
I become the Supreme deity at the start

When Solarian, an everyday individual, faces an untimely demise, he discovers that death is not the end but a gateway to a new, unimaginable existence. Reincarnated as a being at the zenith of power, he embarks on an extraordinary journey, morphing into a god revered and feared across realms. But what would you do if you were in his shoes? Would you embrace the role of a benevolent guardian, spreading kindness and prosperity, or would you succumb to the allure of becoming a malevolent ruler, wielding fear and dominance? So, let's follow solarian in his journey as he truly the supreme deity.

Origin_Progenitor · Fantasia
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34 Chs

Elven civil war

Year: 1550

Four decades have flown by since the elves and humans of the western kingdoms first established diplomatic relations.

This period has seen a blossoming of trade between the two races, proving highly beneficial for both sides.

The elves offered a range of exotic goods unique to their culture and environment, such as various types of fruits and an innovative material known as glass. Conversely, the humans had their own array of distinctive products to trade with the elves.

As commerce between the two races expanded, what began as a series of modest trading ventures rapidly evolved into a major economic enterprise.

The establishment of the Sylvan Silkway, a major trade route connecting the elven and human territories, marked a significant milestone in their burgeoning relationship.

This route became the backbone of a thriving trade network, facilitating the exchange of goods and cultural ideas.

King Elphion of the elves, who had once harbored ambitions of conquering the human lands, reassessed his stance in light of these developments. Initially, he had underestimated the humans, perceiving them as a weaker and less significant race.

However, the reality was quite different. While the elven population stood at 230,000, the humans had grown to an impressive 140,000. More importantly, despite their smaller numbers, the humans possessed military forces comparable to the elves.

Elphion realized that any attempt to invade human territories would likely unite the otherwise divided human kingdoms against a common enemy.

Such a war would be perilous and uncertain, with a 50/50 chance of success at best. Faced with these odds, Elphion decided against risking the fate of his entire race in a potentially catastrophic conflict.

Meanwhile, the eastern human civilization, distant from these developments, embarked on an ambitious project of their own. They established the world's first navy, with the aim of exploring the vast and mysterious seas.

Year: 1575

The dark elves in the Elrion Forest faced severe discrimination and torture through social stigma, forced labor in dangerous conditions, lack of access to education and opportunities, physical abuse and harsh punishments, economic exploitation, cultural marginalization, and lack of political representation and voice.

Over the centuries, the dark elves in the Elrion Forest had endured increasing discrimination and hardship, relegated to the most menial and dangerous tasks within elven society.

even when being the majority population among the elves, they had long been subjected to unjust treatment by the ruling golden and silver elves, as well as the other elven subraces.

This enduring injustice planted the seeds of resentment and anger, which slowly simmered beneath the surface of their outward subservience.

A catalyst for change emerged in the form of a charismatic and determined dark elf named Tharion.

Tharion had witnessed the suffering of his people from a young age and had grown increasingly disillusioned with the status quo.

Unlike many of his kin, Tharion was educated in secret, learning not only the history and lore of the elves but also the art of strategy and combat.

He was a natural leader, inspiring those around him with his vision of a society where dark elves were treated as equals.

Tharion began to organize secret meetings with other dark elves, spreading his message of unity and resistance.

His words resonated with many who were tired of living under the constant oppression and humiliation inflicted by the higher echelons of elven society. The movement grew rapidly, bolstered by the sheer number of dark elves and their shared desire for change.

Year: 1576

The civil war within the Elven Kingdom had escalated to a full-scale conflict, with the dark elves, under the leadership of Tharion, successfully seizing control of nearly half the kingdom.

The dark elves, numbering 69,000 troops, had not only capitalized on their superior numbers but also on their intimate knowledge of the land and its resources.

Their strategy had been one of swift and decisive strikes, targeting key positions and utilizing guerrilla tactics to undermine the conventional military strength of the other elven factions.

On the other side, the combined forces of the golden, silver, and other elven subraces totaled 50,000 troops.

