
I Can't Stay Away

Scarlet and her friends springbreak vacation takes a menacing turn when they are kidnapped. It later leads to mysterious, rough and unforgettable romantic journey between her and the captor when they are reunited.

Kimberly_Rambaran · Adolescente
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11 Chs

Chapter 10- Chance to Escape or not?

I wake up well I wasn't actually sleeping but I shift a bit to the side trying to get comfortable but I can't. I lift my hand to push my hair back from my face and just as I do that my hand feels lighter, it doesn't feel that heavy as it used to feel with the chains on it weighing my arms down. I turn around to look at the chains and I notice that the chains broke, both of the chains connecting from the chains on my wrists to the wall broke. The thin chains on my wrists are still there but it's disconnected from the long heavy chains that were hooked to it from the wall.

I'm free.

I immediately stand up and run in the middle of us. I feel like I haven't stood up in weeks and my feet feel so foreign flat on the ground.

''You guys!'' I yelling excitement and they all look at me in great shock.

''What? How did you get out?'' Nathan asks.

''The chains broke'' I answer.

''How?'' Joven asks.

''I think they must've broken when he pulled me yesterday'' I reply. I can't believe the chains were broken so long now and I didn't know.

''Are you serious?'' he asks.

''Yeah, what time is it?'' I ask Cole.

''Almost 9'' he says.

''At night?'' I ask. Down here, you don't even know if it's day or night.


''Scarlet you have to go find the keys to unlock these chains and get us out of here or find a phone or something'' Cole says.

''Are you crazy she can't go out there with that evil freak out there'' Nathan says in a worrisome tone.

''I have too, how else are we gonna get out of here'' I tell them

''What if he comes in here and doesn't see you here then he'll come looking for you and hurt you'' Joven says

''He won't come in here because it's nine at night we already did our activity of today in the morning and it's not tomorrow yet so he wouldn't come in until tomorrow, I'll be back way before then'' I tell them

''You don't even know what's behind that door .What if he catches you then he will really hurt you'' Nathan says.

Nathan is always so worried about me especially since what happened in Connecticut and with my paranoia and everything. I haven't taken my pills in days and honestly if wasn't for all of us being down here I would've been going through an awful lot

I move towards Nathan then stoop on the ground and put my hands on his shoulders.

''I'm gonna try my best, don't worry I'll be back just now'' I assure him and give him a small peck on the lips.

''I'll be back just now'' I tell everyone and turn to head over to the door.

I'm determined, I'm determined that I can get us out of here, I have to try really hard, I just have to try not to run into him.

I remember not hearing him close the latch from the outside yesterday which means the door must be open.

I put my hand on the handle and slowly pull the door but the door doesn't budge at all. I forgot it's a steel door. I pull the door much harder and it finally opens. I keep the rest of my body inside the room but I stick my head out the door making sure everywhere is clear and there is no sign of him and it is clear. I see a narrow hallway with a small staircase at the end. I make my way out the door and look at everyone one more time before I close the door behind me. I nod at them then make my way outside slowly closing the door behind me.

I look in front of me and at the back making sure for the tenth time I'm the only one in this hallway and I am.

I make my way up the stairs and they feel cold under my bare feet. I walk up a few more steps and I see a wooden door, I pull the old handle and it opens. I stick my head out making sure he isn't anywhere nearby.

I step outside the door and walk into another hallway. It's wider than the hallway down there. I just realized something, the room where he keeps us in is underground, we're being kept underground. I slowly walk down the hall and it's a bit dark and really spooky. I notice a door to my left by it's not a regular door. It's a huge metal or iron door with thick chains on it and at least five locks. It makes me wonder what's behind that door, it has to be something really bad since it's so locked away. I continue walking since it's no use trying to get in there. I continue to walk down the hallway and I another doorway comes into sight, the door is half way open. I gently push it open hoping it doesn't squeak or anything and it's a bedroom.

He lives here.

The room is small and it has a countryside setting just like the rooms in the cabin. Bedding that looks like tablecloth, wooden bed and a few paintings, the room isn't that clean but it isn't that dirty either. I look around the room for a phone or something I can use to contact someone but there's nothing here.

I walk out of the room and continue to head down the hallway. I notice light coming in the hallway from another room. The hallway is empty so I pick up pace and walk a bit faster desperately to get out of here. Just as I reach by the doorway I put my hands over my mouth to hold back my scream.

He's in there.

I really wasn't expecting that.

He's sitting on an old chair writing or something on a desk. He didn't see me, at least now I know where he is so I don't have to keep wondering where the hell he is if he's gonna come behind me or something. I run past that room as swiftly and silently as I can making sure he doesn't turn around.

