
I Can Control Time At Will

Traveling to a parallel world, Ye Chen got the master system of time. “This system has three major functions: time stagnation, time reversal, and time plunder.” Killing can rob life. Life can be sold to others or used by oneself. For a moment, time stagnates and you can do whatever you want. With a move of your mind, you can see everything that happened to the other party in the past. Since then, this world has no secrets to Ye Chen anymore. Since then, there has been an immortal super hero in this world.

ShamsX · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

6. Are You Sit Still

On the co-pilot.

Jin Xianran's two jade legs wrapped in black silk subconsciously came together.

Of course she knew what was going to happen next.

In addition to the excitement and nervousness in my heart, my breathing gradually became a little faster.

"Sit still."

Shift, step on the gas.

The speed suddenly skyrocketed!


The silver-white Silber shot out like a bullet, and instantly pulled away from the car beside him.

As the fastest ultra-luxury sports car in the world, the Silber Tuatara can reach a top speed of 443 km/h.

Of course, this is downtown.

But Ye Chen still drove more than 200 kilometers.


Jin Xianran opened his mouth slightly and exclaimed, "It's too fast!"

At this time, Jin Xianran's jade back was close to the leather backrest, and his face was a little pale as he held the armrest with both hands.

If this hits it, it's over.

However, Ye Chen was very calm.

In his previous life, he was an old driver.

What's more, there is a system.

Ye Chen didn't even have to calculate the driving routes of other cars, and the time stopped before they got close.

The stagnation time was short enough for Ye Chen's car to pass quickly without affecting the safety of other vehicles.

At the traffic light intersection.

Silber is not as stable as other cars.

From the hurricane speed to the sudden deceleration, Jin Xianran didn't even feel too strong inertia.

Ye Chen looked at the front indifferently, but out of the corner of his eye he found that the windows on both sides rolled down at the same time.

"Look, isn't that a sports car?"

"Wow, it looks very expensive, at least one million, right?"

"It's more than a million! That's Silber. I know this as a car salesman. Do you know how much Silber costs?"

"Five or six million?"

"Add a 0 to the back!"

"What the heck? 5, 50 million!?"

"Yes, and you may not be able to buy it if you have money, you have to have an identity!"

Several people in Wuling Hongguang took out their mobile phones to take pictures while talking.

The flash kept flashing.

Looking around, Ye Chen suddenly shook his head helplessly.

Not a single car dared to approach him.

Through the rearview mirror, I could see that the car behind was at least eight or nine meters away from me.

With such a large interval, no car dared to jump in the queue for fear of bumping into it.

At this time, the green light was on.

The driver in Wuling Hongguang just stepped on the accelerator.


Silber rushed out in an instant like a silver-white bow and arrow.

"It's nice to have money."

The driver sighed, obviously envious.

Jin Xianran turned his head to look at Ye Chen and wanted to ask, why do you live in a cheap old house when you are so rich?

However, seeing that Ye Chen didn't answer what he meant, Jin Xianran wisely shut up.

After a while, the destination arrived.

King's Hotel.

The only six-star hotel in Donghai City.

The security guard at the door immediately greeted him.

Ye Chen handed over two hundred-yuan bills and said, "Be careful, don't scratch it."

The security guard nodded and looked at Ye Chen enviously.

This car is no ordinary luxury car.

When Ye Chen and Jin Xianran entered the hotel lobby, everyone's eyes swept over.

"A presidential suite."

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, Jin Xianran whispered, "So extravagant? Is it too expensive?"

"Just a little money."

Ye Chen's words made Jin Xianran's heart beat faster.

Thinking of what was about to happen, Jin Xianran's pretty face became hot and couldn't help lowering his head.

After getting to the room.

Ye Chen dimmed the lights, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely ambiguous.

"You or me first?"


Jin Xianran blushed for a moment: "Then...you go first."

The corners of Ye Chen's mouth rose slightly.

Demo, I won't be named Ye if I don't take your treatment today.

Soon, the sound of running water came from the bathroom.

Jin Xianran pursed his lips together with his two jade legs tightly together, looking a little nervous.

It didn't take long for Ye Chen to come out wrapped in a bathrobe.

Feeling Ye Chen's fiery gaze, Jin Xianran was stained with a blush from his collarbone to his cheeks and jade neck.

He immediately lowered his head and ran into the bathroom.

It's been a long time.

Jin Xianran's hair was still a little wet, and Ye Chen, who was pretty blushing, was restless in his heart.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes, what are you preparing for?"

"Knowingly asking."

After saying that, Ye Chen hugged Jin Xianran in his arms.


Jin Xianran let out a coquettish cry.


Silent all night.

There was a tinge of blush on the white sheets.

The sky is bright.

Jin Xianran lay on Ye Chen's chest with a hint of satisfaction in her beautiful eyes.

After a long time, she opened her eyes and gently touched Ye Chen's mouth.

Jin Xianran did not regret giving his most precious things to Ye Chen.

It's just that it's still a little dreamy until now.

Ye Chen also woke up at this time.

Feeling the clean body in his arms, Ye Chen's big hand is grabbing somewhere.

"Ah, Ye Chen, you are necrotic!"

Jin Xianran blushed and wrapped her nightgown: "I'll ignore you, I'll take a shower."

But she just stood up and sat down on the bed again with an ouch.

hurts a little.

A little sour.

"It's all your fault, you tossed me 4 times in one night."

Jin Xianran rolled her eyes at Ye Chen: "People can't walk steadily, how can they go to work?"

Ye Chen said with a half-smile, "Send you to work."

Then the phone rang.

Ye Chen suddenly remembered that he was going to practice driving today!

"Do it again, and go to the driving school!"

"Ah, you still have to come, woo..."