
I became a top-tier awakener after listening to 10,000 songs

Anshu Kumar was born with an abnormality due to which his parents sold him to a bunch of gangsters at the age of 4. He grew under their tutelage for 15 years. One day, he discovered that all the members of the gang are 'awakeners', people born with abnormalities just like him. Later, he also found out that there's a whole new world composed of awakeners. What's more was that animals like dogs, cats, lizards, lions, tigers and several other creatures also tend to be awakened as beasts and monsters. Every awakener consisted of abnormalities namely abilities. Anshu registered as a low-tier awakener with his ability 'Melonaniacy' that no one understood. Even he himself had no idea about it. However, during his way back home on one fine night, he stumbled upon an awakened dog and almost died. He then finds out that his life was saved by his phone ringtone. "What the hell? Was I saved by my phone's ringtone?!"

ArtDisk · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

TeenGang - Part 4

Anshu slammed his opponent in a trance. No one was able to see his movement. He stood like a zombie. Everyone was reminded of the event that took place when he was only 4. Waheeda shouted, "Anshu, snap out of it!!!!"

The boy remained dumb. Safar said, "Sigh, we can only force him out of the trance!", and walked forward. His wife got worried, "Honey, what are you doing? Don't go any further!!!!"


The leader walked past the invisible barrier and entered the fighting arena. Anshu's face rose towards him. Without any hesitation, Safar charged to the front and executed a fist strike. Anshu took the punch and fell backwards. He didn't get up. Taking advantage of the moment, Safar leapt towards the youngster in an attempt to stomp his abdomen. The elder succeeded in stomping the young man. He relaxed his muscles for a second. That's when everything went awry.

Anshu made a rapid movement and spawned behind Safar. The gangster failed to respond to the youngster's speed due to which, he ended up taking a knee hit on the nose. Blood spilled out of Safar's nostrils. He wiped off the blood stains. But, Anshu wasn't on the front. He wondered, 'Where is Anshu? I remember taking a hit from his knee to my nose!!'

He then looked behind only to be stuck with a stroke of anxiety. Anshu's face was inches away from his. The latter was followed by the young man pummelling the leader whilst implying agile movements and strength with his fists and kicks. Waheeda sighed and walked forward. One of the women shouted, "Waheeda, what are you doing?!"

Whilst the remaining attempted,

"Hey, don't go!!!"

"Lady boss, please. Don't enter the isolation space!!!"

"Ma'am, it's dangerous!!!!"



Amidst their warnings, she entered the fighting space. Anshu stopped pummelling Safar. He then looked at his Aunt. She stood before him. Anshu looked at her blindfolded. She immediately hugged him and exclaimed with a smile, "Everything's gonna be fine, Anshu. Just go to sleep, my dear kitty!!"

"!!!!", the young man flinched at her exclamation. Events of him spending happy times with all the members of the gang popped up in his head. Soon, tears leaked out of his eyes and he slowly lost his balance, henceforth falling asleep on Waheeda's shoulders. She then gave him a piggyback and took him back to his room. The boy slept soundly.

Later, everyone including the youngsters gathered in one place. Safar and the man named Veer were being given a bandaid. Ria, Amar and the remaining buddies of Anshu stood in a corner. The elders gossiped amongst themselves.

"Can't believe events turned out like this!"

"Boss, you shouldn't have mentioned about the past!"

"Yeah, because of you, all of us became anxious!"

"Anshu must've sensed our fear, henceforth being reminded of his dark past!!"

Safar apologized, "Sorry, guys. I shouldn't have mentioned it!!"

They then mumbled,

"But, how was he able to sense our emotions? He's not a telekinesis-type, right?!"

"Super speed, super strength, amazing senses. And then hyper speed, hyper strength, incredible senses when he was under the trance!!"

"Just, what is his ability?!"


Meanwhile, Ria mumbled, "I don't know what they're talking about!"

Amar replied, "Don't you get it? They hid so many things from us and then finally thought of revealing them. But, the order of events took a wrong turn!"

Beside them was another girl named Preeti. She attempted, "What do you mean?!"

Amar elaborated, "Have you ever wondered? Ever since we were kids, no one was capable of winning against us in any competition. May it be fighting, sports or education. Not to mention our stamina levels. Sometimes, even the teachers failed to control us. Also, don't forget about Anshu pummelling a few delinquents who were 5 years older than him. In Ria's case, she whacked 10 male students during our highschool days. Everyone of us had the gut and capability to accomplish everything. But, never have we wondered why all of us were so highly talented in everything, which is unlike a normal human being!!"

Preeti asked, "Are you telling us we aren't humans?!"

He said, "Based on what happened today, I doubt we are!"

