

In the year 20XX, a disaster struck the earth. It started from an unknown laboratory.A virus called the Z-Virus spread across the world. People infected by the virus become living corpses , undead.People called them zombies. In such world our MC Kevin was surviving alone.One week after the zombie apocalypse started Kevin was still holdup in his apartment ,when suddenly a zombie came and bit him. After that he fell unconscious.When he woke up he still had his consciousness.He thouoth that it was all a dream but when he saw the bit mark he was surprised. And with that his journey started.With his power to control the zombies he crush all who stood on his path.With his zombie girlfriends he started looking forward to what the unknown future has in store for him.

Dao_liker18 · Ação
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20 Chs

During the first week

Now I have think about how to keep myself alive.

I don't have any relatives now that David has probably turned into a zombie.

I took out my phone. The network was still on. I then began to look for news in the internet.

The internet was full with the news of the zombie apocalypse. There also lots of opinions of people about this disaster.

After seeing the news from the internet. I put my phone on my pocket.

"I don't think the network will stay for long. Even thought there is still water it will also stop someday."

After that I decided to make a plan to survive in this doomed world.


The 2nd day of the apocalypse.

I'm in front of a convenience store. Even thought I have one week worth of rations I still need to stoke up for the future.

It isn't even guaranteed that the military's help will arrive. They can't just go to all places in the country.

I have to depend on myself to survive in this world.

I went inside the store and crouched down and started walking carefully to not make noice.

From the internet I have learnt that zombies are attracted to sound.

After confirming that there was no zombie or human in here I sighed in relief.

Then I started putting as much as caned food I can take into my backpack.

After seeing that my backpack was full, I started heading straight towards my house.

Along the way I could still here the shouts of people. Sound of gunshots and motorcycles.


The 3rd day of the apocalypse.

I was watching TV right now. It seems zombies had an out break in the shopping malls of the capital city.

On the third day already one-third of the total population of the world has turned into zombies.

The doctors are trying find a cure to this virus. But no one can say when they will succeed or will they succeed.


The 7th day of the apocalypse.

In these days I have learned many things about the zombies.

1. They are more aggressive at night.

2. The infected will turn into zombie in 3-5 hours after being bitten.

3. They sometimes gather together and make hoard.

4. They have red eyes.

The internet was still on and many people were still posting many opinions and facts about the zombies.


I'm right now at rooftop of my apartment building. There were lots of smoke coming from many places.

Some people also hang signs with 'SOS' written in it.

After sometime looking here and there I started coming down from the rooftop.

Coming in front of the door of my apartment I noticed that the door was open. Seeing that I became wary.

"Shit! I forgot to lock the door."

I started slowly going inside and saw a feminine figure standing in the living room. I recognized who this was.

"Is that you Sara?" I asked her.

This was Sara. She lives in the house next door to mine. She was a year younger than me. She had black hair which came down to her shoulder. She had a beautiful face and big breasts.

"What are you doing here?"

Seeing that she wasn't answering I approached her. I thought she wasn't a zombie since she was mostly clean. But that thought came back to bite me.

Just I came near her she suddenly grabbed my left hand and bit it.

"Aaaaa!! Sh*t!!"

I then struggled to break free from her but she was bitting my hands with such strength that wasn't expected from her slender body.

"Let go!!" But I was still forcing my hands to break free.

But suddenly 'Huh?What? My head hurts.'

My head started to hurt a lot. My consciousness was fading rapidly.

I started to fall down on the floor. I lost my consciousness with Sara still biting my hand.