What was he doing in there on the desk?

I'm so curious to know but I can't. I walk into a large room, there is barely anything in this room I see a bookshelf that's really dusty and all the books are torn with cobwebs sticking out of them. I notice another room that really catches my eye, it's in this large room but it's separated by a wall. I walk inside and my curiosity grows even more with this room, it has another bed but this bed is so old like it has at least twenty years and much more, it's really small, it's about probably the size of me which is really small for a bed.

The sheets look like they haven't been changed in months and the bed if half broken. This sure as hell can't be his bed because he can't even fit on this thing or if he does he might break it more than it already is. I walk inside the room and there is an old dresser with just three drawers. The floor is rough and so dirty, this room looks much worse than the first one I saw and it smells kinda bad too, really stuffy and dusty. I see a small really dirty table that looks older than the bed. It has a plastic plate on it with some dried food. Gosh this room makes me wanna throw up, it's so filthy. The paint from the wall in here are flaking off and there are many dirt stain on it. I see some clothes on the floor which I'm assuming are dirty and the give off a bad smell. They look like they've been sitting here for a long time without washing. How can someone stay in a room like this? I can't even stay here for a minute, I have never seen such a filthy room before in my life.

I just realized something again, this is the second bedroom I saw so that means that someone else lives here too it's not just him.

But who?

Just then I walk out of the room and I see a huge shadow nearby, he's here. I don't know what the hell to do so I run back to the hallway and I'm thinking about running back down to where we are all being kept but I stop in my tracks as I realize that he has moved from the room he was in. I stand by the entrance of the room as I look at papers on the desk.

I walk inside the room and look at the desk.

I see a bunch of keys not too much maybe about five keys on the desk by the corner. I'm guessing they can unlock the chains. I immediately pick them up and hold them tight in my hand.

The image on the paper surprises me, it was not what I expected. I thought he was writing something but it's a drawing.

It's a drawing a man and a little boy. I think it's the old man from the gas station but who is the little boy.

He has a lean body and is dressed just like he is, it's definitely the man from the gas station but I don't know who the boy is.

He's behind this too, I had no idea.

This was all planned, the old man was behind this too, I knew he was up to something I just couldn't quite put my finger on it but this was it.

The picture is looks like it was drawn by a 5 year old who just got crayons for the first time, it's really childlike.

Why would he draw this?

I pick up the picture examining it and something tells me it's really full of meaning and has a story behind it but I just don't know what it is. Just as I try to figure out the story I hear really heavy breathing coming from behind me, it heavy angry breathing.

Oh god, please no.

I turn around and he's standing by the entrance of the door with fists formed at his sides and his head tilted to the side in that creepy way he does it with that spine-chilling mask on his face. He dressed in his usual attire and it makes me wonder if he ever changes his clothes. I don't know what to do but I don't think I should move at all nor say anything to make him more angry.

''Did you draw this?'' I ask him hoping he would remain calm and not do anything but he straightens his head but doesn't say anything.

Does he ever talk?

''It looks really good, what does it mean?'' I ask and of course no answer.

He doesn't move from where he is from he just stares at me. I look around the room as I didn't before since I was too busy wondering what was it he was doing on the desk here.

I see three shelves above me filled with wooden structures. I see a bird house, lots of tools made of wood, wooden boats, cars and animals and I stare at one for a while as it looks so familiar it's a wooden structure of the cabin we were staying at,

''Did you make these? They're really good, you have a great skill for handicraft'' I tell him and mean it. These handicraft objects look really good, they look like they were made by a skilled handicraftsman.

I hear someone calling in the distance and he does too, it isn't that clear but someone is and it catches his attention so much that he turns his head listening to what the person is saying and without thinking I start running and before he can catch me I kick him right in the crotch really hard, I use all my force to so I know it will hurt him and keep him off me for some time so I can get out of here and find some help.

I start running looking for a door to escape, I run through the large room with the really old bed as I see a door to the front, the door is open so I run through it and before I know it I'm outside.

The place is dark out here as I know it's late at night. I don't know where we are I don't know anything but I just start running.

The cold breeze of the night hits my body and I already start shivering. My feet mash so many stones and other dirt as I keep running, I just hope something doesn't stick me in my foot.

I must see someone or a car or something that could help me. I look behind me and I see him coming my way.

I keep running in the dark with the sounds of crickets chirping around me. After a while of running I stop as I notice the cabin in front of me. Our things are in there maybe I can call someone or something on my phone if I get signal.

