
I become ash in pokemon world l[Pokemon Ash Reincarnation]l PRA.

Honozaki miura a die heart fan of pokemon, he was intelligent boy and made his living through his love, pokemon. He was an poketuber and was having good earning in netizen. As he thought of upgrading his content by adding pokemon anime review but due to his harsh judgement in review, pokemon company killed him an accident because of they were having a huge loss. His dream life ended. But some ending give birth to new story. He become ash in pokemon world, but wait this is not pokemon world he knew, what are this character and who is controlling my body, what are this dream. Pokemon world is anime i know, it is something different a parallel universe, even so it doesn't stop to reach my dream life. Join the journey of ash who fight an extreme fate. ••• @writer_seiji here, This an fanfiction which i write to fullfill my imagination, i am an new writer so don't aspect much from me. ••• |I don't own anything related to the pokemon| |I doesn't own cover image if your are the owner and wants to delete it then comment in novel or review section| |English is not my first language|

ImagineEagle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 4: Battle or not?

•It's been another one year since...

Ash now age 5 years was taking lesson regarding pokemon types and weaknesses from mother.

Since poisoned incident ash mother was started teaching him all sort of thing regarding pokemon types,battle, gromming,etc.

According to his mother ash must know every essential teaching to face that kind of situation again.

Rhydon was poisoned by some poisonous herb outside the town or so his mother has told him.

But he knew that his mother was hiding something.

After incident nothing had changed much, he also not heard that voice since then...

He had his suspicious, what was that voice, how he came in his head?.

But for now he discarded making assumptions.

His mother was giving him lesson daily, she had been teaching various thing and was also giving practical lesson through pokemon by taking him to local day care centre.

Since most of knowledge was similar to games he doesn't have much problem learning it, instead it was easy way.

But since this was not game, he had some problems implementing it in pratical usage.

For past one year he had learn basic of pokemon gromming, medicine.

He was able make pokemon comfortable in his presence, they are creatures who needs warm and care, they like to live free.

But most exciting part of this session to him was pokemon battles...

He was having regular battle session with his mother.

Battles were hards and every minor emotion of pokemon matters in battle ash senses were honed in sense that he was able sense pokemon general emotions.

Pokemon and trainer must work in coordination to achieve an excellent advantage in battle.

Type, agility, health, speed, terrain are something which a trainer must always keep check during and before battle.

Type advantage are most basic way to gain advantage in battle but with help proper counter any battle was able to win.

Pokemon battles are something which a trainer take part in after his general licence registration done, which is after age of ten.

But since ash was age five, they decided to battle with help of device called GC (guardian controller).

Not everyone in this world has trainer licence, but everyone has a wish atleast to take part in pokemon battle once in their life and to counter this a scientist named Dr. stoned created this device in galar region.

Guardian park become tourist spot to people who doesn't have licence but want to experience pokemon battle.

The GC is device, which registers an trainer's pokemon, and later that pokemon is given to non-trainer person he can command or pet like that was his pokemon, obviously this was done with trainer and his pokemon own acceptance and full control of situation is on hand of pokemon's original trainer.

Some people take this as safe profession, as to rent pokemon and earn money in safe manner.

Guardian parks are now famous all over the world..

His mother was an acquaintance with some people in galar region and that's how they got that device in their possession.

Ash was battling with mother's pokemon, rhydon.

His mother was using Umbreon as their opponent.

He had hard try at first within a week of training he was able defeat his mother.

His mother was truly surprised this time, since rhydon strength was on par with umbreon but her 'son' doesn't have enough experience to use rhydon to full potential.

He had exceeded his mother expression. she was making bitter and bliss face at same time.

For lossing and first victory of her 'son'.

'Thats how his majesty son should be', she thought and puffed her chest in proud.

They continued their everyday routine like this for quite months and summer had came.....

It was evening, both mother and son were having dinner together.

Television was on and a pokemon documentary show was running live.

Ad break came on show, and both mother and son's attention were on TV.

On TV a advertisement was flying on that, Registration for pokemon summer camp organised by professor oak has open up. Registration will opened for next week. summer camp is every childrens dream if you want your children to participate then register hurriedly, because their are only limited seats.

As soon as ash listened this he was surprised that this camp was also happening in this universe.

Personally he wanted to participate in this camp since he had never leaved house alone, whenever he goes outside his mother always accompanys him.

This was best opportunity for him.

He looked towards his mother with pleading eyes as she had sense what he was demanding, she knew it was dangerous outside especially for him.

"So, mother what i was thinking that i should also associate with fellow age kids so i can be more socially active and had some friends of my age." he said with logical manner.

"Yeah, so what are suggesting?"

she asked him knowing the answer.

"I was thinking that i also should participate in this fellow summer cam-" as he was suggesting a firm voice interrepted him.


"But mother please listen to me firs--"


"But mother-"

"The topic is over and further discussion are prohibited." she forcefully implied.

Ash knew that any logical reasoning will leave him in disappointment.

Therefore he decided to use his most extreme weapon.

He made his eyes wet and looked towards her, he knew she was weak against his tears.

He looked towards her like a cute children at his age would do and pleased her.

A star of beam spread from his face towards his mother.

She saw and slowly her resolve was crumbling.

"Haa, i hate it when you do this." she stated with little bit a shake in her eyes.

"I listen to your every request, only this time pleaseeee." he finished with final push.

"Ok ok ok you won , you can go, " she lost her words.

"Yes mother i know you are the best." he said in flattery.

"Change your underwear regularly." she said.

"Yes yes yes i am not a child anymore."

"Actually your are." she stated and chuckled.

Soon they continued their dinner with some chit chat.

The Summer camp was something ash was excited for but he doesn't know that it will become something he will never able to forget.



Fourth chapter posted, enjoy the ride.

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