
I become ash in pokemon world l[Pokemon Ash Reincarnation]l PRA.

Honozaki miura a die heart fan of pokemon, he was intelligent boy and made his living through his love, pokemon. He was an poketuber and was having good earning in netizen. As he thought of upgrading his content by adding pokemon anime review but due to his harsh judgement in review, pokemon company killed him an accident because of they were having a huge loss. His dream life ended. But some ending give birth to new story. He become ash in pokemon world, but wait this is not pokemon world he knew, what are this character and who is controlling my body, what are this dream. Pokemon world is anime i know, it is something different a parallel universe, even so it doesn't stop to reach my dream life. Join the journey of ash who fight an extreme fate. ••• @writer_seiji here, This an fanfiction which i write to fullfill my imagination, i am an new writer so don't aspect much from me. ••• |I don't own anything related to the pokemon| |I doesn't own cover image if your are the owner and wants to delete it then comment in novel or review section| |English is not my first language|

ImagineEagle · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 10: Get?

•Fourth Dimension, Wet Forest, Morning.

A beautiful morning, ash was waking up, breeze of air were passing by, slight sunshine giving a warm bath in cold environment.

Ash woke up and rubbed his eyes got up and completed his morning, after so many days to keep his body in shape.

He started cooking and ate his breakfast while planning something with stick writing on soil.

The place where he stayed was near an muddy lake so he had done some really harsh purification to make it drinkable.

After everything done he started working on his plan.

He first went for long walk and placing some details here and thier in search of finding something.

He was taking sticks and gathering woods and all other elements available in forest from wood to leaves to everything.

His whole day ended with sort of gathering basic needs like he was in picnic he also find some mushroom which he thought were eatable according to his teaching by his mother.

He done making dinner, ate mushroom and slept soundly, next day he woke up and went in search again to find something, found some plants and mushrooms made dinner ate it soundly again.

This whole routine continued for like whole week, he also didn't skipped his morning routine exercise also.


Ash woke up, his face was brimming with smile he skipped everything and started packing his stuff.

Today was the day he was preparing something from the start of the whole survival thing, the long week was hard but not anymore.

He got up packed everything and went to somewhere the place was, a river which was at 500 m distance from his position.

"Dead water of mud, it was cool like calling name rather any muddy water river, yeah right hah" he sigh and went near the river.

The river was completely cover with muddy water and slowly flowing, it took him half hour to reach while walking slowly.

He reached their and sat near a large stone on big corner, placed his bag and take out something from it.

It was portable fish rod, placed some food on end of string and threw it in the water and waited patiently.

"Let's do some fishing here." said ash while looking patiently at water.

• Somewhere in the Fourth Dimension.

Old man Marc was performing his duty as guardian of the dimension, he was done with everything and went to his home which was a wooden house with beautiful surroundings.

Even though he was spirit he was someone who loved living life like normal old dude will do, he went in and a flying pot came greeted him and served him a tea, old man marc drank while looking outside the window.

For the past week one mortal being is here in dimensional world, he was a kid by look but his brain was fast and adaptable to any situation placed upon him.

When Marc talk to kid, he noticed that kid had a heart of stone which didn't flinch in front of his existence, a great survival instinct.

When Ash started his quest, old man Marc was really excited to something new, not because God Giratina was the one who accepted kids existence, but he was someone who's still and brain rational figuring out his situation.

He was looking towards Ash every move but soon got bored, Because the young lad was doing nothing but gathering jungle survival food for past three days.

Old man Marc got really disappointed and stopped watching his movements, started behaving like nothing happened.

"Look like dog with only bark not bite" he concluded and perform his worked for his existence.

Like that after one week he was at home and was going to his duties but suddenly he noticed two presence near each other.

He got surprised, the disappointed on his face was nowhere to seen, he flowed towards the presence with great speed without any effort.

When got there he saw the young lad, kid sitting on huge stone and on his hand was fishing rod which was vibrating and trembling hugely.

Old man was seeing the scene in awe, when the young streched his arm, pulled the rod back with great force, his small arm viens were visible.

This was going with every second passing very slow and slow, water was moving surrounding become calm, old man forehead was sweating.

Soon ash flinch and pulled back rod with every bit of force and soon a creature with blue skin and fins like ears came out.

