
I Can Build Anything

In this story, we will journey with Shura Roosevelt as he brought about the period of rapid industrialization and tech advancement that transformed society and paved way for modern civilization.Though Shura Roosevelt had the system to help him, other kingdoms in his world will not allow him to easily move forward and advance, Those leaders will try to take the invented tech for themselves and kill him.Join me and let's read together. - Vote for more chapters. -

undisputed_shame · Outros
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60 Chs


Shura Roosevelt had chosen the high priest for the agriculture position because Vlad Levitsky was much concerned of others welfare compared to the other people in the meeting like the chubby duke. As for the Education system, it needed a serious individual, a no nonsense warrior like Cataline Brisbois so that the people would be serious with learning this new knowledge without lamenting or showing reluctance.

"Errr, Your majesty, you have yet to tell us about who will become the leader of manufacturing administration?" Alexandre Daviau asked with his face full of expectations, he was even thinking now about the upcoming promotion if he could snatch this manufacturing department.

"I will have the manufacturing department for myself because it's a little bit complicated but if anyone of you want to be an administrator also, you will have to be educated first.Only those who are learned will be up for the job.


All the remaining people who were not selected were disappointed and disoriented. They were already educated enough, what did the king meant by being learned? They didn't thought that overseeing some trivial things like agriculture needed one to be knowledgeable too and also to be held in so much regard.

"Erm, Eugene Perrin, what is the state of the treasury?" Shura Roosevelt moved to the most important part.

"My king, we have only remained with 500,000 gold coins. We are awaiting the tax collection of the next month to fill up our treasury so that it would enable us to go on for the whole of the following month, the previous retaliation towards Vitya Markov has bereaved our treasury considerably." Treasury Eugene Perrin answered earnestly.

"This will be hard for us." The amount that was needed to finish the missions assigned to Shura Roosevelt was not less than 5, 000, 000 gold coins. Even if they added the money from the taxes, it would not be of help to him much. It seemed that he would have to fabricate some stuffs and sell them to the merchants from the other kingdoms, those people loved new things which could help their society and Shura had been given some blueprints of some stuffs which he was also supposed to fabricate, he could earn some money while at it, right.

"I will also be reducing the taxes that the people usually pay to Whiddiff palace by 50%." Shura Roosevelt told Eugene Perrin making all the people at the meeting to exchange looks among themselves with complicated expressions.

"My king, I think that will hit hard our net revenue, we will not be able to manage our expenditure and paying wages to the civil servants. Not to mention that we have to sponsor the conquering of other kingdoms" Eugene Perrin said what was in his mind but Shura Roosevelt didn't change his resolve, he could earn some charisma points if he reduced the taxes, right?

And as for where more money would come from for more fabrications, that was from the manufactured stuff that he would be selling to the merchants and the people of his kingdom, he didn't thought that there was anyone out there who would not be interested with the commodities produced by the system through him.

"Mr Vlad Levitsky and Cataline Brisbois, come forward." Shura Roosevelt called the two who had just been promoted. The two walked towards the throne and stood before the king.

A white wisp came out of Shura Roosevelt's finger and entered into the foreheads of both Vlad Levitsky and Cataline Brisbois. Both of them bit their tongues as they squeezed their heads between their palms. Their heads felt painful as a magnitude of information was allowed in.

"Don't resist, allow it in to your mind." Shura Roosevelt told them nonchalantly. The rest of the seated group except for the immortals, were dismayed by what was going on in front of them. Shura Roosevelt seemed to be like a demon incarnate as they could feel fear and helplessness as if a daunting demon had locked on them. Shura Roosevelt's eyes were glowing red and the white wisps that came out of his finger added to his daunting look.

What Shura Roosevelt was doing was simply forcing the knowledge that he had learned from the system about agriculture to the high priest while the education knowledge to Cataline Brisbois.

It was an effective and time saving method of teaching them, he would not have to ask them to attend the lessons with him so that he could teach them from scratch, no. With this, they were already learned.