

GoodnessChigozirim · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs


"Don't tell me what",Aria who now stood at the top of the stairs staring at the two friends bickering for a while finally asked.

"What", Aiden sharply asked.

"Am not dumb so don't act dumb with me, you both were arguing because you didn't want Mark to tell me something which am absolutely sure you're hiding to frustrate me", Aria retorted.

"I don't know what you're talking about", Aiden replied turning his back on them to take the stairs again.

"Am sure you do", Aira sharply replied not buying his lies, she pulled him back, "tell me", she insisted looking at him defiantly.

"You know for someone who is a housekeeper you do have a lot of courage and disrespect, how dare you pull your boss back because you want to know something that doesn't concern you?", Aiden asked sounding very serious.

"You're only my boss as a result of circumstance and because I really need this job, if my life was as soft as yours I certainly won't be here taking shit from you", Aira retorted rolling her eyes.

Aiden only chuckled, deeply this time like he saw something funny or he heard something funny. "What the hell is he chuckling about? I didn't say anything funny", Aira asked herself inwardly. She know she has only met this gorgeous rude man for a day but she knew he never laughed, he could chuckle but certainly not laugh for reasons best known to him. Drawing that conclusion made her wonder what his laughter will sound like, maybe throaty and deep or something beautiful like his face, she wondered. She rolled her eyes again realizing she had just admitted to the fact that he was a pleasant site to look at physically twice! Well not until you got to experience his filthy character, she reminded herself again mentally.

"And may I ask what's funny to you Mr Aiden?", Aira asked when she couldn't bear the chuckling anymore.

"Did you look closely at yourself at all before you stepped out!, You look like you got paid to entertain children at a party dressed as a clown!", Aiden replied gasping for air from almost choking on a chuckle he held back.

Aira turned red, the only thing she could see was red, how dare he?! He was the one who provided services for her and now he is mocking her?!, What was she to do? She tried her best to make this oversized clothe fit but it just couldn't so she gave up on trying the impossible and just folded the sleeves of her shirt and tied the skirt with a string making her look like she wore a hulahoop under her skirt. She knew this was what he wanted, for her to look like this so he could make her a laughing stock, but he was also wrong if he thought this would break her because one thing she had was a pretty tough skin, nothing could ever go through it, she won't let what people think or say about her get to her, not on her watch. She was used to mockery, it was familiar. Growing up wasn't particularly fun for her as a black girl, she was a lonely girl with no friends. Well it wasn't easy making friends in a white neighborhood when your family was the only black family in the hood. Things actually got better when she grew up but she was already used to doing things on her own and going her own way so she just stuck to that. To her racism was something that wouldn't be wiped thoroughly from the surface of the earth, she could smell it off the whites who lied about their love for blacks. She could see the lies in their eyes and that used to piss her off but not anymore, it just amused her and made her laugh out loud to herself when she was alone. Well things wasn't as tough as it was for others for her, her family was middle class so they could afford a home in the white neighborhood and because her parents were lovers of education, they made sure she went to the best schools which of course was more of whites. Being pretty really helped her too, she could gain favors from the males then even in highschool but she couldn't say the same for the females because she could feel their hatred burn through her skin like it was fire, highschool was where she actually toughened up her skin because it taught her with experience the difficulties, self doubt and extreme consequences that one passes through because they let what think  people get to them and decided to do all they could to fit in.

Aira cringed when she remembered what she had to go through and do for the white girls so they could like her and treat her like one of them. She did projects, wrote notes, ran errands and would have fucking come over if they asked her to so she would walk their dogs, and what did she get out of it? Nothing. Well she was stupid and young but not anymore, she would give anything to change her past but it wasn't possible. Yes she fucked up but who actually hasn't fucked up? What matters now is her present and presently she loves herself and she is comfortable being who she is and if any other person had a problem with her, how should that be her business?, To her nobody else had the right to make her feel bad except she gave them the permission and since she won't ever do that she learnt to be deaf to negative comments and mockery, so the brat could chuckle or he wants but he won't get the reaction he is looking for from her. Not now not ever.

"What's wrong with what am wearing?", Aira asked innocently  and if Mark wasn't with she and Aiden last night, he would have sworn Aira had no idea about how horrible she looked right now.

"It's actually.. umm..well, it's very unflattering for a lady with your kind of beauty", Mark tried explaining as best as he could to Aira which made Aiden roll his eyes in a dramatic manner. 

"Well your boss here seem to like it a lot, isn't that right boss", Aira asked sweetly trying to touch Aiden who briskly moved away.

"I would be having a female guest later today and I wouldn't want her to walk in to the sickening sight of you touching me with that look on your face, she might get"..Aiden paused straightening his suit and adjusting his tie, "the wrong idea", he added after his dramatic pause.

"When he couldn't get the women at the bar, he invites one  his to home, you surely don't know how to live without a woman Mr Aiden", Aira replied obviously trying to provoke him.

"I wonder, is he usually like this Mr Mark?", Aira asked still trying to vex him, she didn't know why but vexing this man was becoming a hobby for her, apparently she could see he was dangerous but she knew he had respect for women because he saved her, though his respect was only restricted to a certain extent, Aira mentally reminded herself again rolling her eyes. He was just like every other man, he saw women as pleasurable tools he could use whenever he pleased and disposed of them whenever he pleased also. She knew his kind, angelic face and demonic behaviors. "Men!", She screamed inwardly, "bastards they all are",she added inwardly slightly provoked. "Aira get over it, it's just a bad memory that shouldn't make way to the surfaces of your memory again", Aria inwardly scolded herself as she forced her senses back to reality and shut down a memory she badly wish she could forget forever.

"Well, yes but it's not in my nature to prey in my best friend's choices so I will love to sit out of this conversation especially when I know what your intentions are with it Miss Aria", Mark replied smiling and taking a bow.

"Charming isn't he?", Aria asked blinking dreamily and smiling at Mark to then at Aiden who only scoffed and rolled his eyes at her.

"He's fucked  women  whose numbers am sure are higher than your age Fiesty so you won't get anywhere trying to use that to rile me up.", Aiden replied her nonchalantly.

"Well who would have thought a man of your calibre could use such vulgar words, well everyone asides me ofcourse. I could see right through you right from the very beginning", Aira replied smirking at him. "Pity you don't fool me", she added.

"Well I have had enough of you, pity you don't fool me either so stop delaying my plans for you and come down here so we can get started", Aiden replied her gesturing with his hands that she should meet him in the living room.

"Yes boss", Aira said finally surprising Aiden...

Happy reading guys 🥰

Forgive any grammatical errors, I was in quite a rush🥺

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One love ❤️😘.