
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 2- Preparation

''Hey my little Scarf'' my dad greets me as I enter the house and I smile.

I haven't really visited home for a few weeks and I now realize how much I missed the place. We have moved here about 2 years now from Connecticut because after what happened to me there it's a place I would never wanna go back and it's something I haven't talked about since although it has left me traumatized. I will admit though things have gotten much better since we moved here and I feel much safer now since my dad is the cop for our area. Everyone has really been there for me when it first happened and I'm very thankful for that.

''Hey dad'' I respond and give him a hug.

My mom comes in and gives me a really big hug then Gabriel just passes me by and asks me if I brought him a present yet and I give him my usual answer 'no'.

My mom made alfredo pasta today with extra buttery garlic bread and mashed potatoes, my favourite. We all sit down by the table and devour my mom's delicious cooking until we're stuffed. We all talk while we are at the table about what happened in our lives in the last three weeks since I haven't been here too much. After, we all head over to the couch and my mom and dad insist we watch a family Hallmark movie. We all spend the most time we can with each other since I won't be seeing them again until after Spring break. My mom comes in my room with me and helps me pack some of my things.

''Wait you guys found a place yesterday?'' my mom raises her brows in confusion.

''Yeah we did I was just as surprised as you are'' I reply.

''How much are you guys paying?''


''For all of you?'' she asks and I nod.

''Where did you guys find a place so last minute and yet so cheap for Spring break? What's the name of this place?''

''It's called the Compelling Adventure''

''That's a weird name''

''I know right, but here let me show you the site'' I tell her and go on my phone to pull up the site.

I type 'The Compelling Adventure' in the search bar and for some strange reason my phone says 'no search results found'. That's so strange we saw it last night. Why isn't it there anymore?

''Mom I can't find it now but it was here last night, it's so weird it's not here anymore'' I say while still staring at the words 'no search results found'.

''Well maybe they were looking for a few last minute customers to fill the place then when it's filled they took the site down so no one would be calling and stuff. Lots of places do that'' my mom informs me.

''Yeah maybe they did'' I say but I'm still confused.

I pack most of my clothes that I left here like I bathing suit and beach wear.

''So this place, how many people are gonna be there?''

''I don't know''

''Where is it?''

''In Arizona''

''Are lots of people from your school going there?'' my mom asks.

''I don't know''

''Scarlette, you barely know anything about this place''

''I know, they said we have to meet them at the gas station on our way in and they would give us further directions and the list of activities we're gonna do for our time there'' I tell her.

''That's sounds weird, why can't they give you guys the address when you call or put it up on the site?''

''I don't know, they just do things differently I guess''

''So is it a hotel? a beach house? what?''

''It's a hotel. Mom relax, it's safe, we're going in a group and there's gonna be other people there too not just us'' I assure her.

I was not sure about this place either but I have thought about it and I overthink things too much and I have been too afraid to go anywhere ever since that happened in Connecticut especially away from home.

It's now 4 as I move to the door to head back to my apartment.

''Honey remember Spring break is a wild dangerous time and there are teens getting drunk and doing all kinds of wrong things out there and they'll try to get you into it but don't ever do that, you get out of there. Always listen to your heart and if you don't feel safe somewhere or with someone get out of there, leave everything and just go. We love you very much and don't forget to answer our morning calls so we'll know that you're safe and remember the code word for danger so we'll come get you'' My dad informs me.

''I know all of that, thank you. I will see you guys when I get back''

''We love you honey'' my dad says.

''And I love you guys too'' I say and my mom hits Gabriel in his back and he sighs.

''Love you too'' he sighs and I laugh and hug him then walk to my car.

I wave my parents goodbye as I drive off.


''I can't wait for this trip, the five of us are gonna have such a great time'' Gia says.

''Wait five? Who's the fifth person'' I ask perplexed.

''Oh right Cole's coming'' she says in a low voice.

''What? What do you mean Cole's coming?''

''He said he's not doing anything for Spring break since he just moved here so I invited him with us'' Gia casually says.

''What? When?'' I ask in confusion.

''I asked him today'' she says.

''Relax I called back the number and the man said it's fine he can tag along at no extra cost'' she informs me as if she knew what I was gonna ask.

''I don't think-''

''Please Scar, you know how long I have wanted to get Cole, this is my only shot at getting to sleep with him because he's gonna be alone with us there not like in school or at parties where everyone is around him all the time and I can't get some alone time with him so this is the only time'' Gia says.

''Fine'' I say. I barely know Cole, we've only talked twice but he doesn't seem like a bad person, he seems kinda nice so I don't mind him tagging along with us.

We are halfway through packing our things for the trip and so far I don't feel any emotion towards this trip yet other than a little fear but that's it, I'm not that excited as the rest of them are but maybe I will be once we get there.

I don't know why but for some reason I feel a bit scared of something.

Gia is done packing and so am I. Gia has three times the amount of luggage I have and I'm pretty sure half of it is make up to look good for Cole.

We load everything into the trunk of the car and head over to Nathan and Joven's place. We're gonna park our car there and use Joven's van for all of us and our luggage. Cole is already there when we arrive.

''Does my hair look good? I heard he likes girls with wavy hair'' She says.

''Yep it's as wavy as it gets''

I get out of the car and Nathan gives me a hug that slightly lifts me off the ground. I inhale the smell of his cologne and him. I love the way he smells and he's wearing hair gel, I told him I don't like him wearing hair gel, it makes his hair way too stiff and I can't play with it as I want to.

''Hey Scarlette it's good to see you, thanks for letting me tag along with you guys'' Cole says.

''Yeah sure it's no problem'' I respond, I didn't really have a choice, I just found out he was coming like an hour ago.

Gia and I both load our things into Joven's van and Nathan helps me with my small bag but he lets me put the big one in, the one I can barely lift. I mean I didn't expect him to put my bags in for me because I know he isn't so much of a gentleman kind of guy too much but still.

Joven isn't in the best mood for the last couple weeks because he and Joshua broke up, they have been together for 2 years and this is the first time they have ever broken up for so long. Joshua is really kind and sweet just like Joven they were a great couple and I hope they get back together. Joven didn't really tell me why they broke up because he said it was problems in gayland that I wouldn't understand. Joshua too was planning to spend Spring break with us as well but he isn't anymore since they broke up. Joshua is such a great person to talk to,he gives great advice and he's a great listener, I used to sometimes talk to him about Nathan and I when we first wanted to have sex last year and I will admit I did tell him things before I told Gia.

I hope Joven will be here with us and even if he is drifting off I won't let him. He's so great and so fun to hang out with and we'll have the best time. Okay the excitement is kicking in now and I'm ready for this trip.

We all get into the van and Joven starts the engine. Nathan sits down first by the window seat and I sit on his lap. Gia and Cole have already engaged in conversation and I see her cleavage getting lower and lower. Nathan starts telling me about what he has planned for us for this trip like just me and him and I feel exhilarated as he tells me about the romantic plans for us.

I feel eager and the spark inside me is getting bigger and bigger ready to explode. I'm ready for this trip and all the events that await us.