Despite their smaller numbers, they were better equipped and trained, with access to more advanced weaponry.

However, their reliance on traditional warfare tactics made them vulnerable to the unconventional methods employed by the dark elves.

As the conflict raged on, the balance of power shifted frequently, with both sides experiencing victories and setbacks.

The elven kingdom was torn apart by the war, with once-beautiful cities and forests becoming battlegrounds scarred by magic and bloodshed.

Eventually, the situation reached a critical point for the ruling elves. The dark elves had managed to capture several key cities and strategic locations, threatening the very heart of the elven kingdom.

The Elven King, realizing the direness of the situation and the possibility of losing his throne and kingdom, made a decision that would have been unthinkable just a few years earlier. He reached out to the humans for assistance.

Human-elf relations had been steadily improving due to profitable trade and diplomatic engagements. The Elven King sent envoys to the human kingdoms, particularly those in the west,

where the nations had shown considerable military prowess and innovation. He appealed for their aid in the civil war, offering wealth, resources, and political alliances in return.

The human kingdoms, seeing an opportunity to gain a foothold in elven lands and to acquire more valuable resources and knowledge, agreed to the proposal.

Human troops, some mounted on horses and others wielding newly forged metal weapons, began to march towards the Elven Kingdom.

This alliance shifted the dynamics of the war. The dark elves, while formidable , were not prepared to face an enemy as unpredictable and foreign as the humans.

Moreover, the combined forces of the elves and humans presented a new challenge in terms of sheer numbers and diverse combat strategies.

Year: 1577

The war between the human-elf alliance and the dark elves was a brutal and unforgiving conflict that ravaged the once peaceful Elven Kingdom.

The forest, once a symbol of tranquility and harmony, transformed into a chaotic battlefield, echoing with the clash of steel, the thunder of magic, and the cries of the fallen.

The human-elf alliance, launched a coordinated assault on the dark elves' strongholds. The humans, experienced in warfare and unencumbered by the traditional elven ways of battle, brought a new level of ferocity and unpredictability to the fight.

They wielded swords, spears, and crossbows, their armored cavalry charging through the forest paths, cutting down dark elves with ruthless efficiency.

The dark elves, led by Tharion, fought with a desperate intensity, knowing that their survival as a people was at stake.

They used their knowledge of the forest to their advantage, setting up ambushes and traps, striking swiftly from the shadows, and then disappearing back into the dense foliage.

Their guerrilla tactics caused significant casualties among the alliance forces, but they were slowly being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and superior equipment of their adversaries.

Villages and settlements within the forest became battlegrounds, with houses set ablaze, their flames lighting up the night sky.

Innocent civilians, caught in the crossfire, fled for their lives or perished amidst the chaos. The forest, once a haven for wildlife, became a graveyard for soldiers and animals alike.

As the war dragged on, the dark elves began to lose ground. The turning point came during a decisive battle near the heart of the forest.

Tharion, realizing that his forces were being encircled, engaged in a fierce duel with the Elven King. The battle was intense and evenly matched, with both leaders demonstrating their skill in combat.

However, in a moment of distraction, the Elven King seized the opportunity and, in an act of cowardice, stabbed Tharion in the back, killing him instantly.

Tharion's death marked the end of the dark elves' resistance. Without their leader, their morale shattered, and they were swiftly defeated. However, the victory for the human-elf alliance was a hollow one. The forest was devastated, its beauty marred by the scars of war, and the elven population was deeply divided.

In the aftermath of the battle, some of the victorious elves, consumed by anger and vengeance, turned on the remaining dark elves.

What followed was a massacre, as dark elves, regardless of whether they were combatants or civilians, were hunted down and slaughtered. The forest echoed with the cries of the dying and the sound of homes being destroyed.

A few dark elves managed to escape the carnage, fleeing into the depths of the forest or beyond its borders, carrying with them the memories of their fallen kin and the injustices they had endured.

They vanished into the shadows of history, their future uncertain, as the Elven Kingdom struggled to rebuild from the ashes of a war that had torn its people apart.