
I became an NPC in The Great Tomb of Nazarick

This is an AU! In a world where Earth is dying and humanity struggles, virtual reality games, especially the VR game YGGDRASIL, provide an escape. Momonga, the leader of a powerful race in YGGDRASIL, remains online as the game faces shutdown. Alone, he reconnects with a comrade, Bukubukuchagama, before YGGDRASIL's closure. Meanwhile, in Nazarick's ninth-floor library, an androgynous character named Thoth, a trapped soul, anticipates freedom as the game ends. Upon the game's closure, Thoth gains control of his movements and discovers his angelic form. As Thoth explores his new abilities and surroundings, a mysterious world awaits beyond the virtual realm. With an enigmatic library, magical prowess, and a goal to adapt to the new world, Thoth embarks on an adventure, uncovering his true potential and encountering diverse characters within the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As the story unfolds, alliances, conflicts, and loyalty to the supreme one, Momonga, shape the fate of Nazarick and its inhabitants in this virtual-to-real fantasy journey. -x-x-x- I've only seen the anime, and have only read the later half of the LN (at which point, the story will be completely different anyway so it won't matter), so forgive any inaccuracies. Also, I don't know much about angel lore as an atheist, so I'm gonna be making up my own stuff. Hope you like the story and have a good one. Also, if you really like the story, here is my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MarAuthor

MarAuthor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
60 Chs

A lovely day

As the duo returned to Nazarick from their successful mission, Demiurge could be seen looking at Clementine within the happy farm. He walked through the corridors of prison cells where various species could be seen crossbreeding, getting skinned alive, or both simultaneously for the hell of it.

A small red demon approached Demiurge as he noticed an orc slacking off and stared at him, immediately "encouraging" the orc to return to "work."

"Lord Demiurge, subject 69 has awoken." (Demon)

Demiurge looked at the demon and nodded.

"Excellent. I shall head there immediately." (Demiurge)

The demon nodded and returned to work, flying away to a destination unknown.

Demiurge walked through the large tunnel of cells and halls filled to the brim with what earthlings would call "war crimes" and walked underground, where a separate area could be seen.

Here is where the children he kidnaps are taken, and where they are then "saved" by "Thoth" and not a shapeshifter version of him. Totally not.

He walked inside, the children could be seen still fresh, their skin yet to be peeled, but compared to the ones who would stay here longer, these would have it easy.

They would only participate in one peeling session, along with a couple of other things.

Demiurge felt a content smile on his lips as the children yelped in fear and crawled away from him, but he restrained his desires. No, he was here for Clementine.

He walked down a stone hallway and entered through a couple of doors, there were hundreds of children down here no doubt, and they had already proven themselves useful.

Demiurge felt immense gratitude as he remembered how Thoth allowed him to receive all the praise, no doubt the child was wise for coming up with this idea as well...

He shook his head and walked through one last thick wooden door, where Clementine could be seen bound to the wall by two thick chains.

The woman had eyes that were fully ablaze, yet with no sanity, a far different result than Demiurge expected.

He smiled as Clementine noticed him, her cheeks blushing and her lips curling into a mad smile.

"MY LORD!" (Clementine)

She tried to throw her forehead to the floor, but the chains prevented her from doing so. She snapped her head to them in anger and simply settled for lowering her body as low as she could.

"Shall I be punished for my sins once more? This sinner is ready at all times!" (Clementine)

Demiurge chuckled.

For whatever reason, instead of giving into despair as is standard protocol for any sapient mind in their situation, she turned to blind worship and faith.

Demiurge suspected this to be caused by Thoth, as his divine form was the last thing she saw before she was taken here. Now this alone is not interesting enough to garner his interest, no, her power was.

She was pathetically weak, and she still is, however...

Demiurge summoned a large red whip out of thin air and whipped the still-groveling Clementine with it, earning a yelp of pain along with her pleading for more.

Her burned and sliced flesh molded together as a divine glow seeped from them, Demiurge activated a simple mind-reading spell and looked into her mind.

