
I become ash in pokemon world l[Pokemon Ash Reincarnation]l PRA.

Honozaki miura a die heart fan of pokemon, he was intelligent boy and made his living through his love, pokemon. He was an poketuber and was having good earning in netizen. As he thought of upgrading his content by adding pokemon anime review but due to his harsh judgement in review, pokemon company killed him an accident because of they were having a huge loss. His dream life ended. But some ending give birth to new story. He become ash in pokemon world, but wait this is not pokemon world he knew, what are this character and who is controlling my body, what are this dream. Pokemon world is anime i know, it is something different a parallel universe, even so it doesn't stop to reach my dream life. Join the journey of ash who fight an extreme fate. ••• @writer_seiji here, This an fanfiction which i write to fullfill my imagination, i am an new writer so don't aspect much from me. ••• |I don't own anything related to the pokemon| |I doesn't own cover image if your are the owner and wants to delete it then comment in novel or review section| |English is not my first language|

ImagineEagle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter: Side Story 1.

•Pallet town, Ketchum Residence.

It was day when ash left for the camp, Delia Ketchum his mother was breaking through emotions as it was first he was going outside of the house. As he was leaving she also gave him her pokemon, rhydon in any emergencies case.

Ash left, she was watching his leaving figure from door, he was looking confident and was happy and excited after, so much after his birth, she knew that ash was not haughty child, he was smart and kind and always have rational point of view about situation, so there was no need worry, even though somewhere in her heart, she was not feeling great, her emotions were taken by something.

She was truly acting like his mother, even though he was not her child, her duty was to protect him, but she had watch him grow infront of her eyes, every moment of his life was under her gaze, that's what it someone may call motherly instinct, she was not sure about feeling but it was sure a pleasant one.

After ash left, her life was not moving forward, she was really waiting for his figure to return and spend time with him, she knew one day he will find about her truth and his situation that she was an substitute protector and he was someone really great, but even she knew that most thing will remain same, but her heart was filling with query like 'what if he start to hate me' or 'he start to avoid me' she knew that she was not supposed to feel this way but her thoughts always made shuddered, she don't just what should she do.

• After three days ash joined camp.

Delia was at home, staring at wall and was thinking of something, past days were like years to her but she was consoling herself by telling that 'only three days remain for him to return'.

As she was doing this, it was already evening time she felt a little crumble in her stomach and thought that she had not eaten anything from start of day, she made her way to kitchen.

She searched kitchen, and found some vegetables and thought of making some soup, she started cooking it and placed a bowl on boiling with some vegetables, later she started cutting some ingredients and to threw into the another bowl which had some oil on it, she was preparing basic base for soup.

[AN: I don't how to any cooking it's just an imagination of some nonsense cook]

As she was preparing it, she gazed over the hall from kitchen, it was just lifeless without her son presence, she was sad her life was becoming lifeless and she was waiting for sun to come back and colour her life again.

After turning on stove and starting timer, she found Pokemon food plate and placed some food and started calling her Umbreon, it was night and Umbreon must on roof gazing over moon, she was calling but got no response.

She went towards window and started shouting again, but she got no response after tiring she went into yard to see Umbreon, she went outside and looked upwards on roof but she saw that Umbreon was not there.

She started calling him again to see if he was on other side, but got no response. she thought that something was weird Umbreon never left her alone or never ignore he call.

She quickly went inside to see if something was wrong, she also picked a knife for safety, she went on upper floor and through window she jumped on roof and later climb upward and saw that Umbreon was there.

She went near to see but Umbreon was not conscious, but as she went near him, something hit her head, it was really hard object, it was paining, she looked towards the source her eyes were blury, she saw an shadow figure with iron rod on his hand.

Before she could even react, she lost her consciousness, before closing her eyes only one figure was running through her mind, it was Ash as he grew up from toddler to a baby to child, he was helping her in everything, he was always able to make her smile, he was heart. she opened her mouth slightly and said in slow voice,

"As..ash..be safe." she muttered and fell unconscious.

Soon both Umbreon and Delia figure were nowhere to seen and shadow was also vanished, only one thing was there a cold night with moon gazing over the scene, it was night when ash also vanished with goh.



Side story added, enjoy the ride, prepare critisism throw it in comments.

Thanks to fan for support, gives lot of collections.

@Ashes_WOLF thank you for constant reminder everyday through power stones.

Also really thanks to fans for power stone and support it really felt great for such stupid story.

Side story 1 and volume one is near end

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ImagineEaglecreators' thoughts