
I can copy any power in DC

In this fanfiction, the protagonist, Alexander King, has been reincarnated into the world of DC Comics with a unique power – the ability to copy and enslave the powers of anyone he encounters. Throughout the story, Alexander uses this power to his advantage, seeking to become the strongest and most powerful being in the DC universe. As he grows in strength and ability, Alexander comes into conflict with various superheroes and villains. Despite facing opposition from heroes, Alexander continues to use his power to gain an edge in battle and come out on top. However, as he becomes more powerful, Alexander must also grapple with the moral implications of his actions and the consequences of enslaving others. As the story progresses, Alexander must navigate the dangerous and complex world of the DC universe, facing new challenges and threats at every turn. But with his powers and cunning, Alexander remains determined to come out on top and become the ultimate ruler of the DC multiverse.

Theguilty · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

chapter 7

As I entered my room at the orphanage, I felt a sense of satisfaction wash over me. I had finally succeeded in my mission to defeat Reverse Flash and steal his powers. The room was small and cramped, but it was the only place I could call home. I sat down on my bed, still trying to catch my breath from the intense battle I had just witnessed. I looked down at Reverse Flash, who was lying unconscious on the ground where I had placed him.

I began to reflect on how I had come to be in this situation. I was once a normal human, just like everyone else. But that all changed when I discovered my unique ability to copy the powers of anyone I defeated in battle. I had honed this skill over the years, copying the powers of various people and using them to my advantage. And now, I had finally succeeded in copying the powers of the Reverse Flash, one of the fastest and most powerful beings in the DC universe.

While I was thinking about all this, Reverse Flash was waking up.

walked up to Reverse Flash, who was still groggy from the blow I had delivered earlier. "Welcome to your new life, Reverse Flash," I said, with a sly smile on my face. "You may have been one of the fastest men alive, but now you belong to me."

Reverse Flash looked around, taking in his surroundings. He was in a small, cramped room with a single bed and a small dresser. The walls were made of concrete, and there was a small window that let in a small amount of light.

"What is this place?" he asked, still confused. "And who are you?"

"This is where you'll be staying from now on," I said. "And as for who I am, I'm the one who's going to be using your powers from now on. My name is Alexander King."

As Reverse Flash was starting to regain his senses, I could tell that he was becoming more and more angry. I stood there, watching him, trying to think of the best way to handle the situation.

"What do you mean? Wait, I remember," Reverse Flash said, his voice filled with anger, "You're the guy who punched me when I was about to kill Flash."

I knew that I had to be careful. Reverse Flash was a formidable opponent, and I couldn't afford to make any mistakes. So, I tried to stay calm and composed.

"That's right," I said, trying to sound confident and in control. "I couldn't let you kill Flash. He's an important hero in this world, and he deserves to be protected."

Reverse Flash didn't seem to agree with me. "You have no right to interfere in my affairs," he said, his voice filled with anger. "I am the Reverse Flash, you're just some nobody who got in my way."

I could feel my own anger rising, but I knew that I had to keep it in check. I took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

"Maybe I am a nobody," I said, "but I have a power that can change that. I have the ability to copy the powers of anyone I want, and to enslave them."

Reverse Flash looked at me skeptically. "What are you talking about?" he asked.

"It's true," I said. "I have the power to copy your abilities and to control your actions. And if you don't do exactly as I say, I'll make sure that you will suffer."

"I will kill you, kid!"

As Reverse Flash threatened me, I simply stood there, unphased. I watched as the symbol of enslavement on his chest started to glow, causing him immense pain. I felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing that my plan was working exactly as I had hoped.

As Reverse Flash tried to move, he found that he was unable to do so. He was confused and was trying to understand what was happening. Suddenly, he saw a strange symbol on his chest that was glowing. As he looked at the symbol, he felt an intense pain in his chest, making him scream out loud. "What is this? Why is this hurting me?" Reverse Flash asked in confusion and anger.

I watched him with a smirk on my face, enjoying the power I had over him. I stepped forward and explained to him the meaning of the symbol. "That symbol, my dear Reverse Flash, is the mark of enslavement," I said with a triumphant look on my face.

Reverse Flash was in shock. He had never felt such powerlessness in his life. He was the one who always had control over others, but now he was the one who was being controlled. He tried to resist, but the symbol on his chest was too strong, and he was unable to break free.

"I WILL KILL YOU!!!" Reverse Flash yelled.

"You will do no such thing," I said coolly, my voice filled with confidence. "You are mine now, Reverse Flash. I have enslaved you, and you will do as I say." Reverse Flash struggled against the enslavement, trying to break free from my hold over him. But the symbol was too strong, and he was unable to escape its grip. The pain was too much for him to bear, and he finally fell to his knees, defeated.

"How dare you do this to me?" Reverse Flash asked, anger and frustration evident in his voice. "I am Reverse Flash"

"Your overconfidence was your downfall, Reverse Flash," I said, my voice cold and menacing. "You thought that you were untouchable, but you were wrong. I command you to kneel." I yelled.

Reverse Flash was unwilling at first, but soon enough, he knelt down in front of me, struggling against the power of the enslavement mark. I could see the anger in his eyes, but he was unable to resist my control. "How are you doing this?" he demanded through gritted teeth.