It was pokemon the quest pokemon, the lad completed the quest, old man face was showing various expression, pleasant, happy, mostly shocked.

Ash noticed the old man and waved towards him,

"Hey Oldie Marc look i caught it" he shouted with happiness.

"How!!!!!" only shock was on his face and soon this word left his words.

"Well, that's who i am." ash said narcissistly boasting about himself with proud chest.

"No that's but how did you found the Pokemon." old man asked again.

"Well...." he started explaining things from start, and old man face was expressing various expression after very long time, making his face muscle hurt with sudden changes.


It was the start of the quest ash was really confused how to even start the search for this unknown Pokemon, so he started to search from really basic questions.

The first thing was environment, it was basically all wet forest and leaves, yesterday when he had dinner he thought that with smell of food he cooked the pokemon will come near him, but it didn't so he concluded that the pokemon must have plenty food supply to not bother searching it.

So the first was the pokemon was type which is suitable with muddy water, there were really all possibility but next point made it even to shorter list.

Old man Marc given him, bag pack which even had a fishing rod, but why do he need the fishing rod when there is no possible life form in forest, so he connected it's dot with quest and figure out possibility of pokemon being water type suitable with mud.

But even though there are various lake and river were the Pokemon can be so how to find it out.

Ash went inside the forest and started finding some herbs and food plants he had taken possibility of pokemon being small or large any personality.

Soon he was roaming in forest marking his visit on every tree, branch, bushes. he was doing continuation without any rest, while his wild walks he found various medicinal herbs, some mushroom and few berries.

He was keen in medicinal knowledge provided by his mother teaching, which made him develop various types of medicine.

But this was not enough for him to find the pokemon, so he concluded by placing traps like every where, he found some poisonous herb which he placed near every river and lake and went everyday to check.

And On his sixth visit, he found on of river from 500 m distance where he placed poisoned herb were ate by some small creature it bite mark indicated it.

He was escalated, his work finally paid him reward.

He came at night, and prepare for plan tomorrow, and went to river next day.

He placed the antitode herb at end of rod, in anticipation of pokemon got poisoned by his previously placed herb, his idea got right and soon a Pokemon with blue skin and ear fins was out, he knew who was this cutie it was

Mudkip, a water/mud pokemon.


• Fourth Dimension, Wet forest, stone platform.

"Man you really surprised me, didn't think you will complete quest and even catch pokemon."

Old man Marc said while glancing at young boy with blue pokemon in his hand the pokemon was asleep.

"Well, so let's skip emotional part, and get back home." said ash with glancing at old man before stepping on stone platform which was large enough to fit 40 people.

"Yeah, you are like that." old man said not minding lads words and expressed him to go towards center.

Ash was walking towards centre, in hands was sleeping mudkip his heart was beating really fast, he had catch his first pokemon.

Excitement was clear on his face, he had forgotten his loneliness of whole week with new feeling, life is long and he long future.

With every thought coming to his mind, how is his mother, how his friends, how are they gonna react to his first pokemon.

He was happy, and without his notice his face brazing a bright smile.

As he thinking he thought for a moment, he had forgotten something important.

He stopped on his track on center, turn towards old man, streched his hands upwards in which was sounding sleeping mudkip, he take a deep breath and shouted with all might.

"First!! Pokemon!!!! Gettttt!!!!!!!!!"

Soon a light breezed over him covering his whole body and soon got vanished.

The old man Marc stayed there for bit and later left place and continued his daily, like nothing never happened.


• Dimensional Rift, Giratina.

Giratina was flying over dimension and was checking towards a young kid he opened his mouth and soon the young kid with black hair On stone platform covered with light, a later he transport kid towards his World but not on his original position but to an another region.


• An Unknown Cave.

A Boy of age 8 years opened his eyes, he had black hair and in embrace was sleeping mud pokemon mudkip.

He looked towards the unknown surrounding his head was in mist, he was not familiar to this place.

He tried to remember how he got this place, but soon his expression changed vaguely.

Only one thing left his mouth.

"I don't remember who am I?"



Chapter 10 posted, just enjoy the flow.

Thanks to fans for support, give lots of collections.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ImagineEaglecreators' thoughts