
Chapter 199 – Overtime

Before we knew it, we arrived back at our city.

Today was the last day of our break. Although my body was weary, I managed to make a good memory with Umi.

This was my first trip since I started going out with Umi. If there was a chance in the future, I wanted to go on another trip with her. This time, by ourselves.

Riku-san offered to take me home and I took him up on it.

"Sora-san, Riku-san, thank you very much for the past three days. I'll thank you properly the next time I come by."

"My, you don't need to. If you didn't say anything about the trip, I wouldn't be able to bring Riku and Umi along to that old– to their grandma's house. So, I should be the one thanking you, Maki-kun."

"Mom, what was it that you were about to say?"

"What are you talking about, Riku? Did the heat get to you? You should rest, Dear."

I guess that was true. If I didn't insist on going, Sora-san would be going there alone. Thanks to Umi and Riku-san being there, she didn't have to listen to the old lady's nagging 24/7.

Imagining it made me feel bad for her.

To think that Daichi-san had to deal with those two all these years. My respect for him increased by a notch.

"Maki, um… Honestly, in the beginning, I was just trying to get away from my parents for a while, that was why I offered to go with you both… But who knew that the whole thing with Shizuku would happen… Thanks to you, now I know what I should do next."

"You don't need to thank me for that. I didn't do anything, it was all because of your efforts, Riku-san. Besides, things will get tougher from now on, so you might resent me a little in the future."

"I guess so. Well, whatever comes, comes. I've been messing around long enough, so I'll have to work hard to balance it out. Also, I'll leave all my games and manga at home, so just take them if you want to."

"Are you sure?"

Unlike me, Riku-san was big and tall. It would probably be hard for him to approach Reiji-kun, who tended to be shy around strangers. Well, this was what Riku-san wanted, so I could only hope that everything would go well.

He had a lot of work to do before he would be recognized as a father.

After bowing to Riku-san and Sora-san, the car departed from my house and I headed inside, bringing my luggage along.

Sora-san and Mizore-san gave me a lot of expensive looking fruits and snacks. I wondered if I could store everything in my fridge?

"Come to think of it, Maki, we forgot to buy souvenirs for Yuu and the others."

"Hm? Well, we can just give them some of the sweets Mizore-san gave us… Wait…"

"What's wrong? Why are you staring at my face? Ah, do you want to give me a kiss? Then, let's enter your room first–"

"Why are you here? I thought you went back with your family? Did you sneak out? Sora-san will scold you again."

"It's fine, I already got permission from her. She let me play a little longer. You were napping back then, so you didn't hear~"

"Are you for real?" 

Well, I kind of guessed something was up when she helped me unload my luggage.

It was just a little past noon, so honestly, I would be happy to spend more time with her.

"…I'm still in the mood, you know? If we go inside my room like this… Will you be okay with it?"

We were still on break, but it was a weekday and mom wouldn't be back until late at night.

Sora-san and Riku-san had returned to their home already. We could do whatever we wanted without worrying about the possibility of anyone disturbing us.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm okay with it. I-I mean, you used your own allowance to buy them, right? I-I didn't want it to be a waste, you know…"

After making sure that there was no one around, Umi clung to me.

"Seeing Shizuku-san and my brother like that just got me in the mood… I've been restraining myself for quite a while now…"

I felt the same way as her actually. Seeing those two embracing each other in a loving manner got me in the mood too.

Back then, I had to hold back because those two were there, but Umi and I were the only ones here. I didn't need to hold anything back anymore.

"…Well, let's go in then."

"Y-Yeah. D-Do you want to drink some cola together? A-Also, what should we watch today?"

Her body felt hotter than usual. Or was it just me?

In any case, our time together continued for a little longer…