Indeed, Thoth is once again dominating her mind as this power appears.

It seems she has begun worshiping him and much like a cleric, she gains power from this faith. Now how this works Demiurge is not sure, this is a new discovery as it was too weak to be noticeable before, but for some reason, it has grown exponentially stronger yesterday. Becoming so powerful that even the weakest demons felt it flare up, though it's settled down since then.

He has already prepared a report for Lord Ainz with great care, it took him 10 hours to write, review a minimum of 50 times, and peer-review with his most intelligent subordinates an additional 50 times.

...Most of the ten hours were spent perfecting it, the writing alone took a good 30 minutes for a report with over 50 pages.

Either way, Demiurge intended to converse with Thoth about it the second he returned from his mission.

"You can count this as your lucky day. Thoth- or as you probably know him, 'The Blessed Child' shall come to visit you soon." (Demiurge)

Clementine froze in place and her skin continued to heal, she looked up with vigor, her eyes shining brightly.

"TRULY?! I-I'm honored!" (Clementine)

"You should be..." Demiurge considered for a second, "You will also have the pleasure of meeting Lord Ainz, you should serve well for demonstrating these powers of yours." (Demiurge)

Clementine felt nothing toward this Ainz person initially, but when she was still unenlightened, she learned that Lord Ainz was a God, and Thoth his angel.

Within her mind, Thoth was her only lord and savior, but Ainz was certainly placed on a high pedestal too.

"I-I don't know what to say! I'm not deserving of such kindness!" (Clementine)

Demiurge walked out without acknowledging the girl further. His internal clock reminded him that time is money, and Thoth would likely arrive at any moment.

Meanwhile, outside of Nazarick, two large dragons landed on the ground.

Thoth and Aura hopped off as Aura looked at Thoth, her mouth opening up to speak. But she closed it as a few maids walked out of the tomb and bowed slightly before the two of them.

"Sir Thoth, Miss Aura, Lord Ainz demands your presence in his office immediately." (Maid)

Aura stopped herself from clicking her tongue in displeasure. But if Lord Ainz calls, then she would answer with vigor.

Thoth nodded.

"Thank you, please handle the dragon over there" he motioned to the yellow dragon, "I'll take care of Elyos."

He touched the forehead of the dragon as Thoth's and Elyos's eyes glowed, the dragon was then absorbed into his body. Resting until it was called upon again.

Aura and Thoth walked into the Tomb, Thoth could teleport but sadly Aura was not given the ring of Ainz Ooal Gown yet, so she would have to take the long way around. Thoth decided to keep her company so she wouldn't have to go alone, and besides, it's not like meeting the skeleton alone sounds pleasant when summoned out of nowhere like this.

Who knows, maybe Albedo is there ready to execute him or something.

His mind was pulled out of these random scenarios as Aura spoke up while they quickly walked through the catacombs.

"So... Uhm..." She struggled to think of a topic as she looked around.

"Have things been going well with Shalltear?" Aura cringed internally at the question. She wanted him to NOT think about her to get some attention herself! That question just popped out without her realizing it.

"Well... Things are always some way with Shalltear." Thoth chuckled, "But I can say for sure that she is way better off. I noticed she doesn't stuff her chest as much too, which is great to see." (Thoth)

Aura raised an eyebrow, 'So he likes her flat more?'

Thoth, sensing the misunderstanding, quickly spoke up.

"I-I mean that as in it is good to see her growing more confident and all! Her body isn't gonna develop more, so she should get comfortable with who she is you know?" (Thoth)

Aura threw him a suspicious gaze, looking at him with a blank yet judgemental expression.

"Uhuh." (Aura)

Thoth glanced away and cleared his throat.

"Well anyway! How have you been doing recently? I know I've been a bit too busy to chat recently, sorry about that..." (Thoth)

Aura felt fireworks inside her heart and stomach go off as she realized that Thoth hadn't forgotten about her in favor of Shalltear.

She felt her smile grow, but quickly kept it in line as she looked away for a second to control her face.