I run inside and our things are just where we left them. I run inside Nathan and I's room and reach for my phone. I close the door behind me and as I try to turn my phone on it's shut down. I try to restart it but it isn't working, I think the battery's dead. I hear the door fly open and before I know it strong hands grab me.

I kick and holler then he throws me on the floor, I fall on my side then try to reach for the window to go through it but he's right on me so I can't but I reach for a vase on the dresser then hit him hard with it and he backs away with his hand on his head. I open the window and jump right out then lock it back. I run out the cabin and start running again, I'm almost out of breath, weak and really dehydrated, I don't think I can run much longer, I hope I find something to get my friends out of there soon.

I keep running again and just then I come to face with something that makes me stop in my tracks.

It's a coyote.

I just stand there not knowing what to do, I'm afraid that if I move it'll attack me. I'm so scared right now.

The coyote and I are eyeing each other and I know he's waiting for the right time to attack. Just then I feel rough hands on my shoulder and it's him. He brings his face really close to mine from behind that I feel his breath on my ear.

''Walk slowly behind me'' he whispers in my ear and I nod slowly.

I slowly walk behind him and hide behind him and I now realize how much taller he is than me, I don't even reach him by his neck. I stand behind him timidly and watch as he runs up to the coyote and grabs it by the neck, he then throws it with great force against a tree. The coyote makes a noise when its body hits the tree then it falls to the ground. I notice it doesn't move at all, it just remains flat on the ground and blood starts spilling out from its head.

It's dead!

I let out a loud gasp and I feel tears forming in my eyes. I didn't think he was gonna kill it!

He turns around and looks at me and we look at each other for a second, eye to eye and I didn't think this was possible but I become even more terrified of him as I just witnessed him doing that. I start running again and I see the lake, I pass the lake and that means I must be close to the gas station.

I see the gas station as I turn the corner and I stop running and put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath for a second. I don't think I can run anymore, I desperately need water and food but mostly water. I feel like I'm gonna faint as everything starts going blurry and my legs start wobbling. I walk up the few steps and I reach inside the old shack, I keep pushing my body to keep walking to save my friends and myself right now.

I look inside the shack trying to find a phone or something. I see a radio or something on a wooden desk and I press some random buttons trying to contact someone as quickly as I can.

''Hello good night, how can I help you?'' someone on the other end asks and I smile with hope.

''I need...'' I try so bad but I can't even finish my sentence in plead of help as my head starts pounding and my body feels weaker and my throat feels so dry that I can't speak anymore.

I put my hand on my head and another one on my stomach, I'm gonna faint I know it. I haven't eaten and only drank a handful of water in days and I just ran for miles.

I see someone walking towards me, someone with a huge body, it's him. He walks towards me with fists at his sides then roughly holds both of my arms in his hands to keep me from falling. He then takes the keys out of my hand and I hold onto his arms for support as well, he pulls me close to him with one hand behind my back and I feel my hungry stomach pressing against his hard muscular one and I lean onto him with my head on his chest. I hear him smash something then I see bits of the radio on the ground, he broke the radio.

My chance of getting help is over, I would've gotten help if I wasn't so weak about to pass out from the lack of food and water.

He then puts his hands on the underside of my thighs forcing me to spread my legs then lifts me onto him with my legs spread around his waist, I feel both his rough hands on the underside of my thighs holding me in place on him making goosebumps appear on my legs.

Why is he holding me like this?

What's he gonna do to me?

I pray to god that he doesn't do what I think he might.

I can't fight him anymore, I could barely even see so I just give up and let him capture me back. He doesn't hurt me or anything though, he just lifts me onto him and puts my head on his chest and I feel my inner thighs pressing against his belt. His chest is like a boulder, it's so hard. I put my hand on his chest then put my head on top for a little bit of comfort.

I can't believe he's holding me like this, it's so you know inappropriate, only Nathan has ever held me like this before and that's only once when we had sex. He then starts walking but not fast, he walks rather slow with me his arms, I'm glad that he's carrying me and I don't have to walk back because I can barely stand right now. There's nothing more I wanna do than to take off his mask and see what he looks like but I know he will get furious and really let me have it.

I feel him walk down the steps and we pass the gas pumps. My stomach is grumbling, my head is pounding, I'm dehydrated, worn out, dirty and every worst feeling you think of it's how I feel. It's definitely a long walk back and at this speed he's going we'll be walking for a long time.

I can't believe I heard him talk, that had me in a bombshell, he talked!

I decide to close my eyes and just lay my head on his chest but I can't stop thinking about his hands on my thighs. His hands feel so rough and dry on my soft thighs like they have gone through years of hard work.

I don't know why but that feeling gets me nervous and goose bumps rise on my thighs, I wonder if he feels them too?