle. He has intermediate fire talent and coupled with his sword skills he is also an existence the whole outer sect respects and fears. He can unleash blazing flames, scorching everything in his path. He can also infuse his sword with fire, making it burn with intense heat. His enemies often end up as ashes, unable to resist his fiery onslaught."

Jiang Lei felt a wave of heat as he heard about Li Xun and his fiery sword. He wondered how anyone could survive against such a scorching and destructive enemy.

"What about the first genius in our outer sect?" Jiang Lei asked curiously, feeling both admiration and dread for the top five geniuses.

"Ah, you mean the first strongest disciple," the disciple said with a knowing nod. "Well, his name is Feng Yang. He's the absolute powerhouse of our outer sect, and his strength is unparalleled. I've heard that no one in the outer sect has ever taken a single blow from him. He has fought and defeated numerous inner sect disciples as well. His power is so overwhelming that it's said he can make opponents of higher cultivation levels submit with just a single strike."

"He's truly a force to fear," the disciple continued, a hint of terror in his voice. "Feng Yang's accomplishments have become legendary in our sect."

As the disciple finished his descriptions, Jiang Lei was left in awe of the strength and diversity of the outer sect disciples. Each one possessed unique talents and abilities that set them apart. They were not just strong; they were on a different level altogether.

The weight of his own weakness pressed down on him. He had imagined himself shining in the outer sect competition, but now he understood the vast gap that separated him from the top cultivators.

He felt very helpless, he knew very well that if he wanted to get a good ranking in the competition, it wouldn't be as easy as he thought.

This was just the top five disciples, but it didn't mean that the rest were weak. They might possess almost the same strength as them.

The ranking could be affected by just a small difference in strength.

If anyone of them wanted to defeat current him him, it would be as easy as turning one's hand.

Jiang Lei took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. He understood that while the top five geniuses were formidable, it didn't mean he should back down.

"I have just started cultivating, and they have been cultivating for much longer with better resources. It is normal to be weaker than them for now." He consoled himself.

He clenched his fists, feeling a spark of determination in his eyes. He decided to use the top five geniuses as his motivation, rather than his fear.

This inner sect competition is a chance for him to shine and he just wants to do his best.

He clenched his fists and made up his mind. He said to Han Yuan, "Thank you for telling me all this. I'm going to participate in the inner sect competition."

Han Yuan smiled and gave him a thumbs up. "You're welcome. I'm glad you're interested. I'm also going to participate. Maybe we'll meet in the competition. Good luck, Jiang Lei. I hope you do well."

"Thank you, Han Yuan. Good luck to you too. I hope we both do well."

Jiang Lei said and turned to head back to his quarters, casting aside all the doubts and fear.


Jiang Lei was determined to master the cultivation skills he had copied from Li Xun's abilities. He knew that these skills could give him an edge in the dangerous world of cultivators, where power was everything.

He first focused on Flame Burst, a skill that allowed him to ignite his inner flame and channel it through his body.

He sat cross-legged on the ground and breathed deeply, and imagined a spark igniting in his dantian, the core of his energy. He felt a faint, warm sensation in his lower abdomen. He had succeeded in lighting his inner flame!

He was overjoyed, but he knew this was only the first step. He had to learn how to control his flame, to make it stronger and more stable. He had to learn how to use it as a weapon.

He clenched his fists, and tried to gather his flame at his palms. He concentrated hard, and felt a slight increase in temperature. He looked at his hands, and saw a small flame flickering on his skin. It was weak and unstable, but it was progress.

He smiled, and felt a surge of confidence. He had managed to achieve a rudimentary grasp of the technique, it was because of his fire talent that helps him learn any fire martial skill faster but it was still just a glimmer of the technique's true potential now.

He then decided to switch to another skill, he turned his attention to the Ember Steps, a skill that allowed him to use his fire energy to enhance his speed and agility.

He stood up, and tried to activate his skill. He felt his feet heating up, and he started to run. He felt a slight boost in his speed, and he saw some sparks flying from his steps. He was moving faster than before, but not fast enough.

He tried to increase his speed, to make his steps more fiery. He pushed himself harder, and felt his legs burning. He saw more sparks, and even some smoke. He was moving faster, but he was also losing control.

He ran towards the wall of his courtyard, he wanted to stop. However, he could not slow down, and he crashed into the wall.

He felt a sharp pain in his head, he groaned, and staggered back. He felt a wave of dizziness, and then collapsed on the ground.

He mused to himself holding his head, "Ouch, that hurts. I should have been more careful. I guess I'm not ready for this skill yet. I need to work on my balance and coordination first."

He realized he had been too careless, and that he had to be more cautious next time. He had to practice more, to improve his skill.

He lay on the ground, and scrolled through his book, he was learning about the basic stages of a martial skill to master.

1. **Foundation Stage**: Understanding the basics of the technique and gaining a general sense of its principles.

2. **Initiate Stage**: Developing a deeper connection with the skill and being able to perform it with a certain degree of proficiency.

3. **Elementary Stage**: Mastering the foundational aspects of the technique and being able to execute it accurately and consistently.

4. **Advanced Stage**: Refining the skill further, enhancing its effects, and incorporating personal variations for greater efficiency.

5. **Perfected Stage**: Achieving mastery over the skill, reaching the highest level of proficiency, and potentially discovering hidden insights within it.

He realized he was only at the Foundation Stage of both Flame Burst and Ember Steps. He had barely scratched the surface of these skills, and he had much to learn.

He closed his eyes, and tried to calm his breathing. He decided to rest for a while, and then resume his training. He was not going to give up, he will have to reach atleast Elementary Skill before the start of competition.

He muttered to himself, his eyes shining with determination, "I will not stop until I reach either Initiate or Elementary Stage."