
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 7- Day 1

I wake up with a sore neck and back from sleeping against the hard wall. What time is it? Is it tomorrow yet? I wonder. I look around Gia is asleep along with Joven and Nathan except Cole. So it's really just Cole and me awake. Nathan is sleeping on the ground as well as Joven and Gia is sleeping with her head against the wall.

''Cole do you know what time it is?'' I ask him.

''It's 2: 40 in the morning'' he replies.

Seriously. it's only 2:40 in the morning, gosh I thought it was later than that but at least it's the next day.

''How come you're not asleep?'' I ask him.

''I was for a while but then I woke up just now not too long before you'' he says.

''So I guess after this you'll probably never talk to us again huh?'' I ask him.

''I don't think so I mean it's none of you guys fault anyway, none of us knew anything like this was gonna happen'' he says.

''Yeah I guess you're right''

''You're such a popular guy so how you didn't have anywhere to go for springbreak?'' I ask him.

''I did, Stacy invited him to a beach house with her and some others from school but I turned it down because I wanted to hang out with you guys''

''Really? So you know that Gia likes you?'' I ask him.

''Who doesn't?'' he asks me back. I had no idea he knew and I'm sure Gia doesn't either.

''How bad do you think it'll be?'' I ask him.

''I don't know but I'm guessing it'll be gruesome'' he says.

''Why do you think he's doing this?'' I ask as I wonder the same thing.

''He's sick mentally and psycho, he likes seeing people like this'' he tells me.

''Yeah but why? There's always a reason behind things like this. I just wonder why he's doing it''

''There is no reason, he's just sick and enjoys torturing people'' Cole responds.

''I guess''

There is always a reason why people do the things they do and this man, our captor looks like he's been doing this for a long time now and I wonder why.

What's his reason? What's his story? What's his life? Who is he? Why does he do this?

I ask myself all these questions that I have no answers too and I will never have answers too but I can't help wonder about him and his life. What is he doing right now? Is he preparing for our activity today? When does it start?

Cole and I talk to pass the next few hours about pretty much anything. We try not to talk about this and our current situation but about other things. He tells me that he moved from South Dakota because his father got a better paying job here and their mom was already looking to sell their house as well. He also asks me how come we moved to Utah and I tell him the same reason he told me why he moved here because my dad got a better paying job here but not the real reason. We talk a bit more and I get to know him a bit, I think I know him better than Gia now but that's good because I'll just tell her whatever she wants to know.

Everyone wakes up around the same time in the next few hours.

''How'd you sleep?'' I ask Gia.

''Like I just woke up from the grave I was sleeping in for 100 years'' she says and makes me laugh. Her comments always make me laugh because they are always on point even when she exaggerates a bit.

''Scarlette are you okay?'' Nathan asks me.

''Yeah Cole made me feel better while you guys were sleeping'' I smile and so does Cole.

We all await for our first activity to begin and await our captors arrival.

A while later I hear a forceful bang followed by another and another, it's coming from above us. above this room. What is that noise?

''He's coming'' Diana says.

''What, how do you know?'' I ask her.

''He makes those three bangs whenever he's coming'' Steven explains.

So that's his signal to let us know when he's coming.

Just as I'm wondering when he would get here I hear the latch on the door turn and we all look up at the door waiting to see what's in store for us.

Our captor walks in dressed in the same thing he was in yesterday the first time I saw him. He stands by the entrance of the doorway and stares at us then he slowly tilts his head to the side in a creepy schemish way. I realize he's holding what looks like a thick hose in his hand and one of his fingers are on the nozzle in the front as if he's ready to spray something with water. He slowly walks in the room and stand in the middle then presses his finger on the nozzle and before I know it he starts off by Cole and Nathan's side and chunky blood comes out of the hose and soaks them. They both back up the farthest they can against the wall and leave their mouths open in shock as the blood hits them at high speed.

He then moves the hose to the middle and the corner by me, Gia and Joven. My chest starts heaving up and down as my breathing picks up and I crouch up in the corner in fear. I close my eyes and not even a second later I feel cold blood hitting me at very high pressure from the hose, I then feel chunks hit my skin too. It makes me shiver and goose bumps rise on my skin. I continue to feel chunks and chunks of whatever animal or human it is from, it's nauseating. It finally stops and I hear the hose stop spraying as well. I wipe the blood away from my face and mostly my eyes so that I can see. I finally open my eyes and I realize he's in front of us. I feel something a bit heavy on my shoulder and just as I look to see what it is it's an ear!

