
I Become The World's First Gay Incubus!!?

I'm Tadashi Lee and apparently the world's first gay incubus? Tadashi has had no luck when it comes to dating. All the men that he has met were major jerks or looking for one night stands. The last thing he remembers is following a guy into a forest and now all he knows is that he has to take the soul of 50 different men as an incubus otherwise the devil will take his soul. What happens when Tadashi falls for the devil in the end?

Roselia_Black · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Life Sucks

Zack lunged, quick and relentless, his blade poised to a death blow. He charged.

"Stop" The shadow King's voice resonated as his eyes met the young hero's. Zack stopped cold, listening as the Shadow King's cold voice echoed through his head.

"That's it" the cold voice rattled in his brain and Zack found himself unable to move."

The tip of the sword embedded itself into the wall, just an inch away from the Shadow King's head. Their eyes locked for a moment, their chests heaving in perfect unison before Zack finally tugging the sword from the wood.

"That's it," he said, "I win."

Zack turned away, dropping the sword by his side before turning to the Shadow King, a smug grin on his face. Without a warning, the Shadow King seized Zack's arm, spun his arm, twisting it behind his back, shoving him so that now his torso was flush against the wall.

"Wrong again, hero."

"G-get your filthy hand o-off me." Zack managed, almost angry at how his own body was giving itself away under the Shadow King's touch. A blush crept upon his neck, his cheeks heating up as he shivered under the Shadow King's impossibly soft touch.

The Shadow King tightened his grip on Zack as he struggled and squirmed.

"F-fuck y-you." He tried not to whimper as he felt the Shadow King's hot breath on his neck.

The Shadow King pressed closer to his body.

"Oh no, trust me, baby boy, you don't want to struggle. This will just make it worse for you," he said as he began to place soft kisses on the back of his neck.

"O-okay." it was out as a whimper.

"That's all it takes to shut you up? Close quarters?" The Shadow King continued, punctuating his words with kisses, "Wanna tell me why are you blushing?"

Zack continued to whimper.

"My oh my" the Shadow King purred, "I'd never thought I'd live to see the day the great hero would whimper under my touch."



Tadashi jolted from the sudden intrusion in his room, groaning inside. He had just been getting into the juiciest part of the fic that he was reading when his sister entered the door.

"What do you need, Tori?"

Lee Tori entered the room like she had owned the place. Well technically she had, until she decided that sharing a room with her sibling was immensely difficult for a "lady" her age and moved to the empty guest room.

"I was wondering why you aren't with your boyfie yet?"

The word "boyfie" caused a pang in his heart as he remembered last week. The terrible hook-up, plus the terrible break up.
