
I became a troublesome hero.

someone abandoned and lifeless, receives an opportunity which he is not sure he wants. In this unknown world, will it become something new? what he does know is that he will have fun. AND IT WILL BE AMAZING! /Hello everyone! I am new to this and I would like to start in this great world. English is not my main language, so I hope you will be lenient and patient with me. Thanks and let's get started! To support me and give me motivation to continue writing. please join my patreon.com/Almus7w7

Almus7w7 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Mysterious man

The weather was quite cold right now, and the dark clouds completely obscured the sky. Sitting on one of the playgrounds in a park near his home was Peter with his cell phone in hand.

"Now, where am I exactly?" Using a map and location app, he was able to see that he was in a place called 'Queens,' a borough of New York City.

"So New York, huh? I never knew almost anything related to the origin of Peter Parker. Although I guess it's a good thing that English was my language in my past life too. I wouldn't know what to do if I suddenly appeared in the body of a Chinese-speaking teenager…"

The next thing Peter investigated was the exact date he was on. Apparently he was in the year 2009, a time that Peter honestly didn't expect. After all, the technology was even superior compared to the same year of the world as him. I guess that was to be expected from a fictional world.

" (sigh) Come on, tell me you have something, blessed phone. With expectation, Peter began to review everything that was inside the phone. Photos, notes, apps… ..and to his relief, if he managed to find anything.

In his gallery there were a few photos that were taken recently. They showed what appeared to be various futuristic-looking installations of some kind of laboratory or something similar.

Seeing this, Peter was able to confirm one of his big doubts "So you were right, the spider bite already happened. Possibly yesterday due to the events of this morning…" Although Peter didn't know much about Spider-Man's history, he didn't live in a cave and clearly knew more or less that the original Peter was bitten by a spider. That way Peter got the powers from him.


Breathing a sigh of relief, Peter was glad to at least have a head start in this confusing situation. After all, he learned throughout his life that having strength would always come in handy in all kinds of situations.

"Hm?" Looking around the rest of the gallery, Peter was able to find some photos of possibly the original Peter Parker. In one of them you could see a weak looking skinny young man being hugged by May and Ben. He was surprised to see the big difference between the Peter of now and that naive and friendly looking boy. However, seeing the boy's smile in the photo and his innocent looks, Peter suddenly had a feeling of sadness and guilt in him. After all, although Peter used to treat everything harshly and realistically in the past, he was not a guy without heart and feelings. Although he knew that the current situation was not his fault, he couldn't help but feel a bit of guilt for that young boy.

With a sad sigh, Peter swore to find the cause of all this without a doubt.

"The next thing then is…Put my powers to the test!" Although Peter's mind was that of an adult, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness at the idea of having super powers as in fiction. Hell, who wouldn't want to be able to swing over the streets and have super strength?

After seeing that there was nothing else useful on the cell phone that could be of help, Peter set out to find a place devoid of people. As he walked he looked at the streets, houses and buildings that were so similar to his world. These felt so close but far at the same time...

Shaking his head with strange thoughts, Peter was walking aimlessly looking for a place without people, when suddenly his instincts alarmed him with a feeling of danger. Across the street, a middle-aged man was looking around suspiciously. His frown plastered on his pale face reflected hostility and bloodlust. Peter, who throughout his life almost never felt fear or fear, was now bathed in cold sweat unable to move. However, his pride prevented him from feeling fear like a coward, and he prepared to take a detailed look at the appearance of this man who put his body so much in danger. His hair was dark and long slicked back, his eyes were totally red and his skin was sickly pale. He was dressed formally and elegantly in a black trench coat adorned with a crimson jewel on his chest.

People evaded frightened by the mere presence of man and fled in fear. The mysterious man remained unconcerned about his surroundings and only kept glancing at each person around him before losing interest.

"Hm? "

Suddenly that Man met Peter's gaze across the street causing him to remain static and nervous.

'This is bad!' thought Peter alarmed.

He knew somehow that if this strange guy found him, it wouldn't be good at all. Unfortunately, no matter what he did, he couldn't find a way out of the situation. He might run, but that only gave him away.

I would and honestly doubted I would be able to escape. He could also just keep walking like any other passerby, but that didn't ensure that the pale man wouldn't continue to take an interest in him.

As Peter's thoughts sprang up searching for a possible solution under the strange man's increasingly serious gaze, a strange feeling of calm and serenity washed over Peter accompanied by a faint rainbow light on his chest, which shone for less than a second before vanishing into nothing...

When this happened, the strange man's look turned into one of confusion before he put his hand to where the jewel was on his chest.

"Weird… I could swear he was right. And now the jewel is marking another place which was not supposed to be in the calculations…" the being murmured with a hoarse and deep voice.

"…I guess it must have been some kind of mix-up. Tch! I really just want to get this over with once and for all and have a nice meal….it's been a while since I last tried one of those, HAHAHA!" With one last glance at that insignificant young man, the man with superhuman speed sped away from the scene under the shocked and fearful gazes of the people.



"Waa! Mom I'm scared!"

Finally that monster left...


"Really…what the hell was that?" Peter murmured with a strange, involuntary calm.

Almost stumbling and with a heavy sigh, Peter wiped the sweat from his forehead. Actually a few moments ago he thought that whatever was happening would be the end of him. However, right at the moment of despair, a sudden calm came over his mind dispersing all kinds of strong emotions.

He really wanted to wonder who that man was and why he gave her such a feeling, so much so that he even put his body's senses into something like extreme alert or similar. More and more strange events happened throughout the day and that made him seriously nervous and lost. But this only strengthened his resolve that he would have to have the necessary strength for whatever was to come, for him not to be in such a pathetic situation again...

However, what he wanted to wonder the most was about the strange and sudden calm that saved him a few moments ago. After all, even he could say that 'it' was what saved and protected him from that being. Since only after calm invaded him, was when the 'being' looked away from him confused and then left there. He had a few ideas, but without evidence he couldn't jump to conclusions.

"(laugh), it seems that… I need to be seriously prepared from just the first day of starting, huh?" With a sarcastic laugh, Peter slung his backpack back onto his shoulder and resumed their little journey, only unlike last time, a more determined look was on his face...


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