
I can't use Magic

Lucian can't use magic and he wants to become the strongest adventurer . The world where Magic is everything , he goes through many hardship . Unable to join a group he decides to form his own party and in the process he meets her .

Saurav_kmr · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2 : Adventurer Guild

The inn where I'm staying is in the central part of the city . The city is divided into three regions . Central region is the innermost and after it comes the middle region and the last one is Free region . Free region is mainly the area surrounding the city that includes outskirts of expanding town . Farms and crop fields are all inside free regions .

Central region is the most dense part of the city and here all the major building are located .

If you were to walk from outskirts of the city to the centre , it would hardly take you two or three hours . In size it's comparably large to the most of the city in empire and also closest to the capital . This city has well established trade and transportation .

It's almost evening and i haven't done anything productive .

I went to lobby of the hotel I'm staying in . lobby is quite spacious and restaurant that is part of this inn is on the opposite of the lobby . Let's say , When you enter inside , in your left will be the reception room and at right will be restaurant . If you move forward you will get the stairs leading to the rooms .

At the reception inside the lobby , A middle-aged women receives the coustomer. she is dressed well and her manner of speaking is formal .

I went to her .

Since I want to know the direction for the adventurer guild she would be able to tell me .

It's better if I get familiar with this place . When I arrived in this city , it was hard to know the location of merchant guild . I ended up asking passerby .

I went near the reception and enquired ~

" sorry to bother you can I ask you for direction "

"are you looking for adventurer guild "

she replies with a gentle expression .

" yeah _ but how did you guess "

" our inn is famous among adventurer and many of them prefer to stay here since it's close to adventurer guild and it's affordable "

" oh .."

well she probably deals with such questions on daily basis then she may have guessed already that I'm adventurer . Did she knew it already when I arrived here ?

" For adventurer guild you need to take right turn from here after three lawns take a left and you will be able to see the sign board of adventure guild "

it's seems to be close from here .

" Thank you "

" welcome "

After it I left for the adventurer guild .

The shops here are full of peoples . There are lots of shops and stalls . Residential building are quite big and eye-catching . Surrounding is full of liveliness .

While observing My surrounding and locals I have arrived to adventurer guild . It's big and can be easily noticed due to its sign board .

People are leaving and entering , they are armoured with weapons .

I entered inside . Hall is larger than the hotel's and table are occupied by adventurers . I went to the lady at reception . She is young unlike someone whom I met before. Four receptionist are positioned here and all of them are beauty.

The man in front me is takin his time while conversing with her . Isn't he taking lot of time . Ahh it's my turn ~

" How can I help you "

She is polite and her voice is gentle .

"I would like to register here "

" perhaps are you new here . Do you have an adventurers certificate "

You need have a adventurers certificate for which you will have to pass a test which includes written and physical . Test is simple and can be easily passed . I think test is important for checking ones ability . If anyone to become adventurer , he may not be able to survive . Mostly it's to measure the ability of newbies and if you are capable enough you can get a good rank from beginning . This certificate allows us to explore ruins and labyrinth and claim the founding .

After you get the adventurer certificate you need to register at the guild and if you wish to change the guild you will have to register there . Even though all the guild are connected and are managed by guild Counsil you still have to register again when you moves to new city . For merchants they doesn't have such rules .

Maybe it's to maintain the migration of adventurer from one city to another since a bigger city will pay more for the task .

" Yes I have my certificate ... here "

I took my certificate from the dimensional pocket and passed it .

" We will varify it and registration will be done shortly . It will be 1000 ori For both registration and varification "

1000 ori.... it's expensive. well it cannot be helped .

from my pouch I took out 10 silver coins which is worth 1000 ori and paid to receptionist. I again stored it back in my dimensional pocket .

" Then please wait while we process "

After a while she came back and called for me " Mr. Lucian Clive " . I was sitting on the bench close to the reception .

"yes " ... I went to her .

" Here is you Status card ... please don't loose it and ... it seems you don't have a party member . "

" Yes ... "

" You need to have a party member to take any of the task. Since you ranks is " C " you aren't allowed to take any task alone till you reach atleast "A" rank . "

" .... I want to join a group but ... it's not working "

I know this but it's nothing that can be helped . I also know if I were to work alone , I may die easily . And without completing tasks I won't be able to rank up .

There are total of 10 ranks . Lowest five are

1 . S

2 . A

3. B

4. C

5. D

Highest Five ranks are :

1. Platinum

2. Gold

3. Silver

4. Copper

5. Bronze

" With you rank we cannot help . Ah .. And if you can't join a group why don't you invite other to join you . If you want you we can post a request and people like you will certainly join you "

What did she mean " people like you " . Is anything wrong with me . Ahhh ... she wants to say like me there are also others newbies who want to join a group . Certainly i would like to invite them .

" yes please do so "

" Okay . And there is also one thing ... Those with money can buy a slave and add them to their party . They also uses them as a protection if situation comes to sacrifice .... Well you look quite rich and your attire is that of a novel .... why don't you try this method "

She is staring at me. Please don't do this...

Ahhh I'm getting nervous .

" I will think about it ... thank you very much "

What she said is certainly good idea. Slavery is quite common in cities and specially novels and rich people do have them . My house also

had slaves . It's not like nobles force them to become slave . In this world , survival is Evey and those who cannot do so seeks protection from other .

And also there are those who under certain circumstances had to force themselves in slavery .

This country has certain policies and laws that prohibits the exploitation of slavery system . But still there are those who abuse their slaves .

With this I left the guild .

What should I do ? I cannot think of any answer ..... I don't want to force someone to accompany me on dangerous tasks . But if I don't get any group member .....Aaaah it's irritating to think about it .

For now I should not worry about joining a group . I have eny money so should think about using them wisely. Should I buy some equipment ? No i have many and it's all better than I can get in any shop .

It's been a year I'm wondering here and there . I should buy a my own house . This city seems to be fine for living here . Let's leave it for future and Now that im done with registration .. how about exploring this city "Riva " .

And this status card looks awesome. I wish in future I will have a platinum card .

Name : Lucian Clive

Age : 18

Speciality : Swordsman

Rank : D

Guild : Riva

ID No . xxx xxx

The way I'm looking at my status card and smiling , people will probably think of me a creepy guy .

" mama look at that big brother he is smiling "

" Don't look at him he is creepy "

Did someone really called me creepy : ?