"W-Well it's okay! We can always talk later, you should be free in a bit right?" (Aura)

Thoth smiled since he did genuinely enjoy hanging out with Aura.

"Sure! I'd love to visit, I just hope your pets haven't died due to a lack of head-pats while I was gone." (Thoth)

Aura pouted.

"I give my pets plenty of attention you know! Hmph!" (Aura)

They laughed as they reached a teleportation circle, it glowed with a blue hue, and they teleported away.

Shalltear put her hand on her mouth as a blush covered her cheeks.

"Thoth is proud of me!!" She squealed excitedly, her voice so high that most people couldn't even hope to hear her.

She lightly jumped up and down in place, her hands squeezed tightly into fists.

"Okay okay! Come on Shalltear! You need to finish this patrol for Lord Ainz! Okay! Okay." She somehow managed to calm down and continued to patrol the floor. Albeit she still giggled sporadically and smiled a whole lot.

Meanwhile, Aura and Thoth continued to chat as they appeared on the tenth floor, from which they walked straight to the throne room.

"-Haha sure you do! Just don't leave all the heavy lifting to me." (Thoth)

*Gasp desu* "Now I will do that just cause you said it~" (Aura)

"Oh no~ I'll have to pet animals all day, whatever will I do~" (Thoth)

Aura rolled her eyes, "You'll pet animals, dumbass," She then gave Thoth a smug smile.

Thoth laughed at the cringy joke, "Sure. But only if I get a pat on the head myself!"

Aura looked at Thoth as he laughed while walking forward and reached out with her hand, gently yet firmly petting him.

Thoth froze up for a second, not expecting that to happen, but he certainly did not mind the contact. Maybe cause he was without it for so long while frozen, he suspected himself to be a little... Touch starved.

After a few very awkward seconds, Aura retracted her hand quickly.

"Sorry! I don't know what came over me!" (Aura)

Her mind was in chaos, she did not intend to do that, she just acted on instinct cause it's what she relies on whenever she does something new!

'WHY DID I DO THAAAT?! (≧﹏ ≦)' (Aura)

Thoth shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, it felt nice. Either way, we are gonna reach our destination soon!" Thoth quickly changed the subject. He could feel the amount of cringe Aura was probably feeling at the moment, and so he decided to spare her of any awkward silence.

Aura absorbed the first comment, but her mind, still frozen from the cringe, did not process it quite yet.

Either way, she jumped at the chance to change the subject.

"Oh right! Time flies huh?" She scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

"Sure does, either way, would you be free next week on Monday? I would love to come over since I plan on asking Lord Ainz for a break that day." (Thoth)

"Huh?" Aura felt confused for a second, "Oh right! Lord Ainz mentioned something about giving us free days and stuff..." Aura kept her previous opinion of thinking it's stupid to herself, cause now she thinks it's the best thing ever!

"Sure! I would love to have you whenever you are free." Aura quickly realized that came out wrong.

"I-I mean that as in I would love for you to visit whenever you are free! N-Not the other thing-" (Aura)

"I know. You aren't a lewd obsessed vampire loli, don't worry about it." Thoth chuckled and Aura awkwardly joined in.

The two of them walked through the tenth floor to the office in which Ainz does his work.

Thoth knocked on the door lightly and a maid opened the door, she then informed Lord Ainz and he allowed them inside.

Within the fairly large and extremely fancy office room could be seen four people.

Demiurge, smiling as Thoth entered the room.

Albedo, standing to the right and a bit to the back of her beloved Ainz.

The maid at the door and hundreds of Eight Edge Assasins who clung to the roof with their metallic ant-like legs.

And lastly, Ainz Ooal Gown, whose eyes glowed an ominous red as he stared at the incoming children.

Thoth kneeled and Aura followed.

"Greetings Lord Ainz!" x2

"You may both stand." (Ainz)

Thoth and Aura stood up, ready to listen.

"Thoth, I'll need you and Demiurge to leave for the next month on an expedition."

"...Excuse me?" (Thoth)



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