
Chapter 1: The Beauty from Jiangnan


"I am willing to be Shengsheng's servant, even if it means being a lover who can never see the light of day."

"Hypocrites, don't even think about taking her from me."

"What's the point of fighting? Let's make it exciting today and go together!"

The men's eyes gleamed with a predatory light, as if they wanted to devour her whole.

A wall lamp illuminated the room, filling it with a spring-like atmosphere.

The woman on the bed was bare, covered only by a layer of transparent red gauze. Her full breasts were half-hidden, her slender waist soft and delicate, and her well-proportioned, moist jade-like legs gleamed invitingly in the warm light.

She couldn't move, couldn't speak, and her eyes were filled with terror as she watched the men undress one by one, their faces blurred as they pounced on her—

Wen Shengsheng abruptly woke up, distressed and rubbing her head. She had dreamed it again.

Wen Shengsheng's expression was indescribable. She had just read a domineering romance novel before bed and had criticized the author for giving the heroine an irresistible allure. The men in the story wanted to devour her, treating her as an object for their pleasure.

She fell into a deep sleep with curses, only to wake up and find herself, a renowned inheritor of intangible fragrance culture, now the true heiress with a natural alluring scent in the novel.

In the novel, the original heroine was taken back by her biological parents, repeatedly sabotaged and challenged by the fake heiress. The parents and brothers always favored the fake heiress, even forcing the original heroine to marry a disabled supporting character.

It was then that the original heroine learned of an engagement between the Wen family and the male lead, while the fake heiress's biological parents had an engagement with the disabled supporting character.

The fake heiress didn't want to marry the disabled man, so the Wen family used the original heroine's grandmother to force her into agreeing!

Thus, the real and fake heiresses each got married.

The novel's male lead, Qin Hemian, was a cold and noble figure in the capital, untouched by women and indifferent to romance.

The fake heiress tried multiple times to seduce Qin Hemian but was thrown out by his subordinates before they even met.

The fake heiress, lonely in the Qin family, found a lover, only to be caught by the Qin family members.

Disgraced and scorned, the fake heiress ended up as a pariah.

She saw the now-standing disabled supporting character, Ling Zhiyan, affectionately holding the original heroine. His leg had been healed by the original heroine, though the public didn't know, and by then, they were a model couple, and everyone called the original heroine a lucky star.

The good marriage and happy life meant for the original heroine became the object of the fake heiress's jealousy, who then tried to run the original heroine over, only for Qin Hemian to save her.

The fake heiress died in a car accident, flying into the sea!

Thinking about the original heroine's fate with Qin Hemian—

Wen Shengsheng frowned and spat in disgust at the author's absurdity.

The original heroine sought the Buddha's blessing in a temple for her family's love, a futile hope since biased people would not change.

Wen Shengsheng pushed open the meditation room door. The light rain outside washed away her gloom.

At the corridor's end, two figures had been standing for a long time.

"Brother Mian... what do you think?"

"Just average!" Qin Hemian glanced at the courtyard scenery and gave an honest assessment.

"I'm talking about her. When did the capital get a beauty from Jiangnan? Look at her waist, so slender, and those legs, so straight and fair—" Shen Shu's tone was excited.

Qin Hemian's eyes widened.

She stood before the meditation room with her hair styled elegantly, brows painted like a picture, and her slender figure wrapped in a light green qipao. Her exposed skin was flawless and smooth. With each graceful step, her waist swayed, and her delicate hand tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, exuding charm.

As she passed by, Wen Shengsheng paused, noticing Shen Shu's unblinking stare, and mischievously smiled, "Young man, your drool is falling."

Shen Shu quickly wiped his mouth.

A silvery laugh rang out, leaving Shen Shu embarrassed.

The woman's captivating gaze swept over them.

She inadvertently met Qin Hemian's hawk-like eyes.

This man was not to be trifled with.

Wen Shengsheng walked into the rain, becoming a beautiful sight in the misty scene.

Qin Hemian unconsciously played with the prayer beads on his wrist.

"Under the peony flowers, even as a ghost, life is romantic."

"Restrain yourself!"

"Hehe, alright. Brother Mian, did you catch a faint scent earlier? It's a fragrance I've never smelled before, quite unique." Shen Shu was puzzled.