It's a bloody ear from some kind of animal!

I start to scream causing everyone to look at me and immediately take it off my shoulder and throw it on the ground. Just as I look on the ground where I threw it I see black boots behind it, gosh I threw it right by him.

Gosh is he angry?

Is he gonna do something to me?

What's he gonna do?

I raise my head to look up at him and he looks at me for a second, I can't see if he's mad or not because of the mask on his face but I think he is. He looks at me for about half a second then looks away and turns around and heads out the door. He looked at me long enough for me to realize he has blue eyes.

He walks out the door and then pulls it behind him a bit but doesn't close it with the latch.

''You know if he wasn't this crazy he would've been really hot to hook up with'' Gia says and causes all of us to look at her in confusion.

Didi I just hear her right?

''What? Come on, you guys can't admit he's not hot'' she continues.

''Scarlette you agree right?'' she asks me. How can she ask me that right in front of Nathan? And in front of everyone else?

''What! no!'' I say aloud and clear

''Didn't you see how juicy his ass looked and that body? he's the sexiest man I've ever seen''

''You were looking at all of that?'' I ask her.

''Of course, I thought you were too''

''No, I don't even like men like that you know that and I was trying to not look at him'' I tell her the truth.

''Just because you and Nathan are together doesn't mean you can't look at other hot guys. I'm sure Nathan looks at other girls too'' she says and I look at Nathan who doesn't even know what to say.

''I don't look at other girls ever since Scarlette and I started dating'' he says.

''Exactly and I do the same'' I respond.

''Really? I swear you guys are the lamest couple ever''

''We're not lame we just don't look at other people like that since we're dating''

''Nothing's wrong with that, it's not like you're gonna have sex with them or anything, you're just looking'' Gia says.

''Okay can we not talk about that anymore'' I ask and she stops talking about it.

Just then the door opens again and our captor comes through, this time he brings in two buckets, the buckets are tall and are filled with some brown- yellow liquid that spills out when he brings them in. He puts one closer to the woman and the other closer to the man.

Oh my god! What's he gonna do?

He takes out the axe from behind him and holds it in his hand. He holds the axe in his hand and points to the man and instructs him to move up to the bucket then he points at the woman then the bucket, he points for Diana to move closer to the bucket. I don't think the man is gonna do what I think he's gonna do.

I remember they both said he doesn't speak so this is how he instructs us.

Steven moves to Diana and puts his hand at the back of her neck and pushes her head down. I push back against the wall as her head is in the bucket and I hear her muffled screams then the liquid from the bucket is splashing from the bucket onto the ground. Steven looks so devastated doing this but he has no choice, at least they're leaving today after this torture. Her hands start hitting the bucket and I keep wondering when can he let her up. A few seconds later our captor bangs his axe against the wall then Steven removes his hand and lets her head back up, She starts coughing then looks up at the captor who then points to Steven and the bucket, I'm guessing she has to do it to him now.

I bring my knees to my chest and bury my face in them. I can't look or hear anymore of this and I won't be taking my pills for a week so this is much worse, I shouldn't look nor listen and that's exactly what I do. I try my best to ignore the muffled screaming and other resistant noises.

I finally raise my head up as I don't hear anymore screams or anything. I see the door half open and both Diana and Steven try to catch their breath from what they were forced to do. The masked man walks back in but with an old spray bottle in his hand. He sprays Steven with whatever liquid is in the bottle and Steven immediately knocks out then walks over to Diana and does the same and she knocks out as well. Our captor gets out a set of keys then unlocks the chains covering both of their hands. He takes Steven out the room first then Diana. I remember what they said, they said yesterday that tomorrow they're leaving which is today so they are leaving. I'm so happy they're leaving to go home or at least out of here but what was that he sprayed them with?

He then slams the door shut and I hear the latch from the outside lock. So I guess that was the last we saw of Steven and Diana, I hope they go the police immediately when they get out of here and they come for him so he never does this again.

Now it's just the five of us in here but at least I'm not alone, I have my friends here and we are all here for each other.

So I guess we completed day 1, we have 6 more days of hell to complete, which I don't think I can go through.

I don't think I will be able to complete the rest of the days.