

GoodnessChigozirim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

First day as a housekeeper.

First off,I want to apologise for not updating my chapters yesterday guys. My phone spoilt and I fell ill😩 but the devil is a liar😂 so I got my phone repaired today and am feeling better now so I will try to cover up as much as I can. One love ❤️.

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Aria woke up as a result of the violent rays of sun that shone harshly on her face. "Why the hell is it so bright all of a sudden?", She asked loudly still drowsy from her sleep.

"That's because it's morning and the one person who is meant to be up and going by this time is still in bed and guess who the hell it is?! My housekeeper!", Aria heard, She knew that voice! If she could just gather her drowsy thoughts in place... "Aiden!", Aria gasped loudly. "You mean boss?", Aiden corrected. "Who the hell let you into my room?!" Aira asked ignoring the question thrown at her. "Lesson number two lady, do not! I mean do not ever answer my question with a question, is that clear or should I make it clear enough?", Aiden asked sternly, she only nodded looking so astounded to speak. "To answer your question, I let myself in with a spare key since I own the place last time I checked", Aiden answered replying her question earlier.

"That still doesn't give you the right to barge in on a lady's room that way! What if I decided to go bed naked?!", Aira asked flaring up. She knew he owned the place but someone has to get it in his head that he just can't go around barging in on people because he has fucking spare keys and robbing them of their beautiful sleep and dreams. Aria has always been a dreamer, she figured out the only way to deal with difficult situations in life were dreams, sunny dreams, happy dreams or whatever dreams that kept her hope alive that things will get better. Asides those dreams she also prayed but Aria gave up on that long ago. Her mum used to tell her to pray whenever life knocked her down to her knees but looking back on that now Aria just shrugs it off, "I prayed when I got knocked down and was almost got run over if I didn't get up and face reality mum so am sorry, your wise words maybe weren't meant for me", and with a sigh she pushes the thought aside, asides her daydreams she always looked forward to her dreams at night as well because then she didn't have to make it up as well because she always dreamt happy and sunny dreams and she won't let this rich rude brat rob her of it no matter what. "I will put him in his place if everyone else is afraid to do so!", Aria thought inwardly.

"You amuse me Fiesty but I must say, you are a quite a comedian, atleast I must give that to you", Aiden replied chuckling jolting her back from her thoughts.

"Pardon?", Aria asked apparently lost.

"I mean it's pretty funny how you can call yourself a lady when you can't even behave like a proper one", Aiden replied chuckling again because he knew how much it vexed her. "I mean, if it were Mark you should have blabbed all these to him but certainly not me because I see nothing to be enticed about especially not in those", Aiden replied making a funny face and pointing his index finger at her.

Aira gasped when she remembered what she wore to bed last night, ofcourse why won't she remember when he was smirking at her that way, he always did that when he did something mischievous. Aira who didn't come with clothings of any sort to her enemy boss house only figured things won't be easy for her with none of her personal pieces of clothings last night when she had finally undressed from the furcoat she had to wear through out their time in the bar last night looking silly and sweaty and had nothing reasonable to wear in the closet which was already an eyesore,it reminded her of her mum a lot because she knew they would be a perfect fit for her. Thinking about her mum gave her the idea of the nightwear which Aiden has seen her in as a result of his lack of understanding when it comes to privacy.

When she was a little girl, her mum taught her the way she could tie her wrappers as an African woman, she remembered how fascinated she was watching her mum turn  piece of clothing into beautiful styles. One of the easiest styles she learned pretty fast was what she actually did with some old curtains she found in the closet. She covered herself in the curtains and took both ends, crossing it accross her chest and tied them at the back of her neck and simply went to bed. If she had known this embodiment of bad manners would work in on her, she would have woken up earlier and got dressed and ready to work but how was she to do that when they got back by 3:00 am, she was no superwoman but she didn't know how this man in her room got up early and got ready when  they all arrived here at the same time, Aira thought.

She was brought back from her train of thoughts when she heard Aiden snap his fingers. "Come back to life Fiesty or are you one of those people who sleep with their eyes open? Because if you are I honestly won't be surprised anymore", Aiden told her looking at her suspiciously.

"I beg your pardon?!", Aira shouted... "Granted", Aiden replied smartly and Aira rolled her eyes. 

"That was rhetorical but I will just let it slide because am drained, firstly, I'm dressed this way because I couldn't find anything reasonable to use as a nightdress in this fashionable closet!", Aria screamed making sure that the sarcasm in her voice didn't go unnoticed but Aiden just rolled his eyes at her.

"Secondly, I was only wondering how on Earth you got up early and got dressed when we all got back here last night together and it was pretty late. To top it all you're even looking energized! Like you didn't get stressed out getting such little sleep", Aira said examining him closely.

"Well that's because I can't wait to get you started on your new job and help you get acquainted with my house and know what should be expected of you as my housekeeper"... Aiden said, "And ofcourse have fun while at it", he added after a thought and flashed her a grin.

Aria who didn't look like she was moved by the threat of mischief hiding behind his grin and green eyes just asked, "anything else!?".

"No, none that you should know of...", Aiden replied "except ofcourse along the way", he added, this time around  with a smirk. 

"And my wardrobe issue?", Aira asked. 

"I thought that was settled last night?", Aiden asked.

"Really?", Aira asked, not missing the sarcasm in her voice. 

"Yes, that's all you get. Why will I even be part of your wardrobe issue? Since when is that the duty of the boss?", Aiden asked again.

"Well not every boss find their workers in bars and decides to take them home to his house without a thought on what they would wear while they work for him", Aira retorted.

"Technically I did that but you're being ungrateful, why on Earth didn't you remember you were gonna need your old clothes back anyways?" Aiden asked.

"Technically you want me to wear this drum of a cloth because you're a good boss?! Hell no!", Aira asked pulling a cloth out of the closet and stomping on it. "Secondly!, I didn't remember bringing my clothes because we left in a hurry and you made sure to keep me occupied by consistently pissing me off and now I can't go back because Javier wants that opportunity and am pretty sure you won't do me the favor of lending me a driver and a car to go get it either!", Aria screamed at him almost pulling her hair out.

"Hmm, yes you're right, I don't do favors, especially not to servants who are already here to pay their debts so you have no choice fiesty. Put those clothes on and get down there if you don't want to regret this", Aiden replied her suddenly serious.

"But", Aira tried speaking still not moved by the change of his facial expression.

"You mean Yes boss or will sending you back to that filthy bar do the trick", Aiden cut her off not giving her a chance.

"The same filthy bar you go to every night you rotten brat", Aira cursed inwardly.

"Yes boss", Aura said after a deep breath.

'Thats more like it, I will be downstairs waiting so don't take long", Aiden said turning towards the door.

"I hate him!", Aira shouted inwardly mentally reminding herself he would hear her if she screamed out.


"First day here I come"...

IG handle: goodyic2022

Tiktok handle: goodyic

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