

GoodnessChigozirim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

The meeting.

Aria stood there stunned and eager to know who almost hit her and being Aria she charged towards the car without thinking.

"Hey who the hell do you think you are driving that way like you own the place! Open up or I will break down your window!". Aria shouted meaning every word.

Finally the door opened and a man dressed in suit stepped out but he still had his back turned from Aria but she could tell he was well built from what she saw. Not that it mattered, "He tried to kill you Aria! Focus!"

Aria getting irritated tapped on his shoulder,"Mister, didn't you hear me? I said you tried to kill me few minutes ago and the least you can  do is apologize but no you just stepped out and backed me like you're getting ready for a photoshoot!"

"Am talking to you Mister or should  I presume your intention was to kill me on purpose? Speak up or you will regret it! Being rich does not give you the right to treat me or anyone the way u want!".

"Firstly fiesty lady, Yes, I own this place. Secondly, you were the crazy one who jumped into the roadtalking to yourself without looking. Lastly, has anyone ever told you that you talk and threaten a lot and it's not ideal for ladies" The mystery man in suit retorted facing Aira.

Aira held her breath as she stared at the sight in her presence. Mr Rude was not what she had imagined at all. No, he was more than who she had imagined him to be. Yes, he had well built shoulders judging from his back he had turned to her but she clearly wasn't prepared for the face of the man who had such shoulders. God! He was heavenly! So pretty that it hurt her eyes though not literally. He had such green eyes that could see through the darkest hearts and souls. He had  brows no makeup artist could resist. Why the hell should his lips be that beautiful?! "Focus focus focus!" Aria tried telling herself but her eyes wouldn't oblige as they refuse to leave his face.

"Don't you know how rude it is to stare? Don't drool all over me!" The guy on suit said snapping Aria back to reality.

"What! Was she drooling?!" Aria asked herself touching her face and thankfully she wasn't. She glared back at Me gorgeous face with no manners "I wasn't drooling Mr I just didn't honestly expect you to look this way" she retorted using her hands to weigh him. "I honestly thought you would look like a mafia with scars across your face considering the fact you almost ran me over with your car and haven't said a thing till this moment!" Aria said explaining herself.

"You don't need to explain yourself baby girl, slow down you sound like a rapper. I really understand you" The mystery guy said.

"Really you do?" Aria asked.

"Yes I do, I get that look all the time from girls like you who try silly stunts like the one you pulled to get my attention and now you certainly have mine" He smirked trying to touch her cheek but she smacked his hand away "You insolent proud ass! I don't give a damn about your looks or the ladies who give you attention. I'm only interested in your apology for almost trying to kill me in broad daylight!" Aria shouted.

"You're a fiesty one aren't you? Well sorry to disappoint you but I am The one who would be needing your gratitude for saving your life since according to you this almost accident wasn't a stunt you pulled to get my attention!" "Who the hell walks across the road without looking muttering to themselves?!" The mystery guy retorted. " I can certainly think of ways you can show your gratitude especially in kind" The guy replied smirking at her.

Aria lost it and smacked him accross the face. "You are all the same! Proud rich white men who use girls for pleasure and nothing more! You almost killed me but you stand here to boldly deny it expecting gratitude and trying to charm me into giving you gratitude in kind with your stupid smirks! You think you look charming?! Well not to me! Your face will need some nice carvings to teach you how to respect a lady!" She screamed at him walking out but was held back by strong masculine hands...

"You're gonna regret this  I promise you" the guy on suit whispered.

"Meet me again and I will show you what regret is all about. Besides you didn't apologize and I didn't give you gratitude so now I think we're even, I even gave a bonus smack so I have nothing more to do with you now let me go or I will make you"Aria threatened.

The guy smirking as usual let her go ."See you again, soon hopefully!" He whispered again his face becoming serious. Aria just huffed and walked out while the mystery guy got back into his car.

"Get me all the way information there is to know about that first bitch Mark and be fast about it! Do yourself some good and wipe that smirk off your face or you would be super for the street dogs" The mystery guy threatened.

Mark who has been watching the bickering going on between the two from inside the car unknown to Aria replied" Am no fiesty bitch so I can't slap you but kill me and feed me to the dogs and no one will find out any information on little miss courageous for you" Mark replied smirking.

"Don't be too sure about that Mark, I can always find someone else to do it so shut whatever voice telling you that I can't kill you inside your head" Mystery guy retorted with anger clouding his green eyes.

"Yes I don't doubt that but can you find someone exactly like me? The answer is no so chill dude you don't scare me, I will get you what you want if you don't explode from your anger before then" Mark replied giggling.

"Son of a bitch!" The mystery guy cursed before zooming off.

"Am gonna see her again no matter what it takes!" He whispered with a voice filled with spite.

Hello everyone 🥰

I tried making this lengthy enough unlike the first chapter. Like I said it's my first time and am getting better with your support and love❤️❤️.

Follow me on IG:goidyic2022

Titok: goodyic

Let's growm page so I can get to know what you all want through dms.

One love ❤️