
I Became The Evil Emperor's Daughter

My name is... i don't remember but i do know that i died and got reincarnated as the evil emperor's daughter. Before you go let me just tell you my story, so it all began when I died.

Cordel_Lawrence · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter: The Princess And The Emperor.

It was past midnight, yet the piercing cry of a baby reverberated through the rose palace. Immediately, a group of maids hurriedly made their way to the room situated at the heart of the palace.

Lucy, one of my personal maids, approached me with concern etched on her face.

"What's the matter, Princess?" she asked, reaching out to lift me gently into her arms.

As I gazed into Lucy's eyes, she noticed my interest and kindly offered to sing me a lullaby.

Uttering "bla bla bla (Yes you can) ," I replied. Lucy chuckled in response and began to sing.

I gradually drift into a peaceful sleep while listening to Lucy's soothing voice.

It has been a whole year since that moment, and I'm now two years old, I still struggle with speaking properly. However, the kind maids around me always make an effort to understand me as best as they can.

Even though I am just two years old, Lucy occasionally grants me the opportunity to play outside. One day, while engrossed in my outdoor adventures, I unintentionally drift too far and find myself at the majestic royal palace.

As I hear faint footsteps behind me, I turn around cautiously, only to discover that it is none other than the emperor himself – my father. Confusion fills the air as he question one of the guards, "Whose child is this?" Just then, Lucy emerges, rushing towards us, and with a mixture of fear and respect, she addresses the emperor, "Forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Whose child is this?" the emperor asked Lucy. With fear in her voice, Lucy replied, "She's your daughter, your majesty." Astonished, the emperor looked at me and said, "Since when did I have a child?"

"I thought she had died with that witch of a mother of hers.

"My lord, have you forgotten that you told the maids to take care of her?" Leo said.

"I forgot," the emperor replied with a hint of regret in his voice.

"What is her name?" the emperor, my father, asked. "Her name is Khaleesi Dé la lumière noblesse, Your Majesty," Lucy replied. "Take her back to her palace," my father commanded.

Later that day in the royal office, the emperor quietly mused to himself, "To think I had a child and don't even remember." Just then, Leo knocked on the door and entered. "Did you call for me, Your Majesty?" Leo asked. The emperor nodded and said, "Leo, please go and fetch my daughter for me."

Apologies, my lord, but wouldn't it be more convenient for her to come tomorrow instead of now? It's getting quite late, my lord. Understood, replied the emperor. However, please ensure her arrival is arranged for tomorrow and request the chefs to prepare their customary dishes along with cupcakes. Certainly, my lord, Leo replied.

The following day, Sir Leo arrived at the Rose Palace to serve as the escort for the young princess on her journey to the Royal Palace.

"It's the same knight from yesterday," Khaleesi whispered to herself in her thoughts.

A few minutes later, Khaleesi arrived at the Royal Palace along with Sir Leo and her entourage of royal maids. Sir Leo guided them to the Royal Office where they would meet the emperor.

"Let's make our way to the garden," the emperor commanded.

The emperor and the princess took their seats at the table, ready to enjoy their meal. In a commanding tone, the emperor called upon the maids to bring the food he had previously ordered.

Curiosity sparked, the emperor turned to me and asked, " How old are you?" With respect, I replied, " Tuo (two)." However, a flicker of disdain crossed the emperor's face as he uttered, "I should have ended your life at birth, but circumstances prevented me from doing so." A hollow emptiness filled his gaze as he locked eyes with me.

The maids arrived with the delectable spread, yet Lucy graciously stepped forward to assist me as I was unable to feed myself properly. My father, the emperor, directed his gaze towards me, and then exchanged a knowing glance with Sir Leo. Sir Leo's nod indicated his understanding, and he invited Miss Lucy to accompany him for a stroll. Observing this, the emperor called upon the other guards to excuse themselves from the vicinity.

"Khaleesi Dé la lumière noblesse," he spoke with a sense of authority. Rising from his seat, he approached me with purpose. Filled with trepidation, I closed my eyes, anticipating his actions. As his hand made contact with my head, a chill ran down my spine, a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

Softly yet decisively, he conveyed his power, stating, "I possess the ability to end your life at any moment, yet for reasons unknown, I choose not to."

Thoughts raced through my mind as I feared for my life. The whispers I overheard from the maid echoed, suggesting that my father was deemed unstable. However, I couldn't fathom the notion that he would harm innocent children, including myself.

"Normally, when children see me, they would cry," Said the emperor. He sat back down and observed me for a few moments. Soon after, Sir Leo and Miss Lucy arrived."

"Take her back to her palace," the emperor commanded Leo. "Yes, my Lord," Sir Leo dutifully replied. Miss Lucy gently lifted me up and comforted me. Concerned, she asked, "Is everything alright?"

I suddenly cried out, "So she can cry," the emperor said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Sir Leo graciously escorted Miss Lucy and me back to the rose palace. "I hope you had a wonderful time, Princess," he said, beaming at me.