I watched as Reverse Flash stared at the enslavement symbol on his chest, his eyes wide with shock and anger. "What have you done to me?" he growled, his voice filled with hatred.

I stood tall and proud, my eyes locked onto his. "You are under my control now, Reverse Flash," I said, my voice cold and steady. "If I command you to do something and you don't do it, the symbol will activate, causing you immense pain. And if you try to harm me or betray me in any way, the symbol will activate, rendering you powerless. But if I really want you to do something, I can just directly control your body. " I explained. "You're not the first person to fall under my control, and you certainly won't be the last."

Reverse Flash was taken aback by my revelation. "You mean there are others like me, enslaved to you?"

I nodded. " There have been. But I liberated them. They were of no use, unlike you." I could see the fear in his eyes, but I knew that he wouldn't dare try to resist me. What I won't tell him is that once I set someone free, they forgot they were slaves. That is not for him to know, not yet at least.

"What do you want from me?" Reverse Flash asked, his voice filled with fear and anger.

"I want your help," I said, as I walked towards him. "I want to use your powers and your knowledge to conquer the world. I want to become the most powerful being in existence. And you're going to help me achieve that goal."

Reverse Flash looked at me in disbelief. "You're crazy," he said. "You can't just take over the world like that."

"Oh, but I can," I replied, a smirk spreading across my face. "And with your help, I will. Together, we're going to be unstoppable."

Reverse Flash was still struggling against my control, but I could see that he was starting to understand the situation. He was trapped, and he knew it. He was at my mercy, and I was going to use that to my advantage.

I walked towards him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You're going to help me, whether you like it or not. And in return, I'll make sure that you're well taken care of."

Reverse Flash looked up at me with a mixture of fear and anger in his eyes. But he knew that there was nothing he could do. He was under my control, and he was going to do exactly what I told him to do.

"I'll do as you command," he said, his voice filled with hatred.

"But there's something I still don't understand, what do you mean by copying my power," Reverse Flash asked

"It means that I have the power to copy the abilities of anyone I defeat," I explained to Reverse Flash. "I've already copied your powers, that's why the symbol on your chest hurts you when you don't follow my commands. It's a reminder of who is in control here."

Reverse Flash's eyes widened in surprise, "How is that even possible? I've never heard of anyone being able to copy powers before."

"Well, I'm not just anyone," I said with a smirk. "Maybe if you see it with your own eyes you will get it"

I walked over to Reverse Flash and stood directly in front of him, looking him straight in the eyes. "Watch closely," I said, as I began to concentrate on using my speed power.

In my hands appeared a French croissant, Italian pizza, and Japanese sushi.

"How did you get all this to appear in your hands?" Reverse Flash asked confused.

"I used your speed power to travel to France, Italy, and Japan."

"What? You did not even move. It cannot be... but it is the only explanation, you have my powers."

I nodded, a small smirk playing on my lips. "That's right," I said, relishing in the shock and confusion on Reverse Flash's face.

"Incredible… your strength is incredible." Reverse Flash said with fear and admiration in his voice. Reverse Flash was speechless. He had never thought that someone could have such control over him and his powers. He asked, "How long will I be like this? How long until I am free?"

"How long will I be like this? How long until I am free?" asked reverse flash with a worried tone in his voice.

"Never," I replied with a cold and calculated voice. "You will never be free, but trust me, one day you will love working for me. The power and control I have over you will become something you cherish and will not want to give up."

Reverse flash's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. "What are you talking about? I will never be okay with being enslaved and controlled."

I chuckled. "Oh, but you will. The longer you work for me, the more you will see the benefits of serving under my command. And who knows, maybe one day you will even become my most trusted ally."

Reverse flash shook his head, not wanting to believe what I was saying. "That will never happen. I will find a way to escape this enslavement and reclaim my freedom."

"You can try," I said with a smirk. "But the symbol on your chest will always be a reminder of my control over you. No matter where you go, I will always be one step ahead. You may as well accept your fate and work towards making the most of it. Also, starting today You will live with me in my room" I said to Reverse Flash

You want me to live with you in your room? That's insane. Why should I do that?" asked Reverse Flash, still confused and angry about the situation.

"Because it's necessary for me to keep a close eye on you and make sure you don't try anything foolish," I replied calmly. "I know you're not happy about it, but it's for your own good. You don't want the Justice League to find you, do you, Eobard Thawne?"

How do you know my name? said Reverse Flash surprised.

"Oh, come on, Eobard," I chuckled. "I know everything about you."

Reverse Flash looked at me skeptically but didn't argue. He knew they were in complete control of him and there was nothing he could do to change the situation.

"Okay," he said resignedly.

I giggled. "Don't worry Reverse Flash. I'm not going to hurt you. In fact, I want to help you. I want to show you what it's like to be a good person."

Reverse Flash was deep in thought, trying to figure out how he could escape my control. But little did he know, that escape was impossible. What he didn't know was that once someone becomes my slave, I also have complete control over their mind. I can make them do anything I want, make them think anything I want. And I planned on doing just that with Reverse Flash. Slowly, so he wouldn't even realize what was happening to him. The transformation would be so gradual, so subtle, that by the time he realized what I had done, it would be too late. I was going to mold him into the perfect weapon, a tool to be used for my own purposes. And the best part is, he'll thank me for it.