
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 11- What's he gonna do?

After what feels like a few hours later of him carrying me we reach back in the building I think is his house. We walk inside and he puts me on the ground gently, I just lie there as I can barely move. I see him walk over by something but I don't know what it is since my vision is really blurry right now. He comes back with two things that I don't know what they are but as he walks closer to me I'm now able to see them, he has a rope and a large piece of cloth in one hand.

No no no no. What's he gonna do?

I back away shaking my head no and drag myself on the ground resisting as he walks closer to me. I struggle to crawl and drag myself on the ground but he grabs my ankles and pulls me back. He turns me over on my back then gets on top of me with his knees at my sides and grabs both my hands in his one hand.

He doesn't have to tie me up or anything I barely have enough energy to stand and he knows that so why is he gonna tie me up?

What's he gonna do?

He looks so huge over me, his shoulders are so broad and his muscles look monstrous over me, the size of him over me makes me already know that I can never win or even try to fight back although I did get kinda far, I made it all the way to the gas station and if I had a little more energy I could've saved us all.

''No please!'' I yell as I look into eyes and he tilts his head in that creepy way again.

''Why are you doing this?'' I ask him as we both look at each other studying ourselves.

''What are you gonna do to me?'' I ask him and he just continues to stare at me.

That mask covering his face scares me especially when he tilts his head like that, it can make someone jump out of their skin with fright just looking at that thing.

I start breathing heavy and I feel my bones chilling with fright. He ties my hands together with the rope then he puts the cloth over my eyes and ties it tightly from behind.

I become so scared that I feel tears forming in my eyes as I wonder what he's gonna do to me now. I don't wanna ever go through something like what happened in Connecticut again that would forever wreck me.

I can't.

He grabs my arms and pulls me to stand up but I barely can, he pulls me close to him like at the gas station and I feel his hard muscular body against mine then puts his hand under my thighs and before I know it I'm off the ground. He holds me bridal style and continues walking.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I really hope he's carrying me back down there, it will be much better than what I think he's gonna do. I don't wanna be anywhere alone with him especially tied up like this.

I feel him lay me on the ground but it doesn't feel like the same ground where we are being kept underground, it's different, it feels like the rough floor up in his house.

Oh god, why are we still up here? why can't he just take me back down to the room he was keeping us in?

''Please I'm really sorry, can you just take me back down there? I won't do anything again, I'll stay down there, please'' I beg but of course no answer, I don't even know where he is, if he's still in here or not.

I lie there on the ground with my hands tied to the front of me and a tight blindfold around my eyes preventing me from seeing anything. Just as I lift my hands up to my eyes to move the blindfold I feel a rough huge hand grabs them and pushes them back down.

After some time I feel his hand go behind my head pulling my head up but I can't sit up and I think he knows since he puts his arm behind me for support.

I feel something touch my lips and it's cold metal or something, it scares me that I resist and pull back but he pulls me up again. He puts it by my mouth again and when I resist again he gets mad and I hear him growl angrily that he pushes it through my lips and I think it's a cup or mug or something.

Oh my god, he's gonna poison me.

He tilts it and I feel cold water coming from it.

It's water, I want it so bad but I don't know if it is regular water, he probably poisoned it or something. I resist again and this time he gets more mad and growls then roughly pulls me up some more.

He might hurt me if I don't drink it so I taste it first and it tastes like normal cold water.

Just as I realize it's normal water in it I bring my head up a little and start drinking.

Water never tasted this good before. I keep drinking like a thirsty camel in the dessert who hasn't gotten water for months. I keep drinking and now it's too much water, how much water is in this mug or whatever it is?

Why is he giving me water?

He's giving me too much water now that I'm full but still hungry, I'm definitely not thirsty anymore. I shake my head no and he moves the mug away from me.

I feel him move a bit but his hand is still behind my back then I smell food, I think it's a hamburger! The smell gets closer and I feel the burger touch my lips, I open my mouth immediately and take a huge bite.

Why is he giving me food now?

Is this how he treats people who tries to escape?

Is he gonna do or make me do something so horrific that he's feeding me first?

Is he warming me up for something terrible to come? Is he? I keep wondering but I still keep on eating.

Gosh I'm so hungry that I just bite and swallow barely chewing, the hamburger tastes really good but I think anything tastes good at this point. I continue eating then I think I take the last bite as I pull the piece in my mouth I feel my lips brush against his hand.

I'm now full. I can't believe he just did that but he did and I'm so thankful for that I didn't think I could've gone another day without food or water. I actually wanna tell him 'thanks' but that could be really weird. The food made me happy but I can't help wonder why he did that.

That was not what I was expecting, I thought he was really gonna let me have it for escaping, hitting him a few times then running.

Wait what if he still is gonna do something?

I remain like this with the blindfold covering my eyes and my hands tied together with his hand behind my back still holding me up. He doesn't move and so does me but I can't help but wonder what is he doing?

Why won't he move or something?

He just stays like this with me on the floor for a while . I can't see or anything so I don't know what he's doing right now but I feel his eyes on me and I think he's staring at me.

Is he? Gosh, I hope not and even if he is where is he staring?

Gosh he's a psycho freak.

I wearing a really short sleeveless dress but I smell really bad and look disgusting right now, I have dirt, dried blood and smell like I came from the sewer so that such be a huge turn off. I hope it's a huge turn off and he doesn't think about doing what I think he's gonna do.

I hear a voice calling in the distance again it isn't clear but someone's calling him I think again. I think it's the old man but I don't know for sure. In that same moment I feel a needle roughly injected into my arm. I let out a soft scream from the shock of pain and a few seconds later I'm asleep.