Qin Hemian ignored him.

"Don't be so cold. Didn't you feel anything seeing that beauty? Brother Mian, after all these years of abstaining from women, is your practice failing?" Shen Shu joked, but Qin Hemian's cold, clear gaze silenced him immediately!

Shen Shu followed behind Qin Hemian and suddenly realized, "I get it, she's Wen Shengsheng, the real daughter the Wen family just found. No wonder her face looks familiar. I've seen her photo in our playboy circle. Heh, Brother Mian, this is your actual fiancée."

Three days ago, the Wen family found their biological daughter while they were hosting a birthday party for their adopted daughter.

It's said that she lived in Jiangnan from a young age, and when she appeared at the Wen family's event in a qipao, she stunned many people. However, she is timid and dull.

These rumors have already spread throughout the social circles, but Qin Hemian, who lives a restrained life, was unaware.

Today, seeing Wen Shengsheng in person, her appearance was as breathtaking as rumored, but her personality seemed different. Further observation was needed!

Qin Hemian remained silent while Shen Shu prattled on, "The little beauty seemed to take the mountain path just now. With only our car parked outside the temple, and it raining, it's not easy to get a taxi. She wouldn't walk back, would she? Such a pretty face, what if something happens on the way..."

This regretful tone made Qin Hemian's headache worsen.

His chronic headache flared up, Shen Shu's chatter buzzing in his ears, stirring an irritation within him. He coldly said, "Shut up. Today, you go back on your own."

"Huh? Brother Mian... take me with you, I didn't drive... wait for me..."

Qin Hemian strode away with his long legs, leaving in a flash with his car!

After descending the mountain, Wen Shengsheng did not find the Wen family driver. Fortunately, the rain had stopped. Just as she was about to call for a car, a Bentley stopped in front of her. The window rolled down, revealing Qin Hemian's face. He held his aching forehead and coolly said, "Get in."

Wen Shengsheng looked wary.

Though he appeared decent, who knew if he was part of a scam? Deceptions often start too beautifully.

Noticing her thoughts, Qin Hemian's eyes flashed with slight surprise—she was quite alert.

His gaze softened, and he pulled up a photo on his phone, showing a picture of him with Wen Qinian at a ribbon-cutting event.

Seeing this, Wen Shengsheng promptly got into the car and sat beside him.

Qin Hemian's peripheral vision caught Wen Shengsheng's slender neck, white as jade, tempting. His eyes flickered.

As Wen Shengsheng was about to thank him, she noticed Qin Hemian leaning in a bit too close. She quickly shifted away, eyes wary.

Caught staring, Qin Hemian showed no discomfort. He asked with a serious expression, "What did you put on?"

"I didn't put on anything..."

"A scent." A unique fragrance, making him feel his headache easing—was it an illusion?

Unaware of the effect of his words, Wen Shengsheng's expression faltered.

When she got nervous, her body emitted a distinct fragrance that filled the car.

Qin Hemian's gaze was sharp on her.

To her, Qin Hemian seemed like a beast in human form.

She clearly remembered that the original character's special scent could only be perceived by certain destined men.

When they smelled this scent, they turned into wolves. She couldn't see the faces of those men in her dreams, so… which one was this handsome man before her?

No matter which, as long as it wasn't the Buddha-like figure from the capital, she could manage.

That man, who seemed untainted by the world, actually had blood on his hands, ruthless and unfeeling. He didn't believe in Buddhism but wore prayer beads to suppress his sins.

The original character's suffering began when she met him—

Wen Shengsheng cautiously examined the man before her. His features were clear and there was no desire in his eyes. Perhaps he wasn't one of those men?

But he could smell the unique scent, making her doubt. Had the plot gone awry?

Steadying herself, she softly said, "I like making perfumes, maybe some scent lingered on me. I'm still refining it. If you like it, I can give you a box sometime?"

After a long silence, Qin Hemian replied, "Okay."

Wen Shengsheng was speechless. I was just being polite. Why did you take it seriously?

The car finally stopped at the Wen family's gate.

Wen Shengsheng quickly got out and waved to thank Qin Hemian as the luxury car drove away.

"Why did you come back with Qin Hemian?"

The smile on Wen Shengsheng's face froze. In disbelief, she asked, "Who? You said he's who?"