Ria remembered the time when Anshu remained in a daze. She realised, 'So, that's why he was like that all day?!"

Amar then said, "When Aunt Waheeda intimidated us, we all fell on our knees while Anshu remained firm. Moreover, he even began to display abnormalities alongside these elders. Which could only mean, he knew it all and never told us!"

Ria interrupted, "Well, he gave me a hint of what was going to happen tonight. But, I thought he wasn't in his right mind. Now, I realise that it was me and not him!"

Amar responded, "What? He told you?!"

She emphasized, "Even if Anshu were to tell you, I doubt your response would have any difference from mine!"

He became dumbfounded and lowered his head in defeat.


The entire base turned silent. The teenagers looked forward. Every elder was staring at them. The gaze of the elders felt like knives stabbing through hearts in the perspective of the young ones. Safar stared at them for a moment, later sighed and ordered, "Dear young ones, come and have a seat!!"

A few elders got up from the couch. They paved the way for the younger ones to sit. Ria gulped her saliva and took the first step. Preeti tailed her, followed by Amar and the remaining people. After they sat on the couch, the leader began conversing, "According to our plan, we were supposed to surprise you by playing the part of villains. But instead, it was us who were surprised and the villain role got stolen by you-know-who!!"

The kids felt awkward. Ria attempted, "Don't be sad, uncle. The party might not have gone as per your plan. But, the surprise was a success, right? Aunt Waheeda scared us like hell!!"

Safar smiled after hearing her sweet words. He patted her on the head. Waheeda stepped into the scene. Everyone looked at her worried. Rithu ran into the lot along with the kids she was playing with. Every woman took her kid out of the room. She cried out, "Guys, what happened? What was that commotion, earlier?!"

Everyone remained silent. Amar took the chance to reveal, "The surprise party which was planned by you elders got ruined by someone, Aunty!!"

She became angry, "What? Who ruined it?!"

Safar said, "It was me, buddy!!"

Amar attempted, "Uncle, why are you taking the blame for Anshu?!"

He replied, "You people joined the gang a few days after him. Unlike you kids whom we found on the streets, Anshu was sold to us by his own parents!!"

"!!!!", the youngsters shook at Safar's revelation. He continued, "You kids don't know how Anshu suffered. After we took you kids in, he was the one who took care of you most of the time. You too know it, right?!"

Ria nodded. The oldman said, "He didn't want anyone to suffer like him. That's why he always made sure to not let you get hurt!!"

The kids turned silent. Rithu asked, "So, what happened?!"

Safar told her everything. She widened her eyes in shock, "How could you do something like that, Safar?!"

He exclaimed, "I admit my mistake and I am truly sorry for that!!"

She shouted whilst emitting pressure, ""Why would you remind him of his treacherous past?!!!""

"Gasp!!!", Ria, Amar and the others felt chills running down their spine. Safar emphasized, "I'm truly sorry, Rithu!!"

She closed her eyes and calmed down. She then asked, "Where is Anshu?!"

Waheeda answered, "He's resting in his room!!"

She immediately walked towards his room. Ria and the others looked at her worrisome expression. Amar attempted, "What's gotten into her?!"

Waheeda warned him, "Mind your tongue, kid!!"

Amar responded anxiously, "Sorry, aunty!"

Preeti asked, "Aunty, it's my first time seeing Aunt Rithu this worried!!"

Waheeda emphasized, "I might've been a guardian to Anshu. But Rithu was the one who took care of him the most, like an actual mother!!"


Rithu stood before a door and opened it. She then walked inside without turning on the light. Anshu was sleeping on a bed. He was given a bandaid. The woman sat near him and rubbed his forehead. She smiled after looking at him sleep so soundly. Later, she stepped out of the door and closed the door. She then went back to where all the gang members were. Everyone looked at her. She exclaimed, "Ahem, until Anshu recovers completely, no one's allowed to enter his room!!"

Waheeda interrupted, "What about me?!"

Rithu gave a cold response, ""Huh?!""

"...!!", no one responded to her pressured voice. Even Waheeda lost the courage to talk back to her. Rithu said, "If no one has anything to say, then I will go back to the kitchen. Anshu's caught a mild fever. He needs to eat something lightweight!!", and exited the scene. Ria chuckled, "Sometimes, I wonder who's the strongest of all the elders. Whether it's Aunt Waheeda or Aunt Rithu!!"

""Huh?!"", Waheeda emitted her pressure in the same way as Rithu. Amar commented, "Yeah, aunty. Sometimes, I too get the feeling that Aunt Rithu is way scarier than you!"

Waheeda was spellbound. It was the same with everyone. The latter was followed by the lot being pin-drop silent.