
142: Morpheous stance

Valerius had read a lot of stories back on Earth, so he was aware that in Greek mythology, Morpheus had been revered as the chief among the Oneiroi, those enigmatic personifications of dreams who dwelt in the shadowy embrace of night.

As per Greek mythology, Morpheus was the son of Nyx, the goddess of night, and Hypnos, the god of sleep, and his dominion was the realm of dreams.

He crafted, shaped, and steered the dreams of mortals. 

His interactions with mortals, as dictated by Greek mythology, revolved around him appearing in the dreams of mortals in the guise of a friend or loved one with his unparalleled ability to mimic any human form, offering them guidance or delivering warnings.

The thing is, Morpheus was a part of the Greek Mythology that he had read about on Earth, but here in Serphendale, he was the real deal!

'What an important discovery,' Valerius thought, coming to a profound conclusion.