
I Became The Main Villain In My Reincarnated World

Hando was an ordinary kid. He had both his parents and a comfortable living. He lived his life full of wealth and kindness. He always had manners for anyone and was taught to be thankful for everything he got. HE HATED IT! He hated being confined to standards from his parents and civilization itself, he wanted the freedom to do what he wanted, but in his world. He was ordinary, the only reason people would listen to him was due to his wealth. No one ordinary would be allowed to live freely without prosecutions. Luckily for him. He got his wish. When crossing the street to go to his ordinary job in the middle of New York City, he was hit and killed by a taxi driver not paying attention. He awoke in an unfamiliar place full of magic and unstoppable power, all guided by two kingdoms. Feeling this new power within him. He decided he would live freely and make the world he wanted.

BeLikeMunch · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
78 Chs

Chapter2-Avoiding Adoption

Two years later

Hando is 5 years old in his new world. He is currently sitting in the orphanage's small library using the books he finds to learn more about the new world he is now a part of.

[" Kindom of Aces huh? So that's my home kingdom.'] 

He was looking at a map inside a book on world history. The map revealed the whole world which was as Hando expected much different. There didn't seem to be oceans, just rivers and lakes spread across the massive landscape. In the center of this landscape was a mountain range.

[" The Charklin mountains, and on the other side lays the Emerald Kingdom. Separated by that massive mountain range. I see that this world also struggles with cultural differences."]

The acknowledgment of a line of separation between two countries means that for some reason they can't coexist. Even if it would be most beneficial.

[ "Seems humans everywhere have this problem...Let's see if it tells me where it started."]

He flipped through the book until he found a chapter titled" The Great Magic War." Reading through it described the events leading up to the separation of the kingdoms. As well as the discovery of magic.

[" So magic wasn't always a part of this world. So then it led to the war."]

It described a disagreement between two brothers on the uses of magic. One argued its practical and military uses, while the other wished for it to be heavily regulated due to its power.

[" Then they both went to war. Well, I guess the first brother was right."]

It said the fighting was so severe that the brothers split the continent in half using the mountain range to avoid wiping out humanity. What followed was a missive regulation on magic use on one side and a focus on military strength on the other.

[" Of course, I'm on the side with the regulations."]

Over the years though. With the change in leaders on both sides. Restrictions and regulations have been loosened. Each side has grown in military might and if war were to break out it would surely be a blood bath.

[" I see. The strong get to make the rules here...My dream has come ever so slightly closer."]

"Hey! Tsucko!"


"Tch. Forget your name or something."

"...Oh right."

Hando was still getting used to it. His name was Tsucko now...He didn't no who named him as his mother nor father were present when he awoke, and doesn't seem like they'd be present since they left him at an orphanage.

Tsucko turned his head slightly giving the boy who called out to him one eye of attention. That red hair belonged to the first kid he saw at the orphanage

[" Caldo."] 

Tsucko doesn't have the greatest reputation at the orphanage. Not because he's a bully but because he's seen as weird. He doesn't play with any other kids or hang out. Anytime they see him he's either reading or lazing around.

[ "I can sense you all. Since I've learned to sense and measure the magic of others I can locate every one of you percicely. I don't even half to see you."]

A group of kids had gathered behind him. He knew they were watching him for some time. Possibly seeing if he would do something different or to help them learn something about him. Any kid who had tried to talk to him thus far had been blown off.

"What's with you." Caldo was around 9 years old now and widely regarded as the strongest with magic within the orphanage. " You never speak to any of us. You think you're better or something."

[" I am better. Comparing your mana level to mine makes that clear."]

Tsucko continued to ignore him while keeping one eye on him. Caldo seemed to grow even more upset by this. Extending his hand he summoned his sword. Tsucko could sense the mana within the sword wasn't much..

[" It wouldn't kill me. He's probably going to smack me with it like a wooden paddle."]

" That look. Whats with it? You know who I am right? So don't look at me like I'm a nobody."

Caldo began to march forward with his sword resting on his shoulder. It seemed to be a classic medieval knight sword from the history books with a crossguard at the hilt.


Tsucko closed the book he was reading. He suddenly rose from his seat causing Caldo to stop in his tracks.

" Tch. What are you planning to fight me? You're like five you don't stand a chance."

[ "I doubt they are all that good at sensing magic or measuring it, but if I release enough they should feel it."]

He looked back at Caldo who had a smile strung across his face. One of confidence and arrogance. The belief he couldn't be touched by anyone in this building made Tsucko sick.

Tsucko turned completely around. He had to look up to meet Caldo's eyes due to the age gap which amused Caldo as he broke into a laugh. 

" HA HA! You serious."


" AH!"

Tsucko released a large amount of mana from his body. Enough so that even the kids just learning magic could feel it, Caldo could even visualize it. A gust of wind emitted from Tsucko knocked Caldo and the other kids to the floor. Caldo stared as the yellow mana emitted matching the color of his hair.

" Why," Caldo's eyes widened as for the first time he heard Tsuckos' voice. It was that of a little kid but had a maturity to it that shook Caldo, for a moment Caldo forgot he was older."Are you so desperate for my attention?"

That wasn't simply a question for Caldo but for all the little boys and girls that hid behind him. Followed him like dogs due to his strength. Tsucko looked down on him with an emotionless face.

["Doesn't look so strong right now does he."]

Tsucko stopped emitting mana after another moment allowing the kids to stand as he sat back down and returned to reading.

" What the hell..."

Caldo reached his feet with his sword now handing at his side. Emberrasment and rage were the only two emotions he could feel as he was just bested by a five-year-old.

" Dame you!" He brought his sword above his head preparing to strike Tsucko.

[" Try it!"]

" Children!"

Nun Zasha burst through the door interrupting Caldo who hid his sword immediately. Luckily for him, she wasn't there for that but for another reason...If there was one person all the kids feared it was her. Which is why Tsucko made sure not to start any trouble.

Shortly after a man dressed in a grey robe and an ACE playing guard on his shoulder entered the room. He had a type of armor under the robe that was open in the middle.

[" He's strong...He must be here for..."]

 Tsucko had seen it a couple of times now. The adoptions of kids were usually done by military soldiers looking for a worthy successor. Most of them were high-ranking and Tsucko could easily tell when it was one of them.

[I'll suppress my mana...I would rather die than be forced into the military."]

The man scanned the room shortly before locking onto Caldo. He stared at him, looking him up and down.

[" He's measuring his mana.']"

" Your name."

" Uh. Caldo sir."

" I sensed a large amount of mana before coming in here. Was that you?"

Tsucko saw Caldos eyes look slightly in his direction before returning to the mans gaze. He was confused about how the soldier didn't recognize Tsuckos strength.

" Uh...Yea."

[" Hm. The solder will discover that lie soon enough."]

" Come with me."

The soldier left the room with Caldo following. That was it, adoption in this place is that quick. No papers or formalities.If a solder wants you you simply have to follow him. That was the standard of this world.

All the kids looked out the window as they watched Caldo leave. Some were sad about his sudden departure as Tsucko could hear whimpering behind him. Then he saw a sudden quick movement to the right in between some bookshelves.

There was one boy that hadn't tried to speak to him yet. Another quit kid. Tsucko only noticed him in the shadows or outside practicing sword swings. Tsucko had measured his mana but it was quite little. The least out of the orphanage. Yet there was something strange about him.

[ "Whats your deal?"]