
Irregular License Exam (7)

"Are you sure about this? You're certain that there's an area boss in this direction?"

"I already told you many times that there's one here, why don't you trust me already?"

"All we have to go on is your word, so how do you want me to feel assured? If you really want to prove it, then tell me how you found this area boss."

"It's what my power tells me, what else do you want?"

There were three sets of footsteps in total and it was clear by the way that they were shouting at each other that there was no cooperation between them.

In fact, they were shouting so loud that it was amazing that they were able to come this far in the first place.

After all, with how much noise that they were making, they should have attracted plenty of monsters to their location. And yet they were able to make it this far into the dungeon even though they were making this much noise.

This was a testament to their strength, or what kind of power they had.